Author Topic: Finally Ending 15 years of Gyne!!!! Tomorrow with Delgado!!!!!!  (Read 6868 times)

Offline Pacifico

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Guys it feels weird, but I am sitting at the Best Western in Novato this evening and just got off the phone with the man himself.  I am scheduled at 7:10am in the morning.  I will be Dr. Delgado's last gyne patient of 2008!!!  I am on the verge of breaking through to the other side and finally put an end the day to day torment once and for all!!!

I have taken pre-op pictures and will post them along with post ops as soon as the bruising subsides.  I have documented everything and hope I can soon be an advocate for Delgado like so many of his previous patients.  I have done a ton of reasearch and would fly anywhere to get the best results.  I narrowed the field down to a few doctors and chose Delgado for many reasons, those I will discuss after I see my results.

I am thankfull to all the guys on this site who have contributed as they have been heavily influential in my decision to get the op and find the right doctor.

Thanks and less than 12 hours from freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS:  If anybody has questions about Delgado or anything I will be glad to help.  I will make a much more detailed posting after the surgery! (1-3 months after)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2009, 11:47:55 PM by Pacifico »

Offline Aperture

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Good luck! Hope this makes a great start for 2009!

Offline MSJ108

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How'd it go? I heard many good things about Delgado. Keep us posted!

Offline Pacifico

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Guys I will keep you posted with much detail in the future for my Gyne Brethren.   I can't tell you how well it went until I see my "somewhat" final result!  I will give a very detailed posting with all the days events and what to expect.  My take on Delgado.  My take on Gaynor (gas man)  What everybody means when they say he is "cool" (Gaynor).  My take on his staff, facility, my two consults with Bermant and my feelings on him.  In short I hope to provide a lot of info just as you guys have done for me!!!  I will attempt to break down personalities of the aforementoned and seperate them from their professional persona's  I have gathered lots of info today about everybody as well as my pre-op  research (5 years on and off), I also had a consult with a different doc 14 years ago (and thank god I did not have the balls to get it done then, by him)  I will tell you about that doc too!!!!  At any rate I will tend to my Ice Packs and thank you guys for all your support.  Bambu and Merle "as they say in California"  "a special shot out to you both!"

Pacifico may have just entered the other side!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

Offline Pacifico

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Thanks for asking c17!

Just got the drains out today!  Let me say drains are no fun!  Once they were out I felt like a new person, it was amazing how you feel without drains!!!  I have seen my chest and I still know better not to judge the result at this time (but let me just say, at this point I have no cause for concern)  Pain has been minimal and brusing is very minimal (Delgado was very happy with how I was healing)  I think ice has had a lot to do with it, even though he said I did not need it, it felt great when my chest cooled off.  I will go into great detail about the whole process as soon I feel I can see what I think is close to a final result.  I hope I can write a very very positive review, but time will tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for asking!!

Offline dondante

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Great to hear from you - I've been peeking back at your post to see if you've made any updates and I'm really happy for you that so far the process has gone quite smoothly. My day is fast approaching (the 7th) and I've got to say I'm more stressed about the procedure itself than the outcome at this point. Keep us posted, I've been reading with great interest  :)


Offline Pacifico

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I am sure you did your research and found a good doc, so don't sweat that part!  Yes it is scarry being in that operating room thinking wtf am I doing, but they you remember all of those things you said no to, all those shirts you did not buy because the side profile showed too much, the dreading of hot weather (when you should be dancing with joy), the constant cover up tricks and all the other day to day things that a few hours and a good doctor's craftmanship can put an end to!  Really all you will remember is waking up and surgery being over.  PS:  If you have any questions feel free to ask!  Freedom is just around the corner for you and I am happy for you!

Offline dondante

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Believe me, when I start to freak out about the surgery I just think about my motivation for doing it and it far overides my fear. Thanks for the encouraging words, though!

Have you had a chance to have a good look at yourself yet? I wonder what kind of of mindf*** that's going to be to luck at myself in the mirror and see a different body in front of me  :).

Offline Pacifico

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I can tell you it is wierd to look at your chest for the first time.  It is not a mind f###, it is a sense of joy (assuming things don't change drastically when my final result appears).  I could not believe what I saw.  I threw my vest back on quick as I did not want to promote any swelling, but let me tell you it felt good knowing I may be able to do things I have always longed to do, buy I felt my g and let my g hold me back!  On the tracks of freedom!!!

Offline Dave_8

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congrats on the surgery man! Summer is going to be like heaven for you. Damn, can't wait till I have surgery.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline cafit

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Congratulations on the surgery! Still saving up for mine. Delgado is my choice for my "New Beginning". I can not wait until I am released from this prison they call "Gyne". I would not wish this on my worst enemy.

So how goes it so far? How are you feeling? 

If you do not mind, may I ask what the cost of you procedure was? As I have said, I am still saving up for mine (very anxious).

Hope your healing well.

Take care.

Offline Pacifico

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So far so good!  A little swelling but that is to be expected.  After 7 days I really feel I am back to normal, minus the tight compression vest.  And yes you must wear it tight unless you like swelling!  Pain has been minimal.  Overall recovery seems to be going quite well.  In about 2 weeks I will feel comfortable putting a set of before and after pictures with my initial assessement of my experience.  My surgery was 8,000.00 yes expensive, but I don't like taking risks with my body so I will try to go with the best around.  Please feel free to ask any questions.  I choose not to save and used VISA!  Thanks VISA and good credit!

Offline dondante

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Offline Pacifico

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Ahhh yes, my friend the swelling!  For the first few days (drains in) my chest was flat like so many others, but now 14 days have gone by and I do have some swelling--more so in my left chest.  No fun, but that is part of the process so thank god for this site or I might be scared.  I saw Delgado and as soon as I took my vest off he said looks like you have some swelling, he said should take a month or so for it to dissipate.  But he noted that it really depends on how active you are.  He said if you go back to being active (trips to mall, walking a lot ect..) swelling would last longer and may get worse before it gets better.  In short expect to swell afterwards it is natural.  If you ever sprained an ankle or had a black eye, do you still have that swelling?  That should be your answer.

Dondante, how about you?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 03:21:49 AM by Pacifico »


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