Author Topic: concave breasts!  (Read 9847 times)

Offline dagama

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I had  a breast reduction about 12 years ago when I was 26.It was successful in that  it flattened my chest,but it reversed the problem and has left me with 2 concave hollows where my breasts were.
Maybe i should be grateful as before I was SO self-conscious and ashamed of my chest,but I just want a normal looking male chest!!!!
No amount of going to the gym and weight training seems to pump them up to a normal appearance.
I really don't think i could face surgery again,nor could I afford to have breast implants.
Anyone have similar experiences and have any suggestions?

Offline jc71

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I know your problem is very real to you but I don't think it's something that a lot of guys can even imagine because their focus is so much on their convex chests that the thought of a concave chest is actually appealing to some. My point is, they've lived their life with so much focus on their boobs, it's damn near impossible for some to think "too much" removal can be anything but a good thing.

Offline rcbrown23

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I'm not sure if this is can help or not...but here goes anyway. I read about a simple "procedure" that involves injecting fat into areas where lipo sucked out too much. I'm not sure if this is a real thing or not, and I can't even remember where I read it, but it may be worth looking into.

Apparently, the take a syringe and suck out fat from another area of your body, usually your butt I think, then it is injected in small "strands" into the area where it's neaded. The article also said that it usually is done on a few seperate occasions before optimal results and the fat sticks to where it's supposed to be.

I don't think it'd be very expensive, or a big deal, so it may be worth looking into. Could be a solution for you...

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I'll do a little research myself and see what I can come up with. :)

Offline rcbrown23

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Here's a quick blurp I found about it...this one seems a little more extensive than the other's :

A gentle liposuction technique is used to obtain the fat from the donor site, usually the abdomen, hips, or thighs. The fat is immediately spun down to remove any excess fluid. The fat is re-implanted into the desired area through a small incision, using a tiny cannula (tube). The incision is barely noticeable after healing. This procedure is done in the office, under local anesthesia. Patients usually return to normal activities in 3-5 days, although swelling can last for several weeks.

Do a google search for "fat transfer" or "fat injection" and it pops up all over the place. Seems like it could fix your problem...

Offline dagama

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Thanks!! will check it out.

Offline jc71

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yep, it's a risk.  a risk i'm willing to take.  i certainly can't say i wasn't fully informed of the potential consequenses of surgery.  it's a highly individualized decision. I personally believe the rewards outweigh the risks, but i understand and respect anyone's decision not to do it.  :)

Offline vaio

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I had  a breast reduction about 12 years ago when I was 26.It was successful in that  it flattened my chest,but it reversed the problem and has left me with 2 concave hollows where my breasts were.
Maybe i should be grateful as before I was SO self-conscious and ashamed of my chest,but I just want a normal looking male chest!!!!
No amount of going to the gym and weight training seems to pump them up to a normal appearance.
I really don't think i could face surgery again,nor could I afford to have breast implants.
Anyone have similar experiences and have any suggestions?

Options depend on the degree of the current deformity, what was done, how you heal and other factors.  I take care of many gynecomastia revision deformities from other doctors' surgery.      Some deformities are so extensive that I know of no way to manage the defect.  For others my extended fat flaps can help with many concave deformities.  Such issues are better discussed during an evaluation.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline aux513s

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I would much rather have what you have then gynecomastia.

As long as you look normal in a T-shirt what's the big deal?

You'll only have to deal with minor embarassment on the rare times you take your shirt off in public.  With the way my gynecomastia is right now, I am slightly ashamed to go out in public at all.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Yeah, a concave chest would be embarrassing also but it is a risk ya gotta take.

Sorry to hear that your chest did not turn out the way you expected. Hopefully you will find a PS that can do that fat injection proceedure.

Best of luck my friend...

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
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Offline jc71

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that fat injection sounds interesting.  I wonder if it's permanent and stays in place or if the fat eventually gets absorbed by the body in some way and you need to repeat the procedure each year.  :-/

Offline Cuttin Headz

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Wow! Fat injection! I wish all of my body fat was injected into a big beach ball of fat thru a 6 inch long wire of skin that I could chop with scissors and never have to bother with cortislim!!

Concave? Never seen that before, but take Dr Bermant's advice and have somebody inject some butter into your chest.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2005, 08:53:36 PM by Bubby_the_Tour_G »
Fatal Flying Guillotine providing free surgery for people with Gynecomastia, just ask Dr. Ti Tu Fat


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Wow! Fat injection! I wish all of my body fat was injected into a big beach ball of fat thru a 6 inch long wire of skin that I could chop with scissors and never have to bother with cortislim!!

Concave? Never seen that before, but take Dr Bermant's advice and have somebody inject some butter into your chest.

Each doctor has tools they prefer for body sculpture to get the results they are able to show.

I do not inject fat into the chest for deformities.  Fat injections means that the fat cells do not have a blood supply and must regain a blood supply.  Tissue transfers without  blood supplies are called grafts.

Fat Grafts into fat tend to die, become firm, and scar badly.  Fat cells grafted into more vascular tissue like muscle can look very strange especially on animation.  The major problem with fat grafting is that it does not work very well and typically looks terrible, especially on animation or movement.

That is why I prefer my Fat Flaps for bringing fat into a crater.  A flap is tissue moved with a blood supply.  Adjacent fat transfered with a blood supply tends to survive, much better than a graft.  When carefully done, fat flaps tend to look like normal fat, feel like normal fat, and move like normal fat.  There are limitations to what fat flaps offer since fat still connected to its blood vessels will move only so far.

I do not use Fat Flap Sculpture on every gynecomastia patient.  For most operations it is much more than what is necessary for good contouring.  Fat Flaps for me are just another tool in my artistic pallet that helps me sculpt the male chest during my Dynamic Technique, where I let what I find during surgery help guide what needs to be done for that individual patient.  What elements I pick from this collection can vary from patient to patient, and sometimes even from side to side.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline Cuttin Headz

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Hmm... never thought of fat dying. I would love for all my fat to die!! 8) 8)

You mean you pull fat from the area above the chest and the stomach and pull them over, and not grab a liposuction canulla and take fat from the stomach area, and inject it into the chest? Does it look like a normal chest afterwards?


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