Author Topic: Post surgery - Benito  (Read 16353 times)

Offline Jim1985

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I just got back to the UK from surgery with Dr. Benito. So far, really happy with the results, even though it has only been 3 days since the op.

What kind of massaging did people use? I have read something about 'lymphatic massage'. Has anyone tried that? Any other tips for general post-op?

Also, did anyone take anything like Arnica or other health supplements to help with bruising and swelling?


« Last Edit: August 20, 2008, 06:25:41 AM by Jim1985 »
Surgery 2nd April with Dr. Benito.

Offline Blue2

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James, congrats on your surgery!

I am not too sure about the massaging and I have asked the same question and still non the wiser TBH. I have just been generally massaging the whole of the chest area whilst in the shower with nice warm water and shower gell. I have certainly concentrated on the area just under the armpit and worked my way down to the nipple are with nice slow circular motions with moderate pressure. Generally I have been spending about 3-4 mins per side each day and started doing this approx 7-10 days post op. The chest area was much too tender to do anything like this any earlier but you may be different.  ;D

I was given arnica tablets to take for 3 weeks post op and also bought some arnica cream which I have been putting on twice a day. My bruising has pretty much all gone now with just a faint yellow tinge in the centre of the chest.

I hope your recovery goes well and remember, don't panic if things start to look a bit iffy in the next few weeks. As has been found by a lot of people on here, your results can start to take a turn for the worse looks wise before they start to get better, it's just the nature of the beast I am afraid. The key is not to panic and just take it easy. You may also get some stiffening in the chest area and lumpiness (I have had all this already!) but this is all part of the healing process and perfectly normal. I was told that 3 months would give a good indication of my final results.

Happy recovery!!!!  :D

P.S. How much did the surgery cost you?  ::)
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline mwalker74

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Any pics surgery soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline april24th2007

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dude.. tell us about yr whole experience with this surgery..
preferbly from how long ago you made the appointment..

Offline Jim1985

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The surgery with Dr. Benito was £2700. That includes consultation, but you have to sort out your own flight to Spain, but they pick you up from the airport and drop you off.

Thought the whole thing, from start to finish with Dr. Benito was really professional. He doesn't mince his words at all, so consultation, emails and everything is short, direct and to the point.

The hospital in Barcelona is really modern. As for the surgery, I am really happy with the results (only 4 days post surgery), but I know that the worst part of the healing is the next months or two. You have to spend 2 nights in the the hospital so they can keep an eye on you before you fly home. Dr. Benito didn't use dissolving stiches on me, so I've got to get the GP to remove them (or see him when he's in London for consultations). He uses inscisions under the armpit (and the edge of the nipple if needed), to minimise visible scars. Afterwards, you've to wear a compression vest for a month. Not too bad, a  bit annoying.

I am feeling pretty comfortable, not a lot of pain or swelling yet. I have started massaging a little, but not too much pressure. Will look into the arnica gel and tablets (Cheers, blue2).

I will sort out pics this week coming and if you've any questions, just ask.

Offline Jim1985

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Forgot to mention there. Dr. Benito fits you with a compression vest, inc. in the cost.

Offline another_case

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I too had surgery with Benito back in February, I have now developed quite a lot of scar tissue which is perfectly normal but it all depends on how severe your case was, mine was grade 2 apparently and I had quite a lot of gland under the nipples. It's interesting that you say Benito incised under the armpit, my incisions were about an inch below the nipples and slightly to the side, very small anyway. It must depend on each individual case I suppose. Dr. Benito generally says about 6 months after surgery you should have healed completely be patient and hope it all goes well. I'm very pleased with everything, he's very professional as you say.

Offline april24th2007

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thanks..  and where is barca is the clinic.  could you walk around for those 2 days in the hospital.  how far is it from the airport and do they pick you up?

Offline PaulSW

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The clinic is at the football stadium end of diagonal (it is too far to walk to the stadium in my opinion but if you were fit?)

You can walk around the hospital but are not supposed to leave. I did and in fact spent a day in Barcelona on the bus tour (highly reccomended).

Movies and TV are included but only the movies were in English just order the movies and Dr Benito pays for them.
Surgery DEC 07 Dr Benito
Revision March 09 Dr Benito
Injection for scar tissue March 2011 Dr Levick

Pictures -

Offline april24th2007

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and how far from airport and how do you get to & back from clininc to airport.

is there anything else around besides the football stadium?  Super market, shops, fast food?

is the clinic big?  many other patients?

irish lad

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april.. i was in barcelona once before.. theirs another staduim worth taking a look at its called the olympic staduim i think.. and its well worth it to get the tour of the nou camp.. and also if your into it, its a city with a lot of history full of old cathedrals and churches etc i found this boring :D.. and i think you can still hagle down prices on clothes could be wrong... i dont know if these are near the clinic.. just taught it might help as i too am going to get it done by benito i have my consultation 25th of april..

cheers again james with your help best of luck recovering..

Offline Jim1985

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April, it's a hospital rather than a clinic. It's a beast of a building, but ultra modern. You should have your own room with ensuite. The hospital is only about 20 mins from the airport by the taxi they send for you.

The hospital is on the edge of the city centre. I can't remember there being that many supermarkets nearby, but there is a main street with shops, cafes and restaurants. You're only about 5 mins walk from the metro, then about 15/20 mins metro ride to the Ramblas.

Offline mwalker74

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I am hoping to have surgery first week in June and would like to lose a bot of weight first. Dont have time for gym so anyone have any suggestions????

Offline PaulSW

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The bus tour stops at the stadium!

If you leave the clinic/hospital and turn left to the top of the street you are on diagonal.
Just turn left and there are restaurants a coffee shop and various little shops.
Further down (5 min walk) and there is a big shopping center but no supermarket that I saw
Barcelona is worth seeing

Offline Jim1985

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I am hoping to have surgery first week in June and would like to lose a bot of weight first. Dont have time for gym so anyone have any suggestions????

If you're wanting to loose weight without the gym (which is pretty tough), try substituting food. You'll eat about the same weight of food regardless of what it is. So, swap say chips for jacket potato, or fruit instead of crisps and the like. It's difficult, but staying off the booze is a good move too.


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