Author Topic: 28 and not sure what to make of this  (Read 2546 times)

Offline clutchrider

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Hello all,
     I am a 28 year old who has been noticing more and more my right chest.  My left looks normal but my right gets puffy.  It goes away at different times on its own, but when I do have it, I notice that when I rub the area, it goes back to looking normal like my left one.  I have attached a few pictures for you to see.  I am no expert, but there is nothing really fatty behind it like hard tissue or anything similar.  I am wondering if working out the chest area through push ups and other workout routines involving the arms and chest would help to tighten this up or if a doctor's visit is entirely necessary.  I have coverage so going to a doctor is not something I am against.  Just figured I would check in here first for a few ideas.  I read up on this gynecomastia and guessed it wouldn't hurt to check out.  Any information is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Offline nj1035

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When did you first notice this?  It's definitely something to see the doctor about if it's recent.  If it's been there a while and hasn't grown in a year or more it's up to you whether you want to live with it or get rid of it.  It will most likely require surgery.

Hope this helps

Offline wolfman

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u have some gland under your nip thats why its puffu, if u feel bad about it u shoul have the surgery.

Good luck Henrik
i finally feel like im a man

Offline koopa

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hey buddy, mine is pretty much identical to yours. My right nip is a little more pronounced than my left and when i do a triceps flex with both arms i can see a fold appear like a crease under my right nip round under the armpit.
Like you i have low body fat and good muscle tone so it annoys me. I spoke to my gf about it and she (being a sweetheart) said she didnt see any problem at all and it was all in my head.

Bottom line, its a little bit of gland that will only go away permanently if you have it removed. I would suggest working out a little more and find bulking up hides it better than cutting bodyfat. Ive started putting a little cash aside so hopefully by next year if i still cant live with it ill just get it removed. Bear in mind its nowhere near as bad as 90% of other sufferers and im sure noone else would give it a second look.  ;)

Offline clutchrider

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Thanks for all the help and info so far everyone.  I never was really concious about it, I showed it to my gf recently and she didn't think much of it and said I looked fine.  She had to give it a close inspection to really notice and asked if I wanted to see a doctor.  Not much of a help to see one if they recommend surgery since I most likely will not go that route.  I will see what working out does as far as helping to hide it a bit too.

I noticed it before but not as much.  A year or so ago I was told to put a hot towel on it because they thought it was a cyst.  I did so and it went away for awhile, there is no pain and I tried the hot towel again but it did nothing.  It goes away on its own and sometimes I rub it and it goes away for a little while.


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