Author Topic: What do you think of my chest then ?  (Read 7502 times)

Offline bliss9k

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I know what you mean about becoming paranoid about your cheat from timeto time. I went through periods of acceptance back to periods of "I have to get rid of these things!" it was during the last freakout that I scheduled my surgery :) I was on a date and I had a drunk neighbor tell me it looked like I had upside down rock wall climbing grips on my chest. Ha! I'm glad I went through with it though. I'm currently 3 days post op and hoping for the best. That being said, if I would have had your chest I would never have considered surgery, but to each their own. Good luck to you.

Offline Gynosaur

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Yea, the whole workout thing seems to be a point of disagreement, depending on people's personal opinions.  Before I had my surgery, there were periods of time when I was quite muscular and other periods when I took extended time off lifting and got skinny.  My gyno always looked worse when I was less muscular, and looked way better when I build back up.  But who knows?  Maybe other people's chests would have the opposite effect.  Just my personal experience!

Offline **Gynefor**

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Dont shave your chest with a razor that looks agony, get some veet for sensitive skin ... youl get no rash!

yeah you have gyne not to dissimilar from what i used to have (cept my chest werent as muscular). When i see guys who weightlift to mask gyne there are flattering shots but ultimatley there are ones that give it away. the problem is that your chest has the /_ pec shape as apposed to the \| shape (cant really show it like that). I wouldnt be focusing to much on the chest excersises youl look out of proportion do work on your shoulders and your back and itl draw attention away from the chest.

Are you planning to have surgery or are you accepting the gyne?

My problem here is not my hairs but my chest... I am just shaving at the moment cos' I'm using the pulsed light hair removal.

I agree with what you say concerning the need to focus on my shoulders and back.

I don't plan to have surgery, even though my chest can look unusual sometimes. I just want to carry on weights, dieting. My case is not that bad (IMO) to have surgery. I don't want to spend a huge sum of money for that. I don't have a woman breast, I don't feel bad with this light gyno... I just know that I need to pay attention to what I eat... I can eat unhealthy food sometimes (with sugar, greasy food... and so on...). I must get back into good eating, for sure.

Offline **Gynefor**

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I know what you mean about becoming paranoid about your cheat from timeto time. I went through periods of acceptance back to periods of "I have to get rid of these things!" it was during the last freakout that I scheduled my surgery :) I was on a date and I had a drunk neighbor tell me it looked like I had upside down rock wall climbing grips on my chest. Ha! I'm glad I went through with it though. I'm currently 3 days post op and hoping for the best. That being said, if I would have had your chest I would never have considered surgery, but to each their own. Good luck to you.

Thanks bliss !

Don't worry, I didn't consider surgery when I posted my pics. It was just to know your opinions of you guys. I'm almost 100% happy with my chest even though it can bother me at times... But as I said before, I need to pay more attention to chat I eat cos each time I take on weight, it goes to the belly and the chest... So I know what I have to do now :

focus on back and shoulder for weight lifting
eat less greasy and unhealthy food

To get into better shape !

Thanks again for your opinon bliss !  ;)

Offline thetodd

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I had the whole surgery dilema when i was planning surgery

Moneys there to make your life better and for me it was huge difference from self confidence to general well being. And with gyne its only going to get worse with age weight lifting is ok while your young. When you start having kids start working long hours then that goes on the back burner. Some people say "well i wont be bothered about my body then"

Well the majority of people i reguarly see (uk section) are mainly above 30 have had kids and basically want to go swimming and that with their kids but their gyne is holding them back. I sometimes get some stick on here for reccomending surgery but all i know is that i spent a good 8 years off my life wearing black, hunching my body, waking up and covering myself up cause i didnt want to see myself in the mirror. And it never got any easier it just got worse.

Dont take this as a dig at you, but your case is prevelant enough to warrant surgery gyne cant be pigeon holed as women like breasts anymore its more complex than that. Weightlifting and dieting isnt going to make it better its just a concealer.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline **Gynefor**

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I had the whole surgery dilema when i was planning surgery

Moneys there to make your life better and for me it was huge difference from self confidence to general well being. And with gyne its only going to get worse with age weight lifting is ok while your young. When you start having kids start working long hours then that goes on the back burner. Some people say "well i wont be bothered about my body then"

Well the majority of people i reguarly see (uk section) are mainly above 30 have had kids and basically want to go swimming and that with their kids but their gyne is holding them back. I sometimes get some stick on here for reccomending surgery but all i know is that i spent a good 8 years off my life wearing black, hunching my body, waking up and covering myself up cause i didnt want to see myself in the mirror. And it never got any easier it just got worse.

Dont take this as a dig at you, but your case is prevelant enough to warrant surgery gyne cant be pigeon holed as women like breasts anymore its more complex than that. Weightlifting and dieting isnt going to make it better its just a concealer.

I do understand what you mean mate, but if you may, I'd like to add some precisions to my and your comments...

I say again that I don't want surgery for the time being. Maybe in some years, I will. Who knows ? But now, no, thanks. It's not that I refuse to see the reality but considering all the pics I saw on this forum, I don't consider myself, honestly and without offending anyone on this site, as a serious case of gyne to such a point that I need surgery to be happy. I am nearly 100% happy of my chest, I think it looks ok even though not perfect at this time because of eating habits that I need to reconsider.

You say that you spent 8 years wearing black clothes to hide your gynecomastia, hunching your body, to such a point that you didn't want to see yourself in a mirror. I can understand but it is not my case, I am not ashamed to the point that I need to hide my chest with large black clothes... Sometimes, yes, indeed I think of it at the beach when i take off my shirt... yes... But comparing others' chests don't make me feel ashamed. And above all, when I look at my pics dating back to 2005 or 2006, I realize how much weight lifting helped me. All I can say today is that I need to reconsider my eating habits cos' I tend to eat sweet food quite a lot, eating at any time, so on and so forth...

I take the liberty of saying again that when I posted my pics, it was not to know whether I needed surgery. It was not my intentions at all. I just wanted to know what you guys could think of my chest when looking at it : strange, normal, well shaped and muscular, flabby, puffy nipples... See what I mean ?

Anyway, thanks for your comments. Any comment is interesting to read here. So thanks a lot mates !

Offline thetodd

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Fair play to ya that you can deal with it, yeah by all means your certainly not out of shape

keep on lifting, i feel depressed if i just eat shite n do sod all so i can see where your comming from there! Good luck with the gym routine mate

Offline xoxoxoxo

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You told us that you don't consider surgery even though your chest bothers you.. But why? If it really bothers you then go undergo surgery dude..

Offline **Gynefor**

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Yes, it bothers me but I said "sometimes"... And today, I know that I need to lose a bit of weight to make it go away...

But even now, if my gyno is more visible, I don't feel like having surgery because it is not that serious and I know that I can reduce it by losing some weight. It's always the same : if I take weight, it is in the belly and.. the chest... So ...

And I don't have my navel between my two nipples, right ?  ;D ;D So, no surgery for now.  ;)

Offline xoxoxoxo

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Ok.. i'll respect your decision buddy..  ;D :D


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