Author Topic: Consultation with Levick  (Read 4334 times)

Offline paul786

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Hi Guys I have finally raised the money needed for my gyne op and have a consultation with Levick on the 22nd

Just wondering what to expect?

will I have to do any blood tests or anything?

one more thing is any blood tests included in the price?

Was originally getting the op done via the NHS but they messed me about for months, I lost trust in the consultant as a result so ended up scrimping and saving for the past year or so to get it done privately.

Offline ian89

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No blood test needed. He'll just examine you and determine if surgery is actually needed, then show you some photos of his surgery techniques etc and answer any questions or concerns you might have.

Brilliant man, he'll put you at ease straight away.

Offline Donut

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Expect to meet one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet in your life... you won't be disappointed!

Congrats on saving up - I know just how hard that is - took me nearly 3 years! - now I'm 3 months post-op and would gladly have paid any price.

Offline paul786

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That's good to hear.

My case is bad enough for the NHS to offer to do it so it will be interesting to
see if what they have said and Levick says differ

They have said that I would need skin removal too and they said that would do
a donut type thing.

seen some on the internet that have been done like this and they look great but then
I have seen others that I would actually be devastated with.

LOL the more I look the more nervous I get lol

Offline Donut

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Well I don't think you'll find many people who have been dissatisfied with Mr Levick's work, not just with gyne ops, but with his other specialities too - certainly I couldn't find any during my extensive research on which surgeon to choose. His results are consistently the best, and importantly the level of care at the hospital and after care could not possibly be any higher in my experience/opinion... and I don't think you'll find many/any people who have been under his knife that would disagree with that either.

I remember during my research seeing some pretty horrific butchery jobs done by the NHS (and some of the "big" private health companies).  In some of those cases either Mr Levick or Dr. Karidis had then done their best to sort out the mess that was left for the poor guys concerned.  Enough to put anyone off surgery that isn't life-saving.  It didn't take me long to decide that if I was going to have gyne surgery, it would ONLY be with the very best surgeon I could find, regardless of where they were, or the cost... and that eventually led me to choose between Levick and Karidis, who both have countless excellent results, but Mr Levick's technique of not making any cuts to the chest won me over as I didn't want the additional (even if small) risk of being left with visible scars or an infected wound or something on my chest. The two tiny incisions in my armpits have almost completely faded now, and are in a 'natural skin crease' such that no-one would notice now anyway unless I pointed them out.  I think in another 3 months they won't be visible at all unless I was to really search for them.

I'm certain you will get the best possible result in your circumstances by going with Mr Levick. Hope you post lots of before and after pics - they're a real help for everyone else who comes along after you, as no doubt other peoples pics and blogs have been to you and I. They also remind you how far you've come during the inevitable roller-coaster ride of recovery! Look forward to following your progress!

Offline Squire

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Hi Paul,
I was told by another surgeon that I'd probably need skin removal or would have loose skin. I was also told that his approach would look like a donut in its approach. I'm happy to confirm that Mr Levick's approach worked fine with me from the arm pit only and there is no loose skin in site, have a look at the photos on my thread. Go see him and he'll show you some photos of what he can achieve.

Offline paul786

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Yeah i had a look he did an awesome job on you.

if mine turns out like that I would be over the moon and its only gonna get better
over time after its totally healed.

will see what he says on Tuesday.

Can't wait to get this sorted no matter how he has to do it.

Offline paul786

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Seen Mr Levick today

Op booked for the May 14th  ;D

He said I might have to have a revision operation in a few months because
he said I am border line to needing skin removal but we will have to
see how my skin reacts to my Burger removal first as it might be fine.

either way I am happy with what he has said at least he hasn't gone right in and started chopping skin off that might nor be even needed

NHS was going to just hack away with a Donut cut.

Offline Samispeed

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Mr levicks a genius
You'll be fine!

Offline NorthernPhysique

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Seen Mr Levick today

Op booked for the May 14th  ;D

He said I might have to have a revision operation in a few months because
he said I am border line to needing skin removal but we will have to
see how my skin reacts to my Burger removal first as it might be fine.

either way I am happy with what he has said at least he hasn't gone right in and started chopping skin off that might nor be even needed

NHS was going to just hack away with a Donut cut.

That's great to hear. So will you have to pay for two operations?

Offline paul786

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No, if I need the second one (hope not) its free because its a revision.

Offline Donut

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Seems like a much more sensible approach. Skin can often shrink a lot more than you'd ever think possible from what I've seen... Your before and after photos will be particularly interesting I think - so hope you take plenty!!

Offline paul786

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Had it done today.. Levick said my burgers are one of the biggest he, s done this year they was very hard too.... Lol he's calling them burgers too now lol

Will update when I get home.

Mr Levick is such a nice guy I am happy I came here...... Also thanks for your advice fellas.

Offline Donut

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time soon flies by... my op was four months ago tomorrow!

Just stick to the program with the compression etc. and think T-shirts!

Offline Swils29

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Congratulations Paul786. Welcome to the other side.

I was in your shoes 1 week ago and now back at work feeling fit and healthy. I would say really enjoy your time off, relax and every day feels better than the last.

It's definitely weird when you get a look at your new chest...but fantastic at the same time! Worth every penny in my opinion!

Hope your recovery goes well mate!


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