Author Topic: TO SCHEDULE SURGERY OR NOT TO?? :/  (Read 2885 times)

Offline Pete123

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I have suffered from puffy nipples as long as i can remember! I am 22, i work out every day and have built my body as best i can. However, my nipples refuse to look better! Out of curiosity i went to a surgeon at kaiser and they had informed me that my insurance will COVER THE SURGERY! however, the surgeon has warned me of something called tethering or not getting the results im hoping for. Also, the MAJORITY of reviews are read on this forum talk about how pufiness comes back and how sometimes they wear a compression vest for months without getting the result they want. I am so confused on whether i should go through with this or not!



Offline timbo68

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Pete, I just had surgery two days ago.  I had both puffy nipples and developed breasts.  The PS did a donut lift in addition to lypo and gland removal.  I, too, am concerned about the puffiness coming back.  However, even with the swelling, I can see a dramatic improvement in the actual chest area...very smooth.

Before surgery, I dedicated myself to not only weight loss (45 years old and down to 215 for surgery), but did massive amounts of push ups and flys to develop my pecs.  The steristrips haven't come off yet, so I can't see the nipple, although I can say I have NO feeling in one of them.  That somewhat concerns me.

Offline Pete123

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Hey timbo!
I'm sorry I didn't see this post until now! I hope your surgery went well and I hope you're getting the results you desired. I have exercise my chest my whole life and suffer only from puffy nipples that obviously seem to ever go away. My only fear is how I would recover after surgery. But how have your results come along??


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Pete, you recover from the surgery just like any other, with time! The hard part is taking it easy and not doing things you want to do when you feel like your feel good enough to do them! In this type of surgery you may need to wear a compression vest, it may make you feel very uncomfortable, but in the end it is good for you so you need to do it for a better result.

So doing things you need to do, and not doing things your not suppose to do are the keys to recovery in any surgery.

Offline kaka0077

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I had my surgery done 3 weeks ago and from the first day results were UNBELIEVABLE. For the first time ever I look great, my confidence is up ,I can finally start living my life , all thanks to surgeon who knew what he was doing. I suffered from puffy nipples ,I was never fat, infact I was skinny so when my doctor said he would do excision along with liposuction I had some doubts. He did liposuction before and after taking out the glands . I was sent home with compression garment which I have worn intesively for a week . Then I took it off and continued wearing compression dressing only because it felt right. As I said before , I am currently in week 3 , dont have to wear compression dressing whole time now , I will take it off in a week or so. I definitely recommend getting a surgery , thats the only option as I found out on the hard way. Scars are barely seen even this early . I do have some concerns about it puffying again as I hear on this site, but if you ask me there is no reason for it to come back because everything was taken out .

Good luck to everyone out there who have this problem .


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