Author Topic: Financing surgery - Options?  (Read 1746 times)

Offline 30psi

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Hi guys I'm looking at getting surgery with Dr Vijh and was wondering if there are options to pay for it or if it' all upfront. 

If anyone knows it'd be greatly appreciated 


Offline Getthejobdone

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Don't know if you are post op or not. My advice would be to have good health insurance and ask your surgeon to write a letter on your behalf. That's what mine did. It went back over a few times until they were satisfied with the 'wording'. Don't know what he really said, but whatever it was, it resulted in me only having to pay a small excess for my hospital stay. I was delighted. Win win for me and surgeon. Might be an option you'd like to consider if you are not able to set up a payment plan.

Good luck whatever's you decide.

Offline wakenbake123

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Google BMi card for finance


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