Author Topic: how to tell friends about surgery  (Read 7979 times)

Offline ThisSucks15

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hey guys,
thanks to this website i am getting rid of my gyne. i just had the puffy nipples but im pumped for my surgery at the end of the month. Im still in highschool so im going to be missing school, hockey, Exam :S and other stuff. i was just wondering what would be a good excuse for my absence. i was thinking of telling them the truth, but kinda nervous.

Offline tapingthemdown

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Here's a good excuse to give nosy people: Tell them you bruised your ribs (fell down) and the doctor/ER gave you a brace to minimize the swelling. Easiest excuse to keep people from wondering and easiest excuse as to why you cannot lift anything heavy. 

Congratulations & Good Luck with your surgery!

Offline theprodikalson

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yesterday my lady friend went to give me a hug and i have the vest on and this bind tingey for extra compression.

Since the pain has been more like i had a heavy workout i told her i hurt my back and was compressing it to feel better..
worked for me...

I eventually told her.. now i dont hear the end of it with jokes about my "nipple surgery"  >:(
Peace and Love

Offline ThisSucks15

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haha exactly, thats what im worried about. but a bruised rib is a good one, ill just say i ate it snowboarding.( which isnt really a lie lol)

Offline ThisSucks15

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thanks for the help guys, surgery one week from now. pretty excited. Kinda ironic though, as soon as i decided a cracked rib as my excuse for the compression vest. the next day i got cross checked in the ribs at hockey and i think its broken lol

Offline 34andReady

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I just made my first post regarding my consultation tomorrow, but this thread caught my eye...

Once the day comes, I don't plan on telling ANYONE that I don't have to.  My wife obviously knows what I'm doing and is fully supportive.  But aside from her, I plan to just make up little excuses as needed.

I hoping that I only need a day or 2 off from work.  And I'll just use vacation time and assume that there won't be anything noticable when I come back.  I'm in a shirt and tie every day, so I don't imagine anyone will look close enough to notice any kind of garment.  I suppose I could even go with a sweater to top things off for a few days.

But even my closest friends and family, I am planning on saying nothing.  My mother would be pretty upset if she finds out that I had a surgical procedure without telling her, but oh well.  Perhaps I may make something up for her and dad....similar to what others have said... 'I need to have a minor repair on my shoulder or something that's been bothering me before golf season.'

Offline pike09

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I'm going in for surgery tomorrow.  I'm 26 and the only person who knows now and who will hopefully ever know is my mother.  She has been very supportive and has always been there for me.  My piece of advice is not to tell anyone you don't trust with 101%.  I don't plan on telling anyone.  I'm taking the day off work, calling in sick and that's that.  I scheduled my surgery during the week as well so I'm not put down on the weekend, especially for the superbowl.  I have a lot of close friends and my brother however, even though they would be understanding, words spreads eventually, especially in a smaller city.
Excision Feb. 2 2010
26 155lbs <5%
On recovery... massage

Offline ThisSucks15

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I know exactly what you mean man. I'm scared that if I tell one person, through word of mouth everyone will think I got a breast job or something stupid like that. But I'm going to have lot of people asking why I missed an exam and why I can't participate in the first two weeks of gym. I'm going with just a medical appointment for the exam then I'm going to say I slightly cracked a rib snowboarding. Hopefully this works!!!

Offline pike09

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Well it's done!  I used the 12 hour flu as my excuse which was pretty hysterical when I came back into work this morning.  Everyone was leaning away from me like I had some kinda unknown sickness.  I assued them they would be fine.  Kinda gives me an excuse for slow movements and "feeling achey" too.

Offline ThisSucks15

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Glad it worked!!
 So far only a couple people know that I had surgery( science teacher leaked it on exam day ) but other then that every thing went smoothly. Everyone thinks I wiped out snowboarding :p.

Offline theprodikalson

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im 3 weeks post now... can't wait to go snowboarding again! I think im healed pretty well and thinking of going presidents day!

Offline ThisSucks15

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O man I can't wait to shred, I'm 5 days post op and just saw my new nips for the first time today:s. My doc said after three weeks I'm good to do whatever I want, I'm going snowboarding for that whole day!

Offline 34andReady

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O man I can't wait to shred, I'm 5 days post op and just saw my new nips for the first time today:s. My doc said after three weeks I'm good to do whatever I want, I'm going snowboarding for that whole day!

That's great to hear!  My annual Myrtle Beach golf trip is 4.5 weeks post-op and I plan to play as well as ever (and not worry about how my shirt looks when the wind blows)!  I had asked the doctor to give me an honest opinion as to whether or not I'd be ready to play golf 4.5 weeks later.  He said, barring any unforseen set-backs, and if I take it very easy before then, I should be good to go without worries.

- 34

Offline pike09

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I'm only 22hrs post op.  I still have some healing time to acquire but it feels so good to know I'm heading down the path of recovery!  There is no pain whatsoever even though I just had an excision done to remove the glands, no lipo needed.  I'm hoping to get back to my routine in about two weeks and possibley the gym in 4w.

Offline thetodd

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Never tell friends no matter how close they are about the surgery, no secret is ever secret its as simple as that. Who hasnt said when there drunk to one of their mates

"yeah, you cant tell anyone but ...."

My advice is to only tell close family members who are going to keep it secret and will help you with recovery. No-one needs to know about your surgery and i havent told my current girlfriend about it either she doesnt need to know at the end of the day. Only people who know are my Mum and Dad, and my auntie! I dodged my mates by saying i was having a wisdom tooth extracted and i got a three week sick note from my doc saying

"Three week recovery after surgery"

Your PS will write one up, but i got my GP to do it. Work asked no questions mates asked no questions
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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