Author Topic: Have you found your zone? Completely accepted things?  (Read 3420 times)

Offline taxmapper

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Please reconsider the Endocrinologist

You can stay ‘ in your zone’ but gynecomastia can have several root causes.
The simple lab draw can save your life
If the prolactin level is up and testosterone is down an MRI is warranted to see if it’s a tumor in the pituitary gland ( in the head and curable)
 That Doc can also order an Ultrasound of the testicles to see if it is a cancer, also curable.
  A mammogram can also be done to detect a breast cancer in a male breast  it  is exceedingly rare
I have gone this route and I have yet to find the source of this condition
My concerns of cancer slowly being resolved as the MRI yielded no tumor and the likelihood of breast cancer is very slim, mammogram in early May for me. The US of the testicles shows no problem. Once this is done it becomes primary hypogonadism, simple apoptosis. The T level is so low that a normal estrogen level is dominant enough to cause gyne.
I am not on any meds that could cause it.
Please reconsider, I have survived twice the cancer diagnosis.
I have been down the breasts cancer route already. I had a lumpectomy and chemo for it.
I get an annual mammogram to further check for anything suspicious, and also seen by many medical specialists.
Pretty much the "cause" of my gynecomastia is still suspect.
Weight could be effecting it as I am overweight, but I was not when the gynecomastia started in my teens.
Every other test they performed leads to more head scratching. It just is not apparent why.
"Acceptance" is exactly what my medical personnel is prescribing since all others avenues have been addressed.
This is a major point of contention with me. Doctors even today still have little actual understanding of things medical. 
Oh yes, we've come a long way from leeches and blood letting, but medicine is still caught up in 19th century ideas on how the world works. 
In some instances they are hell bent on seeing things through the skeptical nd pragmatic view with a healthy dose of post modernist template applying. 
they simply cant seem to grasp that there is a "holistic" (all over body) aspect to things. they are trained and are stuck int he singular symptom-cause effect. Similar to the miasma theory. (smells cause disease). 

If one starts to read history in depth you start seeing that the origins of such may be far more complex and that falls into categories not easily defined. This upsets the medical establishment greatly. 
As of late, with all the political BS and the whole Budweiser debacle, there is going to be a heavy pushback by society over anything "trans" or "men having boobs" thing. 
ignorance is king. 
Unfortunately tribalism is something that prevails and no amount of talking or convincing will stop it. 
When approached (I have had only a few incidents myself) I just usually take it in stride, and deflect.  For me, it works. 

Offline WPW717

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I can agree with your assessment of the state of modern medicine.

However I come from an era where the older docs had a real penchant for listening and understanding . The modalities and surgeries ( i.e. transphenoidal hypophesectomy of the pituitary gland) has been a great treatment for prolactinomas.  Studied and worked at the Cleveland Clinic in the 70’s; that being said I would not let a modern MD perform one on me .

They are not educated like the ones from the 40’s and 50’s. I had a nearly 50 year career in healthcare and I am not impressed with the quality of the new generation ( I have a myriad of anecdotal stories, too many to cover here)
There are other relevant pathways to understand what has happened to us with real fixes 
I understand your comments, essentially I did all the hoop jumping and yet I fall into the category of’ we don’t know why Bob has breasts’

There are a few simple blood tests that will give an answer to our reality with a fix but I agree the vast majority of us will receive no solid answers to why we are in this club 

I consider it worthwhile to explore at least as far as the preliminary hematology test that gives a definite cause. If it is not rock solid into one of these curable pathways then I agree that it would be better to’ Accept’.
Regards, Bob


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Personally I believe my Ashkenazi gene mutation that I inherited has much to do with my gynecomastia. 
It was apparently the cause for me developing breast cancer. There has been plenty of research in that area and the increased risk of breast cancer. Enough research that if you are a carrier of the mutation they watched you very carefully for further cancers. 
I don't know if any research has been done to link the mutation to gynecomastia, but abnormal breast tissue growth in men runs rampant in my family. In my generation there are two of us. Apparently many other relatives had the same problem years ago.
Needless to say, with modern medicine, anything not 'text book' cause and effect is not investigated. 
Truthfully I rather enjoy having breasts. I love them. I am happy that it was meant to be. As for the gene mutation and cancer risk, there is nothing that can be done about that anyways. Life goes on.

Offline taxmapper

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This gives rise to an aspect that through my study of things philosophical and esoteric, I have found many multiple references tot he "third" gender within Europe, a fourth, fifth, sixth and even seventh gender within various other cultures that give specifics to them, and a large amount of references to hermaphroditism. 
(Why I have made mention of them.) 

The situation today is based wholly within ignorance and full on control of thought by the "powers that be" as it were. 
The volume of mentions about men with female aspects and visa versa is deep and heavily populated. 
Even looked upon with great desire in certain time frames as a result that there is a specific trend that "hermaphrodites'" (now intersexed...) were considered to be closer to God, and a "more prefect being" than the average joe. 

There is also evidence that some time around the later part of the 19th century, there was a "puritan Revival" of sorts that was more based on misreading of and mis application of biblical and theological constructs that gave birth to the modern template that has been projected to our culture as where there are only a strict binary sexual creation and everything non-conforming is pure idiocy, and mental disorders. 

(IMO) there is way more to this than previously believed. 

I could go on, but I also think that what has been happening is more than "awarness" but a cultural shift away from these tenants that were brought to us via radio in the 1990's. 


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Judaism identified 6 in the Talmud. I fit perfectly within one of those described. "Born male to later develop female attributes". 
The Rabbis make mention that for all applicable laws I would be considered male. 
This 1600 year old text blows a hole on the modern day notion that gender is 'male/female cut and dry'.
So I have found peace in my condition. Someday the science will catch up with the facts surrounding it as soon as politics removes itself from the equation. 


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Some very liberal rabbis recognise 8. I think the extra 2 are for people who undergo surgical transition after puberty, rather than pre puberty surgery to assign a binary sex where male and female anatomy coexists at birth


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Some very liberal rabbis recognise 8. I think the extra 2 are for people who undergo surgical transition after puberty, rather than pre puberty surgery to assign a binary sex where male and female anatomy coexists at birth
I'm a bit more traditional in thinking. We all know on this forum that physical attributes manifest themselves on some individuals. It's within God's plan if it manifests itself. 
As for those that ''decide' to alter their bodies I am not in agreement as our bodies are 'loaned' to us from God. 
But I also am not one to judge as a 'personal walk with God' is of course 'personal'. 


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Offline WPW717

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They also explored me genetically for the Ashkenazi gene. … not there.
But there’s a small chance of breast cancer in males ( less than 1% I think) 
Ergo the mammogram and breast ultrasound next week. Worth looking into as the onset for me was rapid. 
Normal chest to 6 inches differential in just shy of a year. That was fast. My odds of a CA Dx is low since the beta HCG was negative. The extreme drop in testosterone was way faster than normal for an oldster like me. Females in the 15-35 year old range have a testosterone level twice that of mine.

As far as the gender discussion goes I agree with all the above; it also can be seen to be true in art from around the world from antiquity . Hermaphrodites etc. I can count 6 genders also


Offline Justagirl💃

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Finding your "zone", or where you personally fit in is such a vital step in acceptance. 
The same estrogen that created these mounds of glory on your chest is doing much more behind the scenes as well.
You will see changes in your attitude and ways of thinking, and others around you will see it too.

Where accepting that leads you is a rather personal journey. 
To some it simply means avoiding sad movies and songs around friends. 
Perhaps to others, they will find conversation with the ladies to be very rewarding, and lose interest in conversation with the guys. 
There are all different levels and changes that might occur based off your own particular hormonal stew, and that's okay. 
Acceptance means accepting your yourself as well as gyno. 
And there are as many "zones" available as there are people with gyno. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline HeldUp

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I reread my post from April, since the topic's come back on top. Not much has changed in regards to my place with acceptance, however something struck me in your post JAG:

"Perhaps to others, they will find conversation with the ladies to be very rewarding, and lose interest in conversation with the guys."

Of this statement, I continue to almost yearn for conversations with women. Not "women's chat" per se, but just connecting with them more than I would have 5-10 years ago. I was never exclusionary, where the guys go one way and the ladies the other and na'er do they meet, but it strikes me how much more my brain wants me to participate with women in conversation.

The latter doesn't fit, however. I still appreciate and maintain solid connections with my guy friends.

Offline Justagirl💃

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I reread my post from April, since the topic's come back on top. Not much has changed in regards to my place with acceptance, however something struck me in your post JAG:

"Perhaps to others, they will find conversation with the ladies to be very rewarding, and lose interest in conversation with the guys."

Of this statement, I continue to almost yearn for conversations with women. Not "women's chat" per se, but just connecting with them more than I would have 5-10 years ago. I was never exclusionary, where the guys go one way and the ladies the other and na'er do they meet, but it strikes me how much more my brain wants me to participate with women in conversation.

The latter doesn't fit, however. I still appreciate and maintain solid connections with my guy friends.
That's very interesting 🤔

I my particular case I would abandon the conversation with the guys in the living room and excuse myself to the kitchen with the women at house parties. I have done that all my life, even when I was still pretending to be male. 

I just found the conversation so much more rewarding for me. 

Like I said, there are as many different "zones" as people. 😉


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