Author Topic: Surgery with Mr Levick 9th April - NEW PICS ADDED  (Read 9383 times)

Offline Samispeed

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Looks amazing! Can't wait for mine on Friday. Looking forward to see the progress bud!

Offline Squidge

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Cheers guys, still getting my head around having a flat chest! It's so weird that there's been such a huge change in such a short space of time...obviously that's what surgery does, it's just weird when the chest you've known for years has changed literally over night!  My nipple and central chest area is completely numb today, and the lumps from the 'over hang' swelling have gone quite hard.  Otherwise my mobility is much better now and haven't taken any pain killers for a few days.  Although I think I might've slept with my binder a bit tight last night as my lower back area is a bit painful, feels almost like my kidneys are being squashed or something!

For guys further ahead than me, when did you start massaging the area?  When the vest is off, or before? 

Offline Squire

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I'm just starting now at 3.5 weeks. Couple of minutes, twice daily.

Offline Donut

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Can't remember when I started, but I found a few minutes did nothing at all, whereas 30-60 mins had an effect. I do in watching telly, time goes and it's not a chore then!

Offline NorthernPhysique

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I've also done some quick Before & After shots, just because when I was looking through other people's posts it was a bit annoying having to scroll back through the previous pages to find the Before photos to compare the post-op pics!  Also, for me to see the huge comparative difference is a really good motivator and completely validates (not that I really needed it) that it was absolutely the right decision to have the surgery.  If I was a bit more organised/forward thinking, I would've thought about the angle of the photo while taking the Before pics so that I could line up the After pics alongside them...but I'm just not that organised!!  So here's Before & After, 7 days after the surgery:

This must be one of the best before-to-after transformations.

Congratulations, you must be thrilled!

Offline Squidge

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Cheers Northern!  To be honest I'm still adjusting to the fact it's my chest, but yea, I'm really chuffed with the results (so far!).  I think I've had realistic-low expectations throughout, and am still reminding myself not to get complacent as things might get worse before they get better.  I took my compression vest off at 4 weeks (on Wednesday) during the day and it felt really strange to wear a shirt to work, with nothing underneath!  As others have said, the vest has also given me a much better posture, but also I know I don't need to hunch over any more so am able to stand up with my shoulders straight for first time in years!  I'll upload a few pics now, also with a before&after in a t shirt.  I'm planning to wear a t shirt this weekend (without a compression vest) for the first time in about 15 years!

Offline Squidge

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Offline Squidge

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Pics at 5 weeks (this Wednesday):

Offline Squidge

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T-Shirt before & after (just showing off!!)

Offline Donut

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ah, the simple joys of being able to wear a t-shirt... great isn't it?  ;D

Offline Squidge

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Yea, wearing a t-shirt is great!  I've been wearing a lot more casual clothes since the surgery - I used to 'over dress' for everything, mainly because formal shirts are better structured at hiding gyno than polos (my old enemy) and casual shirts.  I'd also sometimes wear blazers just because I could get away with not taking them off in doors!  But now I mainly wear smart polos to work and t shirts at any opportunity - It's so much more relaxing.  Just booked a holiday for next month (cleared with Mr Levick first), so am really looking forward to going to the beach and lounging by the pool and not constantly worrying about my chest..or having to tweak my nipples before getting up!  I'm also planning to go swimming this week, will take it really easy as am only 8 weeks post-op though

Offline Squidge

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Hi guys, been a while since I've posted on here - been busy with seemingly a completely new life!  Since my op I've started a totally new job and been socialising a lot more, and generally not thinking too much about recovery etc.  I've also been on 2 beach holidays and had my top off at any opportunity!!  It's been 5 months since my op now, mobility is probably 90% back to what it was (still careful when stretching up to get something from a high shelf though), and I've been swimming (fairly) regularly.  I've been massaging in the shower every day and things seem to be evening out now - I went on holiday last week with people who didn't know I had an op and I don't think they were able to tell which was a relief.  Generally really pleased with the results, and would definitely recommend Mr Levick to anyone looking at surgeons for this procedure.

Offline freedom1987

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Your chest looks perfect now, hopefully mine will turn out similar :P

Offline Donut

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