Author Topic: Weight loss  (Read 3253 times)

Offline bfg2000

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Lots of people on this board, so I must get inspiration from someone!

I need to lose my last 1.5 stone of excess flubber, but my weight has remained stable for the last year regardless of what I do. Running has helped me lose a damn lot, but I need to so something else.

So looking at diet, what suggestions do guys have? Any typical day eating plans?
I eat well to start with, little fat/chocolate, no booze, hardly any junk food.


Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
before and after surgery it is very important to stick to a healthy diet.
also take up extra excercise but dont overdo it :)
I find that i really need to be strict to get the weight off.
Also book a holkiday and use that holiday as a diety deadline.

In the morning at 7am
i have a bowl of shredded wheat with skimmed milk and artificial sweetner.
for lunch at 1pm
i have a banana custard muller light yoghurt and a sliced banana and a slim a soup
for tea at
i have a different meal every day sometimes a stir fry sometimes pasta and sometimes a chip butty

im steadily dropping between  1-3 pounds a week

ive come down from 16 stone 9
to 15 stone in just 2 months
and im still sticking at it so i can be super slim for my holidays in august

works well for me :)
good luck with the diet
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline bfg2000

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sh*t man, thats hardly anything, and I thought I was being good!
I have to feel satisfied when I eat - not stuffing or eating junk, just a good portion.

I think I eat less than 2,000 cals per day, which should be around 1lb per week, but it aint. We;ll see. Have to get into more intense running again.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
youll be surprised how well you can get used to taking in less calories at lunch time
and how long you can go with a good branm based cerial in the morning :)
once those 2 have been sorted the rest is easy :)

Offline man-chest-r

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I am doing weightwatcherpoints. Seems to be giving me 1-2 lbs a week loss, and a really really wide choice of what to eat. Would recommend it. I am doing it online, no clubs or little britain weigh ins.


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