Author Topic: Questions about puffy nipple surgery  (Read 7220 times)

Offline Chaves

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Hello, everybody... I'm from Brazil and I'm a old user of boards(not this kind off)...  :)

I'v looked at this area threads, but some questions of mine didn't got a answer... Let me explain...

I DO have puffed nipples, i'm sure about that and that I have to remove them. I work out every day, have a great body, but my nipples are bothering me.... Visiting the site I'v noticed so many nipples surgery, and I got more stimulated to do it, because of the great results in the photos...

1st question: If i got the puffy nipple surgery, will ALL the gland be removed? I'm asking that because i'll do some steroid use, and a gyno could appear, if the gland wasn't fully removed.

2nd question: How long do I have to stay without doing a chest exercise? My puffy nipples aren't so big, more like this patient:
According to these photos, 9 days after surgery the guy's nipples are perfect! Can I get back to my work out routine in 10 days? That would be excellent!

Thx for the atention!  ;D


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Hello, everybody... I'm from Brazil and I'm a old user of boards(not this kind off)...  :)

I'v looked at this area threads, but some questions of mine didn't got a answer... Let me explain...

I DO have puffed nipples, i'm sure about that and that I have to remove them. I work out every day, have a great body, but my nipples are bothering me.... Visiting the site I'v noticed so many nipples surgery, and I got more stimulated to do it, because of the great results in the photos...

1st question: If i got the puffy nipple surgery, will ALL the gland be removed? I'm asking that because i'll do some steroid use, and a gyno could appear, if the gland wasn't fully removed.

I prefer to target the gland first with my Dynamic Technique. This permits me to remove most of the gland and then sculpt the remaining tissue to minimize contour problems.  Any surgery technique, even radical breast mastectomy for male breast cancer can leave gland behind.  The problem is that there are fine fingers of gland that dissect between fingers of fat and can extend quite far into the chest.

You can see what I mean by fingers of gland here.

By concentrating on the gland first I am able to minimize the chance of breast regrowth.  It is very rare for my patients to have recurrence.  With my techniques and red flag before surgery evaluation system, I have only a few patients over the many years I have been doing surgery that I know have regrown.  However, gynecomastia surgery does not stop breast regrowth.  For patients having breast growth, I have advised for many years that they should get their problem under control before surgery.  There are exceptions, such as young men with massive breasts that have not stopped growing.  That is why each case needs to be individually evaluated. 

Prevention of gynecomastia, when possible, is much better.

I take care of many patients with gynecomastia, as many as 8 in one day alone.  With all the gynecomastia surgery I have done, it is very rare to have regrowth for patients I have sculpted.  One patient (who had surgery on only side by another doctor) came to me with pro hormone induced gynecomastia that only came back on the side that had no surgery.  His growth was massive on the one side and none on the other.  His surgery by that other doctor had left a massive crater - the skin was adherent against the chest wall with normal fat surrounding the ugly deformity.  One side looked like the deformity seen here.  The other side was almost a B cup breast so tender that I could barely examine it.  As with each patient who presented to me with current breast growth, he was referred for an endocrinology evaluation and stabilization before considering surgery.  I do not know if such radical surgery was a factor or not.   Even if it did, removing all fat under the skin just gives an unnatural look.

2nd question: How long do I have to stay without doing a chest exercise? My puffy nipples aren't so big, more like this patient:
According to these photos, 9 days after surgery the guy's nipples are perfect! Can I get back to my work out routine in 10 days? That would be excellent!

Thx for the atention!  ;D

Recovery and return to activity after surgery depends on the original problem, what was done, skill of your surgeon, after care, how you heal, what you need to do at work, and other factors. Many of my patients return to light duties the day after the operation.  However, look how much swelling / bruising my technique delivers.  More surgical injury and swelling usually slows recovery.

Comfort after surgery also depends on many factors.  Although I give each of my patients a prescription for strong oral medication, most take mainly just plain Tylenol after my sculpture.  You cannot work effectively when uncomfortable or while taking significant pain medication.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline Chaves

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Thank you, Doctor Bermant, for answering my questions...

I'd like to ask you a little more, if possible!

I'v not researched the Doctors here in my city, yet, but I saw a different king of surgery, that two, instead of one, incision are done... There is a explanation for this? Its another technique?

See a picture of what I'm talking about:

(So... If this is another kind of surgey, I think its better to find a Doctor wich makes only one incision...)

Lets make a supposition... My gyno it's very like this one here:

If you were asked how many days/weeks the post-operation resting should be, what whoud you say? How many time for this guy(that would be me) come back to working-out at a gym?

Finally: what kind of doctors should I look for? I'v done a mamography exam last year, should I find only a Plastic?

Thx for the helping.

Offline ddaavviiddd

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the small patch is  where the drains were

Offline kyle67

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Mine are also very similar to the most recent picture.  So I would like to know the continuing questions answered.

Offline Chaves

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