Author Topic: UK Channel 4 Gynecomastia Documentary - 18th Aug!  (Read 16843 times)

Offline Simon

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Just had word from the producers. Good news guys! Thanks to everyone who has helped with their work. :)

I just wanted to let you know that the gynaecomastia documentary, Boys With Breasts will be broadcast on Wednesday 18th August at 9pm, on Channel 4.

The programme will also be supported by an online site, with extra information about gynaecomastia and related topics. To see the site go to, which will be available from the week of broadcast.

Offline troubled-teen-uk

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good old channel 4 health documentaries.
they had a similar one on last year that was all about using lipo as a new procedure for treating it.

suprised they didn't come here to find anyone to interview or what not.
glandular gyne - 5 years. 4/5cm areola swelling.
gland removed by incision (no lipo) under private insurance in the UK - July 14th '04.
PS - T Abdullah.
surgery score - 7/10 --- advice score - 4/10

Offline kindherb42

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  • F*ck this gyne sh1t
damn i'm in the US :-/ there no US documentary is there?

Offline Simon

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I am in talks with the producers on the possibilty of overseas (non-UK) members of the board getting a copy of the programme. Updates soon - but definately no promises... lots of legal issues.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2004, 10:39:14 AM by admin »

Offline uk2000

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how long is the documentary for?
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

Offline IT100

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 Probably an hour Uk2000.

And troubled teen, where were you when they were asking for months for people to talk to them about it! Not sure how many people wanted their boobs filmed though... strange that.



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I was interviewed and provided information for this show.  Unfortunately, they were unable to come to the US to film the surgery.  Am looking forward to seeing the program.

Elliot Jacobs, MD, FACS
New York City

Offline glinja

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Just hope that the c*nt who posted in the lounge area does'nt get his hands on it, it will be like a major wanking vid for him!
Glinja >:(
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 01:14:18 PM by glinja »

Offline headheldhigh01

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hate to say it, but i trust british tv, channel 4 included, somewhat more than something like mtv.  there are people here who could do a credible show, but the us thing sounds a lot more like entertainment than anything really informational.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline nagh

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hi i am 20 yrs old neapli boy suffering from both sided gyanaecoamstai will butterfly amssger reduce it pls email mea t


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Although I haven't seen the show, you can go to the web site and the article has some good information for everyone with gynecomastia.

Elliot Jacobs, MD, FACS
New York City

Offline Normal38

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hello all

just to let you know it was a very interesting show, sensationalist title though, which I am sure boosted their ratings.  

For anyone interested, it covered the condition with the utmost taste and didn't sensationalise Gynaecomastia at all.

The main topics were:

The condition: with very interesting statistics, according the the programme about a 1/3rd of men develop some form of breast tissue at some point in their lives, mainly during puberty, but in most cases this subsides after a period of time.

Men with Gyne and surgery.
Pre OP and post OP of three men (one UK who went through the NHS (no comment)), and one American guy who looked excellent after the OP.

A man form the UK who had had the operation in the 60's where they basically performed a double mastectomy, his nipples were seriously inverted, and the psychological effects were just as deep as his scars.

A man who had accepted Gyne, again a guy from America (good on him, you are a better man than me mate), and even wen't shopping for bras with his wife!!!!!

Men who lactate including an American man who had a over active peturity (sorry I don't know how you spell it) gland, and how surgery had turned his life around. A couple of married hippies (again American, who I found slightly irritating) he had managed to lactate through choice.

And of course Myles who explained in detail the psychological effects of the condition in a very concise way. Men who choose surgery, and men who accept the condition (nice one Myles, and thanks again for this web site).

I hope you guys in America do get the opportunity to see it.  I don't think it offers any greater insight into the condition than this web site can offer, but it was great to see that what is still in real terms a taboo subject discussed openly, and objectively on a TV documentary, on one of the UK's respected terrestial TV channels.

I think that the best thing about the programme was that there are plenty of men out there (like me until a year ago) who think that they are alone, that they are the only one with the condition.  I hope more than anything that people like me get an opportunity to see this documentary and realise that they really are not alone.

By the way for anybody interested.  I have booked to see two plastic surgeons (hedging my bets as it were), but I have to wait until January 2005 due to demand.  

all the best


Offline CK

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Well I taped the programme.  Saw Merle and everything....LOL

Offline headheldhigh01

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normal and ck, thanks for the descriptions.  what was merle like (was he the one normal's calling myles, or different?) and what'd he talk about.  

also, how widely do you think this was seen?  were there a lot of promo teasers for it beforehand, how long in advance, what time did it run, preceded/followed by what?  

Offline CK

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Merle is good looking.  Hey MERLE, you seeing anybody?      ;)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2004, 07:29:28 AM by CK »


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