Author Topic: An 18 year-old's Story  (Read 4324 times)

Offline Stratos

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       I'm a guy, 18, with what I believe to be gyne.

       Now I am in university, but my gyne began when I was ~11. Kids in school would always make fun of me, and I feel it made me more depressed an isolated. Being gay didn't help. I gained much weight throughout my early puberty years.

       In high school, I lost much of that weight. I went from 220-170lbs in about a year and a half. I'm about 170 today, but being 5'8, that is still overweight. I'm not sure if my breasts are due to my weight or due to actual tissue growth. Being gay though, I believe it to be the cause of faulty hormones.

       I don't know what to do about the gyne. I've never had anyone, and I'm afraid I never will as it is, I feel, the chief reason I'm ugly at this point. Losing weight is hard to do when you're embaressed about your breasts being seen, and it saddens me immensly to even think about surgery, which true gyne would probably require. It's probably expensive, the paper-thin relationship with my parents would probably break if I brought it up, and I can't affort anything being a college student.

       Living with this any longer would be agonizing, but I don't really see any way around it. Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Offline headheldhigh01

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suggestions are yours for the asking. 

hypo may dispute it, but i think there may be some subtle hormone connection, though being gay is probably an extremely complicated thing with no simple character, it comes in lots of forms, a few people in my family are too.  i'm straight, but i have seen gay people say gyne can be tougher because, with a few exceptions, everybody's different, they felt they were held to tougher physical standards. 

what to do is, realize it won't go away on its own now but be glad that surgery is an option, even though any surgery can be intimidating at first; for most it's a big relief afterwards.  yes it's expensive, but if you're willing to save for a year or two, it would sure beat being stuck with it five, ten, fifteen, fifty years later.  if your parents won't fit into the picture of fixing it, they don't have to, a lot of people have difficulty raising the subject anyway.  it's difficult by nature that you want it fixed during college but that's when you can least afford it, that part you just have to decide for yourself, can/should you spare the time for an extra job to try to come up with 5k or so, or are grades more important for a good job after. 

can't make it go away for you, but anyone here would if they could. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Stratos

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       I knew it was expensive, but $5000? Eh . . .

       It's a lose-lose situation then. A job I could get now wouldn't allow me enough money until I was about out of college to pay for the surgery, and it would be taking nearly all of my income to save. However, if I wait until out of college, I could get it much faster with a job, and I'd have to save a smaller portion of all my checks for it. The issue I have is I can't have it fixed during college, and I was hoping to salvage what was left of my youth. I'll probably end up waiting until I get a real job afterwards.

Offline headheldhigh01

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i don't know how severe your case is, though even the marginal cases are maddening. 

but even though i'm not an accepter, people have said wisely that attitude is all important.  the kind of remarks that would have humiliated me in high school or college would roll off me like nothing, now that years after i found out what this is and understand that it's not some divine curse for being a mass murderer in a past life (at least so far as i know ;))

so even if you can't get rid of it right away, don't let it get to you worse than it has.  flip it the bird and keep moving on unfazed. 

Offline RandomGuy17

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I'm in your situation completely, 17, gay, sure i have gyno, never been with anyone mainly because of my chest. I dont know what to do either, good luck to you mate. Pm me if u wanna chat at all.

Offline ForexFreak

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im not gay or that much over weight ..
but in a way i feel the same way ... i have been with girls but majority are from the internet... cuz i have alot of confidence on the internet ... my reason is because the girls cant see my chest... i can wear a wife beater and they look normal basicaly.. i have a very mild case thank fully ... but ye ...

if your living in Ontario... you can get the surgery for like 1000$ by Dr Feilding.. OhIP covers a lot of it

Offline ForexFreak

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that is possible.. but i just praise the chest and think y cant i have that... your very right though gyne could very well be a gate way to homosexuallity  ???

Offline realist85

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If you took out a loan to pay for surgery, would you be able to make the payments with your college job?

Hey, I'm 21 and getting the surgery in less than a month. I've definetely had fun in my youth, but I still have alot more time left to mess around. It's not like you're getting married in a few years, right?

Offline ForexFreak

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Volatile i think our beliefs about it make us affraid of women, as retarded as it sounds ...
me and u have a simular situation*( both distrubute weight to the lower half)*

and even tho it bothers me cuz i feel like a chick :| .. i have fat legs and a nice almost 6 pac abz then puffy nipples ...
look at it like  this instead :P
IF THEY DONT ACCEPT YOU, its their lost ... cuz your more of a man then any of the others for what you deal with  ;D ;)

i dont know exactly if this makes any sense ... but ye.



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