- 2. Poll: Post-Op Recovery Time...
- 3. Poll: Compression Vest... Duration?
- 4. Age of Onset
- 5. Nipple(s) sensation
- 6. Endocrinologist Evaluation
- 7. Smokers/Non smokers...
- 9. Gynecomastia and your Fingers
- 10. Decreased SKIN Sensation?
- 11. MOVED: Does Your Girlfriend/Wife Like Your Gyne?
- 12. Salt and salty food consumption ?!?
- 13. general anaesthesia vs IV sedation?
- 14. How do you make a poll?
- 15. Post-surgery recovery time
- 16. Depression anyone?
- 17. Did you stimulate your nipples during adolescence?
- 18. Please suggest best surgeon in india
- 19. Turn down a better job to get rid of gyne?
- 20. Best surgery procedure for this gynecomastia
- 21. Interesting Observation
- 22. 24 hrs post op
- 23. 1
- 24. bra vs vest
- 25. Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life -
- 26. Diethyl stilboetrol connection with gynecomastia
- 27. How is it Fair (Transgeder surgery)
- 28. gynecomastia and soymilk?
- 29. Dominate Handedness and Gynecomastia
- 30. Swimming options
- 31. Bigger than Spouse
- 32. Telling people about your surgery...
- 33. The cause
- 34. Bad bras on your wife or girlfriend
- 35. If you wear a bra, how does your wife feel about it?
- 36. bras
- 37. Sexual Harrassment
- 38. Post removed by the user!
- 39. Do you care if your bras straps show?
- 40. Does your wife or girlfriend wear a proper fitting bra?
- 41. Are your children supportive?
- 42. Did you notice a change in your head hair with breasts growth?
- 43. How many of y'all have told extended family?
- 44. What is your favorite bra?
- 45. Did your parents harass you about a feminine figure?
- 46. Going out 'gender neutral'?
- 47. Your most painful nipple story?
- 48. When did you finally 'accept' your gyno?
- 49. Warmer weather means less clothes.
- 50. Do your female friends help you with clothing choices?
- 51. How many bras are in your collection?
- 52. Do you shop across the aisle?
- 53. How old were you when you got your diagnosis of Gyno
- 54. Your favorite bra type?
- 55. At what age did you start wearing a bra/try on a bra for the first time?
- 56. What size bra do you wear?
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A place for surveys of the members
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