Author Topic: One side healing quicker but....  (Read 2325 times)

Offline Estie1

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Hey guys I have second follow up tomorrow, my surgery was only 5 days ago. I understand it's normal to have the sides heal at different rates but it feels to me like the left side is quite a bit ahead (this was also the side the had less taken out). On the left the bruising is turning yellow and showing signs of fading away. On the right I have noticed the pain has subsided quite a bit over the past couple days but the area is still quite red and almost hard. If I put my finger on it the area will turn white much like a sunburn does. It's a little more swollen than the left but nothing crazy so I am doubting that it is fluid that needs to be drained. Anyone else have this?

Offline ajgdhd

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I am 4 days post op now and have similiar problem as you.  My left side is healking faster and right side is noticibly more puffy and bigger than the left.  From what I here there is a good chance this will even out in time.  It would be nice to hear some stories of the sides evening out over time, but the majority of the posts are of problems.

Offline outertrial

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Thats because people mostly post about problems. If no one had any problems the internet would be a much smaller place.  :P

Offline gyneman

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Give it at least 3 mths, that will be your final outcome. Not much changes after that. I needed to get more sucked out in a second operation, which I had to pay for anesthesia cost..another $1000...The PS should pay for that shit since they are the ones that F'ed it up!!


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