Author Topic: Do I have Gyne or am I just out of shape?  (Read 3672 times)

Offline tallguy88

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Hey everyone, I'm a 24 year old guy who definitely has an enlarged chest. My chest has been fairly large since I can remember so I'm wondering if it's gyno or if it's something to do with how I'm built.

I'm very tall (6'7") and weigh very little considering my height (175 pounds). I've really just started working out and I'm seeing some improvement in my stomach but my chest is still giving me concern.

I'll attach a picture, which doesn't have the greatest quality sorry. I met a girl recently and I'm trying to get in as best shape as possible before I have to take my shirt off.

Thanks so much for your help and let me know if you need any more info.


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You are not out of shape as far as I can see! You may have gynecomastia as do many men however, it is not the end of the world, and any fine lady will not mind at all!

That being said, you can get it removed with surgery if you choose to.

Good luck with what ever you decide, you have found the right place to be!

Bob aka Hammer

Offline tallguy88

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Here is an even worse side shot, but maybe it will help out with seeing what people think.

@hammer ... I appreciate the fact you don't think I'm out of shape but I definitely am. I'm also a bit perplexed as to how I can be so tall, weigh relatively little and have such a flabby mid-section. But that's a different problem for a different time.


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Here is an even worse side shot, but maybe it will help out with seeing what people think.

@hammer ... I appreciate the fact you don't think I'm out of shape but I definitely am. I'm also a bit perplexed as to how I can be so tall, weigh relatively little and have such a flabby mid-section. But that's a different problem for a different time.
I hate to to tell you this, but I have 30 years on you and I once didn't have a hug mid-section and not as tall as you, only six foot, but I could pickup the back end of a pickup truck! Unless you do the right work out you may keep that mid section and yours could get bigger. I lost all my stength and got fat due to poor Heath, diabetes the main problem.

The good news is gynecomastia will not hurt your health at all, as that is just fat, breast tissue and skin.


Offline Dave92

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Build some muscle and you'll like great. Wear a compression vest if your conscious of looks

Offline rasputin

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@hammer ... I appreciate the fact you don't think I'm out of shape but I definitely am. I'm also a bit perplexed as to how I can be so tall, weigh relatively little and have such a flabby mid-section. But that's a different problem for a different time.

I'm amazed you think that you have a flabby midsection. You are more in shape than a good majority of the population.

You appear to have mild gyne in the first picture but not something to care about unless it is affecting you psychologically.
My Trip Report (Preop & Postop pics).

Offline siphon

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your first picture clearly shows breast growth. sorry to be the one who points it out, but you're fit everywhere else but that shadow you have under your nipples indicates gland/fat.

that said, packing on some muscle in your shoulders and arms will help. keep that healthy path! and dont be too self-conscious with the girl, they care wayyy less than we think!


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