There's always a lot of talk here about the type of gynecomastia a person has: is it fat or is it gland? Distinguishing between the two types is considered important because the common opinion is that glandular gynecomastia can only be sorted out thru medical means (surgery or medication) while fatty gynecomastia may be resoved by diet and exercise. Based on my very recent surgery experience I'm going to challenge this notion. All of the following blather is my own opinion based on my experience. Others may (and I'm sure, will) have differing opinions.
Here's my before pix:;action=display;num=1115146713The top pic is a view of my old right nip. That was what I would have called my "bad" one since the pointiness of the areola was so pronounced from the natural contour of my chest. The second pic is of the left side where the transition was less pronounced. My nips have looked like this for better than 20 years with almost no change.
Initially my doc planned just excision, but decided just before surgery to get ready for lipo too. After surgery he told me that the gland he removed from the right side was small, maybe the size of a big grape. The left side was more like a poached egg, considerably bigger. But how could this be? We all "know" puffy nipples are caused by gland, not fat. Right?
Well, after loking at the pic again I noticed that my right breast was fuller in appearance. Maybe that was because of the larger gland? But what about those pointy nips? Even when I was on a serious no carb diet for a couple years and doing lots of cardio I had 8-9% body fat and I still had puffy nipples. But, I realized, I also had a little spare tire. I could never shake that belly fat, just as I could never shake those puffy nipples.
So I got to thinking: maybe you could have gyne that is more fat based, even with a case of puffy nipples, and you won't necessarily be able to erase it by cutting fat. It's a fact that most folks have stubborn areas on their bodies that won't cut up despite all the dieting and exercise.
So here's the conclusions I've come to. First, that the fat vs. gland debate might largely be irrelevant. In the end what does it matter if your breasts are fat or gland when the real problem is that you have breasts? It's like worrying if the guy who just punched you in the face studied boxing or Tang Soo Do. What does it matter when you still have the same result: a black eye? I had two docs feel my teats and comment that they thought the right side had more gland. The results of surgery proved otherwise.
Second, I think that it might be case that fatty gynecomastia could be resitant to dieting and exercise. It was in my case. If gland was the issue then when I had low body fat my right side should have diminished while the left side maintained its size. That didn't happen. Again, I don't think it will matter if it's fat or gland if it ain't going away when you start to cut body fat.
Lastly, I think it may be wise to only enter an operating room if your plastic surgeon is at least prepared to do both excision and lipo. What if he cuts you and doesn't find much gland and isn't set up for lipo? Or how about the many guys we've seen here complain that their doc said they'd fix it with lipo-only and they still had puffy nips because no excision was done? For any one case a PS may not need to do both but it would be good to know that they're prepared for any eventuality.