Author Topic: Think I have Gyne and THINKING about surgery!  (Read 2196 times)

Offline ThinkingAboutIt

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Hi guys, First off all can i just say this place is great, very informative!!!

Anyway a little about me, im 24, always been pretty active and enjoy lifting weights, in hope of that beach bod lol well I have always had weight that fluctuates as a ive grown up but seems to have stablised now, im 5 ft 7 11 stone. I used to  be a chubby kid but seem to finally have got to a decnt shape! bla bla bla... Anyway Ive noticed since my teens ive always had big nipples and a "moob" type chest, ive always hated it! ive tried everything just thinking i was unlucky, ive got down to a skinny weight, tried smashing the gym with chest (which Only seems to make it more noticble!!!)

Im so glad I have found this place so I can Tlak to to people! Like i say I think i have it but could do with some opinions....

Il post some pics...
(i Duno how??/ any help lol)

Im currently considering surgery as the whole thing makes me self concious about myself and surger does seem a good option providing they do an excellent job!

Ive stumbled acrross the surgeons Levick and Karadis that seem to be pretty infamous, n if i were to have anything done like that i would definatly want it doin in the UK.

some opinions of my chest and surgery would be great as Ive only just found out about gyne!

thanks guys!

Offline ThinkingAboutIt

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Offline crossfit99

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First off, welcome buddy! Your story sunds very similar to mine.

I just had surgery on thurs the 8th so I am recovering, but so far happy I actually did it! It's nerve racking as hell, but ya gotta keep your eye on the prize. You lift weights and train to look good, but are still self conscience, that sucks's the same boat I was in. If you are in a place financially that enables you to get the surgery I'd definitely do it.

Where are you from?

Ps there is a sticky on how to post pics

Offline crossfit99

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Edit: thats a mild case from what I can see brotha, I think surgery would have you looking like a stud!

Offline ThinkingAboutIt

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Thanks for the reply man! Im almost certain I have it, is yours about the same case as myn? Im from the U.K near the midlands, which seems handy for Dr levick. Where are You from mate?

Like I said earlier I am only just getting used to Gyne, didnt know what it was til the other week and this place is great! I thought i was stuck with them for life lol TBH surgery for most thinhgs i would never even contemplate becuase im worried about risks etc but for this im reallt considering it! I can get the money together within a couple of months.

You honestly think surgery would make a noticble difference to what Ive already got, or am i just running a risk as it is a mild case?

cheers man!

Offline crossfit99

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Thanks for the reply man! Im almost certain I have it, is yours about the same case as myn? Im from the U.K near the midlands, which seems handy for Dr levick. Where are You from mate?

Like I said earlier I am only just getting used to Gyne, didnt know what it was til the other week and this place is great! I thought i was stuck with them for life lol TBH surgery for most thinhgs i would never even contemplate becuase im worried about risks etc but for this im reallt considering it! I can get the money together within a couple of months.

You honestly think surgery would make a noticble difference to what Ive already got, or am i just running a risk as it is a mild case?

cheers man!

Very good! I am in the states. If you go down a few sections you'll see the 'UK' section which seems very active, so I'd look there for surgeon referrals.

I'd say you have it much less than I. However if this is something that really bugs you and/or holds you back from doing things, like going to the pool, beach etc etc. Then I'd definitely give it a good hard look.

Complications aren't all too common with gene surgery from what ive read. If you stick to your post op instructions and take it nce and easy you should be ok. The actual surgery was what was really nerve racking to me as I had never been under general anestesia, but it was a breeze.


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