Author Topic: loose skin for puffy nipple op..  (Read 3450 times)

Offline sergeantpepper

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I had the op for puffy nipples. Otherwise I'm in great shape. My question is the skin on my nipples now seems a little loose and tends to fold a little. Will this skin tighten up? Has anyone experienced such a thing and had it go away? Thanks.

Offline gyneman

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I had the same problem. My PS excised and lipo my chest area about 7 mths ago. Before I had the surgery, I asked him since we are removing allot of tissue won't there be empty space that needs to be tightened up. My PS told me since I am 32 I should have pretty good skin elasticity. He went on to say the skin will shrink back up. Well , I'm 7 mths postop and the skin is still loose making a fold when I am relaxed. It is not that bad when I am standing up only when I sit is when it folds, probably like yours. It looks like I have gyno again with the loose skin..My PS says I look great and no need for concern, he will not do a revision to excise the extra skin...F#$% him!! I went to another PS and he told me I need to have excision of excess skin, this will tighten things up, according to him..Also, he said if he cheats the areola into a smaller size, I will get more of a flat chest look, which is what we all want..I guess I will be spending another $4000...I just want this overwith in my life..I have been waiting to do this for about 2 years and I'm still living the gynecomastia life...This sucks...Oh well, I 'll let you know what happens...


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