Author Topic: Surgery ... done and not feeling good at all  (Read 14673 times)

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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One thing also, I wondered that how people can go on work on very next week. Today is Friday and I really don't feel comfortable going to work on Monday. Well, I have taken another week off from work. But I think if i feel uncomfortable, I will take another week off. I have very easy work (computer & Chair) but still !!!


It all depends on the persons pain tollerance and how much work the PS had to do. Doc Fielding did quite a bit of work to my chest and was off work for 2 weeks. I wanted to take 3 weeks but didn't want to use up anohter week of holiday time.

Hey, if you can afford to take the time off work, then go for it dude. The more R&R you get in the early going, the better.  ;)

Stay well and get lots of rest my man...  :)

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline BCGUY

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I will be taking about a week off. I did not have to use any holidays as I will be off on Medical leave with pay  ;D gotta love that. The most pain I think I will probably feel post op is the lipo of the love handles. He told me not to expect to see the results of the love handle Lipo until around the 8 month mark. Does this seem right to you or do you think I will see the results sooner then that? 5 days and counting until I go under the knife.......oohhhhhhh shiat....

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Yeah, I tried to get 'paid' leave but the Occ. Nurse said that it was 'Elective' surgery and that I was S.O.L.  SO... I had to ask for early holiday time (February). Kinda sucked using holiday time to recover from surgery. What ya gonna do tho?

Hmmm, 8 months does seem to be a tad long.  ???
I'd be questioning the Doc on that one dude.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 10:25:22 AM by Bambu »

Offline Give me Life

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Yes, I have taken almost week and a half off. Going back to work on 18th. But if don't feel ok, will take some more time off.

I spoke with my HR and that will be sick leave if I get doctor's note which I already have.

Bambu: Looking at your pictures few things I am surprised about:

1. You have taken off tensor belt on very 2nd day (your pictures), how come it is possible? Dr. told me to wait for 6-7 days.

2. Also, from your picture, seems like you had same size of breast like mine (from push ups), how long it took you to get the real result? Were you disapppoointed at first for not getting what you want and then as time passed you achive the flat cheast?

Reason, I had a glimpse under my tensor and feel by my finger than, I still have puffy cheast under my form. So I will not get even 70% result. That will be total disapoointment. I won't blame my doctor for that. I know it's too early to tell as this is just my guess. Will see the actual result when I remove the wrap on Tuesday. Till then I will be really worried.

As said, left side is like nothing doen. No pain , no movement at all. Hope all went well !!!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 07:15:25 PM by tata3401 »
Surgery done on Sept 6th, 2006 with Dr. Fielding - Toronto. Not 100% cured but will get there for sure !!!

Revision done on December 7th, 2007. Let's hope for best !!!

Dr. Fielding
Suite #401, 2425 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Tel: 416.766.88

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Bambu: Looking at your pictures few things I am surprised about:

1. You have taken off tensor belt on very 2nd day (your pictures), how come it is possible? Dr. told me to wait for 6-7 days.

I couldn't handle the itchies that the hospital tensor caused. However.... when I went in for my 6th day check-up, Dr. Fielding had a nurse put another one on me. I then changed the hospital tensor up for an Ab Belt (worked well) that I purchased myself. I wore the Ab Belt for about 2 weeks on and off.

2. Also, from your picture, seems like you had same size of breast like mine (from push ups), how long it took you to get the real result?

It was about 95% after two weeks...

Were you disapppoointed at first for not getting what you want and then as time passed you achive the flat cheast?

Was never disappointed from surgery results. However, I did get very depressed a few weeks in.... :-/

Reason, I had a glimpse under my tensor and feel by my finger than, I still have puffy cheast under my form. So I will not get even 70% result. That will be total disapoointment. I won't blame my doctor for that. I know it's too early to tell as this is just my guess. Will see the actual result when I remove the wrap on Tuesday. Till then I will be really worried.

As you know, you have to give your body at least a few months to heal. Don't pass judgement before then. You prolly have quite a bit of swelling right now.

As said, left side is like nothing doen. No pain , no movement at all. Hope all went well !!!

When you see Dr. Fielding, ask him if he did anything to your LHS.


Offline brebguy

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so... i know everyone says you have to wait a few months before you are totally healed, and i'm the first one to say that to anybody.

but say, worst case scenario, how close to the final result should you be after 5 weeks post-op ?

i have total confidence in Fielding the good doctor  ;), but i'm feeling more and more worried as my chest grew back to its initial size as i got to my 5 week post op mark.

it was perfectly flat on my muscles at first (2-3 weeks ago), but day by day it got bigger, and i would have expected the opposite (at least after 3 or 4 weeks). and even if i didnt get a perfect recovery by now. i was thinking at leat 60-70% (Bambu had 95% after two weeks)... not 0% nor 10 or 20%. especially when i saw how weel my body was reacting to the whole process (no bruising, no pain, no stiffness)...

anyways, i'm slowly getting a bit worried.
what do you guys think
« Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 03:31:09 AM by brebguy »
surgery did not work...:-(
Dr. Fielding (TO - Ontario : 416.766.8890) on august 9th, 2006 and revision on september 21st, 2007

Offline Give me Life

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Truly understand brebguy:

I think in whole process worst time is waiting for removing the tensor wrap and wait to see the result. My surgery was done on 6th (almost a week) and still wrapped. But have a feeling that my result will be what I was expecting as I can feel brest under the wrap and when I slip my finger under the wrap to feel the area, I can feel still feel old breast.

I know it's too early but worried now. Waiting for tommorow 2pm when I will unwarp my self to see the result.

Brebguy: Fielding says it is normal that resutl will be chagend from flat to original in 3-4 weeks (may be due to swelling) but will again change to flat in 3-12 months. He told me in his initial consultation that final reslut will be achived after 6 months. So wait and not to worry.

I think in meantime, best advice will be gyme and diet as all these basically a fat situation. He remove the gland and fat. But if we again build up fat in area then same situation will be again.

Will keep you update tommorow for my result. And any question, you want me to ask Dr. Fielding when I see him tommorow?

Offline brebguy

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hey thanks buddy... ya its way too early to say anything... i guess i was just jealous. some people had way flatter chest after 5 weeks. so i wish i was in the same situation...

i'll way... i got my tight undershirts i use to wear before surgery back... it sucks but in the meantime i'll just wait.

thanks GML.
i'm ok now... so say hi to the good doctor for me ;)

Offline supaaman

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Hey Brebguy,

I wouldn't be too worried about the size, it's more about the shape at this point - a more pleasing contour to the chest.  There is no question he took out fat and gland, so at the end of the day it is going to be smaller.  Getting back to the gym hard right away has probably aggravated some swelling.

Maybe ask Fielding if you should cut back your workouts or maybe ice after?

Take care...
JCF  Success Story - Surgery Aug 23, 2006

Offline brebguy

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i talked to him today... and he says its ok as long as i dont go crazy about it (working out).

the problem i had was definitely the shape more than the actual size. like you, the chest folds and the areola is quite puffy and still sticks out. thats what scared me at first. but as you say. i'll wait... there isn't much i can do now..

take care guys...

Offline Give me Life

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You have now 6 week post op. How's things shaping up for you? If you don't mind asking, how much you weight? And how much fluid he took out from you? Are you a normal weight person or big size? (Size XL-XXL)?

I am XL size person, took out almost 900ml and he gave me only 50% result so far (2 weeks). So wondering, it may be common for heavy weight people to get that kinda result and rest can be achive by weight loss and gyme. What you think?

I am 2 week post op and I see 50% flat cheast. I am comfortable wearing shirts which I was not used to. But again, it is too early to tell as I still have my tensor belt and that makes my cheast really flat.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2006, 07:21:07 PM by tata3401 »

Offline brebguy

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ya.... now i dont see any improvement at all. its like he didn't do anything. but he says its alright....  ???

i have to wait at least 3 months...

at 2 and 3 weeks i was perfectly flat... well not perfectly flat but for me the shape was perfect (it cant be flat cause i have a lot of chest muscle). i have no idea how much they took out but i think at 2 or 3 weeks i was a 60 to 75 % maybe even 80... but now...i'm back to the boobs...

i'm a large but pretty muscular with a few extra pounds :-[. im 200lbs ideal weight would be 190 i think.

so i think you will get bigger too... i just hope it will get smaller soon.

good luck buddy

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Hi brebguy,

Sent you a PM.


Offline Give me Life

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Same here. It is 2 week post op and I can definetly see the size difference but can't tell that I am boobfree guy.

I think for heavy weight guys like us (I am 200lb) he can't make it flat cheast in one shot because of the skin problem. I remember he told me in the initial consultation that the perfect result will be achieved after 6 months as post op new skin has to stick to our body. If not, then he has to do one more operation to remove skin which looks like even worst when we remove our shirts on the beach. And he don't like to have that situation.

Think about this way that we have airmattres full of air. When you took out valve, air goes out but still there is some air in the mattres. So you see them not complete flat but you press them to make it flat.

Same thing with our case. He took out all gland and some fat. So definetly we see the reduce size of our boobs but not flat as we expected. All inside is now some fat. Which is important to have else our skin will not properly stick to our body. So now our job is to reduce fat slowly, so new skin will stick to our body and borns. That's why he says 6 months wait. But I think most important during this time is diet and excersice to reduce these extra fat. We have to change our lifestyle that for sure.

For people who don't have severe case like us, they get 80% to 100% result in no time as there is not much to remove from cheast and after operation there skin is almost stick to body. That's why they feel like flat cheast but I believe they still have some puffy area near nipple as skin is not completely stuck to body.

Does this make sense to you? Tha's my logic from what he told me.

I am waiting for 2 more weeks to join the gyme. I have another appointment with Dr. on 3rd oct. So after he check the status, I will start losing some extra pounds.

What else happening with post operation. Do you notice something else? Mine is going very smothly. No hiccups yet.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2006, 07:37:51 AM by tata3401 »

Offline supaaman

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GML, some of what you say makes sense.  It's becoming quite clear that it will take some time to get the final result.  Mine is becoming better as time goes on (just over 4 weeks now).  I look great in a t-shirt, as the contour is much nicer.  Shirt off, things are a little out of whack.  The left is not perfect - larger.  

As Brebguy said earlier, there's nothing we can really do but relax and wait.  If my left side doesn't improve, i'd definitely want a revision at this point, but we'll seee how I feel in 5-6 months.

BTW, I am 245 lbs... but 6'4.  Ideal weight is about 230-235, so I am only slightly overweight.

Bottom line is that he sucked tons of crap out of your chest.  Once it settles down it will be smaller.  GML is right though, it's up to us to help our case by gym and diet.  Brebguy - I also bet that, to others, there is more improvement in your contour than you think.

I'll try and get my pre op post op photos up soon, so you guys can compare.


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