Author Topic: Picture update and revision question  (Read 5572 times)

Offline subuwrx

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A little overview for those who dont recognize me:

I am 9 weeks post op. I am ALOT more comfortable in T-shirts. I still think that if you look from my sides my chest sticks out a little to much but it doesnt bother me to much.

As for my shirt off...I am EXTREAMLY uncomfortable with it still. To me it looks like the unilateralness is worse than it was pre-op.

I really love lifting weights and have always wanted to do a show but have never been able to because of the gyno. I eventually stoped working out and lost alot of muscle because the gyno was looking so much worse with bulky muscle. Aside from being still so uncomfortable with my shirt off aroudn friends, my chest doesnt look like it could ever be in competition shape..I still see some gyno.

I could be completly delusional but it seems to me that my chest sags more than it use to in the last couple weeks.

I just wanna hear some peoples inputs on where on my chest they still see a problem and wheather or not you guys think a revision is worth it?

Its starting to look like ill be going to iraq VERY soon so unless that changes id have to get it done when i get back.

My picture album is here:


9 weeks post-op w/o shirt:

9 weeks post-op with shirt:

Another question:

I noticed that my nipples have gotten a little bigger than they use to be 4 weeks post op. Not puffy at all but a little bigger. When I massage the scar tissue and such the nipple shrinks up again. Is this normal?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 11:46:39 PM by subuwrx »

Offline gynebob3

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Your chest looks perfectly normal now.. I see nothing wrong with it, it seems to be proportional to the rest of your body....
In my opinion you must be crazy thinking about revision at 9 weeks, it will probably take a year for everything to settle down :) You probably still have scar tissue behind your areola, I still have it at 6 months (especially behind the incisions).
I dont think a surgeon in his right mind would operate on you again, Ive never seen a pre-op case that looks like your post-op.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2007, 05:23:43 PM by gynebob3 »

Offline tenncast

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I think you look fine....I just took my vest off and was a little shocked...I have a lot of loose long did you wear the vest...?

Offline gyneman

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The vest should only be worn for maximum 8 weeks. I wore mine for about 1 1/2 mths. The loose skin will only retract back so far. I had to go for a donut procedure as a revision. After all the tissue and gland was removed, I was left with loose skin. If you post op more than a few mths, your skin will not retract anymore. Laying out in the sun might help a bit. The sun will tighten your skin up some!!

Offline subuwrx

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I am 9 weeks post op and still where my vest ONLY to that bad?

Today my mom commented saying that my chest looks like it had gotten bigger. I worked my chest out the other day and am not sure if it is due to that. Regardless I personally thoguht it has also gotten bigger. Is 9 weeks to soon for it to grow back?

Offline subuwrx

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Here is an easier way to compare my 9 week post op to my 47 day post op. Please let me know what you guys think. This whole ordeal has been so stressful and depressing. Im at the point where I dont know wheather its mind games or whats going on. I look back at my 47 day pictures and think it looked so amazing, I dont know what went wrong..

47 day-
9 weeks-

Side 1
47 day-
9 week-

Side 2
47 day-
9 weeks-

Angle 1
47 day-
9 weeks-

Angle 2
47 day-
9 weeks-

Im losing all is my chest possibly already getting bigger. This is the most depressing thing ever. Even though it hasnt gotten substantially bigger it has gotten bigger...i dont get it.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2007, 11:48:29 PM by subuwrx »

Offline outertrial

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I cant see a lot of different in those pics dude. It has a gone out a slight amount but that is inevitable after surgery as the tissues recover. You look fine to me.

Offline subuwrx

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I looked real hard & think I *might* see a little left.

Then I checked your pre-op pic & lost my lunch. "Losing all hope" WTF

Lost your lunch? What do u mean?

Offline subuwrx

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Oh no I completly think that there is a HUGE differnece, and I agree that the doctor did a Class A job. If I could do it over again I would still go to the same exact doctor. Dr. Bermant is awesome and I owe him many thanks.

However I think that I could undergo a revision to get it to be just the way I want it.

When I said "losing all hope" I meant if it is infact growing back. My mom the other day looked shocked and told me that they got bigger and she thinks they are growing back. That was depressing and if infact they are growing back then yea im losing all hope. The next day(yesterday) she said that they looked back to normal and must have been swollen the day before from working out or something.

Offline Mikecosta

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get back to lifting weights , do ALOT of cardio do get your body fat % down. The rest is chub not gyn so get to it!

Offline subuwrx

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Yea, Im leaving for Camp lejeune in less than 2 weeks and will be doing some hardcore training so im prob gonna end up losing alota weight again(lost 20 lbs last summer but gained it all back). I may be going to iraq not to long after that training so im gonna be lookin like a twig in the near future, hopefully my chest will evenly and smoothly lose the weight!

Offline subuwrx

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Yeah, I can understand that. I don't think they can grow back if the gland is gone & your hormones are OK (also no steroids). In the pics I don't see any new growth, it's just not happening. There may be some residual swelling, you are not even 2 months out, & also this is the time hard lumps form if not massaged. What you want to do over the next 4-6 months is diet & workout to get chiseled up. At the 6 month post-op check w/ your doc if a revision is advisable. I would guess not, but it's still early, nevertheless I would have to say at this point at least, you have a damn good result.

When you say lumps for do you mean under the nipple or elsewear?

Towards the outside of each breast(to the left of the nipple on my left side and right of my nipple on the right side) i feel like a little ballon and when I poke it, it comes out somewhere else(like if u pushed in on a balloon) I was worried that that is just breast tissue and not fat.

My recovery was amazing as I never took pain medicine and had pretty much NO bruises and minimal swelling so I am not worried that it is anything bad.

Offline subuwrx

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Hmm..havnt heard of this before.


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