Author Topic: Man boobs  (Read 7173 times)

Offline roar

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damn..i need to find the money to remove these boobs.I cnt be earing bra's?no much do you thnk the surgery will cost on average?


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$3,000-10,000 depending where you go, but I wouldn't let the price be the deciding factor on who I go to, I would let the experience of the surgeon be the deciding factor!

I don't where you live but if you look around this forum there are guys that are from all over the world that can direct you to good surgeons to help you get rid of them.

Good luck Roar!

Offline roar

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ok,but if im to wear a bra,what do yu think my bra size would be?


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That is hard enough to figure out for our own bra, let alone try to do someone by a picture!

My wife helps me, and my doctor told me to have her set up a professional fitting and go with to get a better fitting for all day comfort. I assume that you do not have a girl friend to help so I with give you the basic measuring tips to help figure the size so you can order on line if you want to give it a try. I like the just my size front closure so the hooks are in front less show in back that way and they also have fitting info on the web site too!

Measure around under the breast, then on top of them (this is best with a good support bra on) but being you don't have one you will have to do without. The size around under the breast is the band size, say 40" the other size you add the amount to it. Mine is almost 6 inches so I get a DD, but you will need to get the size that the manufacture says. Example if you are 3" more maybe it would be a "C" depending on type of bra.

Hope this helps! Remember, a bra is for supporting breast and it doesn't matter if they are on a man or woman!


Offline roar

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Well,i went and talked to a doctor.He said that because im 17,they have a chance to go(he said i should wait until atleast 20 as i am still in the stages of puberty).He further added that they were not all that bad(however,people on here seem to disagree with that) what do you think?a second opinion necessary?


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Roar, I would post that question on ask a doctor. It really all depends on how long you have had them. The longer the less  chance that they will go away, and the bigger they are I would guess the same would be true.

It is hard to see exactly how big they are because the pictures are dark, and that makes it hard to judge. I also didn't know your age, howevere the last picture did look good enough for me to see that you had breast and if you have had them more then two years I would get a second opinion.

Most doctors seem to like to tell you to just wait, they will go away, and for some younger teens that is true! As I said it comes down to time and size. If you get a second opinion I do serve you well to go to someone with gynecomastia experience.  You should be able to fine someone in your area if you just ask or google it, or for that matter you may all ready know if you have looked around here on the forum at all.

Good luck my young friend,


Offline roar

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Well,here are some(hopefully better) additonal pics...i actually went to another doc over the weekend and he seemed to think the same thing(that they're not that big and they(considering my age) are still likely to go)) what do you think?are they 'not that big' and they 'will go'?or should i just start saving up now??I value your opinion because you seem to be knwing more than the doctors in my country(perhaps because my supposed condition is as rare as they come here) so i hope im not being tooo much of a bother


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Roar, your not a bother, we are here to support each other! I do not know more then the doctors, but I have a few questions for you to answer then hopefully the doctors here on the forum will also jump in and help out.

These are much better pictures! As far as how big are they for someone your age? I don't have an answer for that, but I would think that they are kinda big as for someone your age! To compare to someone my age and size they are probably smaller. The thing is size doesn't matter in the end, what matters is how you are effected by the breast! For me it is no issue, but for others it is a big problem. Where do you stand is what is important right now.

Now my questions and this will help the doctors here. I'm not sure of all the questions needed but I know of a few, as I said I hope that one of our fine forum docs will jump in here.

Your 17, right?
How long have you had them?
Have you always been about the weight that you are now or have you ever been real heavy and lost a lot of weight?
What country do you live in?
Did the doctors you see have experience with gyne?
Any thing else you can add that you think will help, just add it.


Offline roar

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Yes im 17,turning 18 in a few months.I have had them for about 4 years now.Yes,i used to be extremely heavy(infact i lost weight about 2 years ago..before that i was very big).I currently live in Uganda and i honestly feel as though its unlikely that my surgery can be performed here( doubt there are any gyno doctors in Uganda,hell even Africa)...Well,the doctors i talked to were not experienced in the gyno but they told me they had seen alot of cases like mine before and that they would go.Infact,one of the docs was telling me how with massive exercise,the boobs will not become noticable..well,the disease does affect me becuase i nolonger even go swimming(which i used to love but now dread).Well,one other thing is that when i was younger,one by breasts had alot of passe(or something like that) coming out and my mum used a knife to cut off a bit of the breast(the right one)..which is why of you look,its smaller than the left one....well,the docs seem to be convinced that surgery is NOT the option,so im confused

Offline jay adams

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Wow! You're mom cut off part of your chest? I know how ya feel about swimming and stuff. Anything is possible in this life. I know traveling abroad seems so far away but it's not. would be real cool if a gyne surgeon would be able to help with payments or anything to make your life the way you want it.

Never forget anything is possible if you want it bad enough. Sometimes we want things so bad they become realities.

Good luck roar


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As Jay said "wow, your mom cut part off part of your chest?"

Roar, you will need to have surgery my young friend! As Jay also said if you want something bad enough you can make it happen! Start saving your money, every bit of what you can make and get somewhere that can take can of you properly!

Good luck and God bless!



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