Author Topic: Local or General Anesthesia  (Read 9263 times)

Offline Hux

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Well.. I just finished up with my consultation today and I got a total of how much the surgery will cost..

with Local Anesthesia it would only cost 3,200 dollars..
with General Anesthesia it would cost an extra 1,750 making it a total 4,950 dollars..

My question to you guys is..

Has anyone here done Local Anesthesia? I know that you're actually awake for the entire procedure but all drugged up and kinda out of it?
Please let me know how the experience went.

Also what do you guys think would be best?

Offline outertrial

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Gosh those surgeries are so cheap in America arent they. $3200 is about what people on the uk board are paying to go and have it done in Poland. Id go with the general if you can, they just zonk you out and when you wake up its all over and you dont have to contribute anything in the preceding 2 hours. Quality.

Offline Hux

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Gosh those surgeries are so cheap in America arent they. $3200 is about what people on the uk board are paying to go and have it done in Poland. Id go with the general if you can, they just zonk you out and when you wake up its all over and you dont have to contribute anything in the preceding 2 hours. Quality.

yea but it's almost 2000 dollars extra which is a lot..

Offline Gone

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I hear that ur about 50% thier, but after it you forget the whole experience but remember some shit, I also hear that when ur under local sometimes you feel the pain towards the end and end up screaming in pain, but u forget you were and the docs dont remind you...

Sorry to say this, but that is a truck load of bull cr*p. Or at least that won't happen in any civilized country with a proper health care.

I was well awake in local anesthesia and I remember everything clearly. I was chatting with the assistand doctor at the same time as the surgeon did his magics. Only pain I felt was, when the surgeon poked with the liposuction tube to the border of the anesthetic area. And it was really minor pain.

So if you don't have a bad case of gynecomastia and the surgery can be done in the local anesthesia. Save the money and go for it!

Here's a part from my experience from another thread:
"I had my surgery (excision and lipo) done in local anesthesia. Saved a bit more than 1000 euros there, so it was well worth it.

I was laying on the surgery table. First they gave me some pre-medicine by injection to my palm's vein, so that I'd feel more relaxed. Then the surgeon injected many times this anesthetic to my breastes. It hurted like hell! I can't lie... It hurts a lot. BUT, I think everyone of us can tolerate couple of minutes of pain after all the mental suffering we've gone through?

So after the anesthetic and couple doses of some relaxing medicine I was more than ready for the operation. The liposuction tube felt kind of unpleasent, but it only hurted a little bit when he poked the border of the anesthetic area. Other than that, I didn't feel anything unpleasent or anything else at all. I was chatting with the assistant doctor about football (the REAL football) and such at the same time as the surgeon was cutting my boobs off.

So: don't be afraid of the local anesthesia. At least if the staff are competent, there shouldn't be any problems. And about the injection pain: be prepared for the pain, accept it, be tough and I think it won't hurt as much as you thought. At least that's how I felt."

Offline tittyman1111

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local is eaxctly that....LOCAL.

you get some painful shots around the nipple. then ur done...the rest is a breeze. u chill and they slice u up.
your completely conscious because it is LOCAL. DUH.

Ive had it done 3 times now.

Offline bigtymer11235

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I don't know what everyone is talking about but my experience was completely different.  I had local anesthesia, w/sedation/ w pain medication.  I also had lipo.  All I can say is for me the pain was almost unbearable.  I had to squeeze the nurses hand a number of times and told the doctor to up the pain meds.  The worst part is when they elevate your skin to get the canula to suck out the breast tissue.  I suppose if your case is more fat then I could imagine how the pain would be less.  But I had a lot of fibrous/gland tissue and the doctor had to poke through it with the canula, and for me the pain was very very bad.  If i had to do it over again I would do general and pay more.  This is my experience.

Offline Gone

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I don't know what everyone is talking about but my experience was completely different.  I had local anesthesia, w/sedation/ w pain medication.  I also had lipo.  All I can say is for me the pain was almost unbearable.  I had to squeeze the nurses hand a number of times and told the doctor to up the pain meds.  The worst part is when they elevate your skin to get the canula to suck out the breast tissue.  I suppose if your case is more fat then I could imagine how the pain would be less.  But I had a lot of fibrous/gland tissue and the doctor had to poke through it with the canula, and for me the pain was very very bad.  If i had to do it over again I would do general and pay more.  This is my experience.

Where on Earth these kind of things happen?? There must be really incompetent personnel working.

Offline bigtymer11235

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Unfortunatly in NYC

Offline reaper33

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how does local anesthesia with sedation work?

Offline gabbyhey

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I can't believe that general anesthetic is that much more expensive.  My bill for the anesthesiologist was like 600 bucks.  They never gave me the option of local, but I'm glad I went with the general.

Offline Gone

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how does local anesthesia with sedation work?

At least for me, they injected it to my palm's vein. The purpose was to make me more relaxed and ease the pain of the anesthesia injection. Well, the anesthetic injection still hurted hell of a lot. But it's only physical pain, who cares...

Offline xxxxxxxxxx

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Well, my surgery was in total $ 4800 covered completely by insurrence.

I did local anasthetic.

The needle hurts a bit but the most annoying part is that it's a weird feeling when it's injected.
I felt them cutting into the flesh but did not feel pain. Sometimes when they hit the muscle tissue underneath it would hurt, a quick burning feeling.

I was 100% aware, during the surgery I could at any moment stand up and walk away without a problem.They even told me I could watch but i politely declined.

Surgery is the easy part, now that I am recovering is annoying as hell, no long hot showers with water running over you fully.I am cheered up by the thing i'll be getting back though. ;D

« Last Edit: April 21, 2007, 07:18:46 PM by xxxxxxxxxx »

Offline Gone

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Um, I should say he works WITH ME under general anesthesia. I hope he'll be completely conscious.  ;D

That was hilarious. :D Had a good laugh, thanks!

Offline outertrial

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