Author Topic: Can you tell w/o surgery if what you have is really gland tissue and not fat?  (Read 1636 times)

Offline Fat-Elvis

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Can you really tell this?  Can a doctor tell without cutting open and looking inside?  Or is it basically guesswork, based on hormone tests and the fact that you got titties that shouldn't be there?

Also I have another question.  I hear a lot about "puffy nipples".  Is this in any way different from average gynecomastia, or just another way to say gyno, or what?  Can you have spread-out gyne without puffy nipples, and vice versa?  I've read about guys using sprays that supposedly reduce nipple that stuff real?

Offline mmaman

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My gyno felt like hard tissue. I am under the impression that a doctor can tell if it's gland or fat. Gland is harder. Though I went to a doctor and he told me I had no breast tissue, even though I did.

I would consider my case as puffy nips because I wasn't fat, just had gland tissue pushing out at the areole. I've also seen puffy nips where the actual nipple (not the areola) stuck out. I think it is less rare though. Some people are overweight in addition to having excess glandular tissue. They are probably less likely to use the term puffy nips because the whole breast would be puffy. Some people are just overweight with no excess glandular tissue.

Never heard of the spray.

Offline Fat-Elvis

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The sprays I've heard about pretty much only on bodybuilding boards.  Mostly guys who've been juicing up and need to control their itty bitty titty growth.

Also, you said a doctor told you that you had no gland tissue even though you did.  Do you mean that you actually confirmed later on that you do have breast tissue, or you're just assuming he was wrong?

Offline mmaman

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I never understood exactly what gynecomastia was until I found this site. For how much it bothered me I don't remember researching it when I was younger. I had asked a few doctors about it and they just brushed it aside, one felt me and said he didn't feel any breast tissue.
I knew that I had large glands (mammary I think) after educating myself about it, I had surgery, where it was cut out and liposuction was used to contour the empty space. If you're skinny and your nipples still protrude and you can feel stuff that's harder than fat, then it is breast tissue.
So many doctors, even Plastic Surgeons who perform gynecomastia don't truly understand the condition. They try to fix it with liposuction, which doesn't suck out your gland.


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