Author Topic: Well this is a surprise...................  (Read 29096 times)

Offline Justagirl💃

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Thanks, I know I have a serious issue but in reality I don't feel sick in the least. I'm so thankful the hospital found it during my last visit there.
Glad to read you are not feeling sick.  Prayers and thoughts for the best outcome possible.
I actually was admitted to the hospital for four days whilst passing large amounts of blood. That is when they found my condition. The bleeding did resolve on it's own, and I assumed I was in the clear now. 

I'm starting to realise that the bleeding can resume at any moment, and I can bleed out (varicose veins in the esophagus). 

Last night I watched "untold stories of the ER" and a lady was in the ER on a cruise ship with the same condition. They were scrambling to find blood enough to save her life as she was bleeding out. 

Dietary modifications will not correct any past damage, and that was already explained to me. The changes will simply keep me from migrating over onto the liver transplant list. 

I have a serious condition that has no cure. 

I know what to watch for, and what to do if I notice it (call an ambulance)

I'll just live my life happily because I still feel fine, but keep a watchful eye. 

Birdie 💝
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Evolver

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I have also recently has blood drawn and a large battery of tests.

lab tests are coming in. my liver is at advanced cirrhosis and nearing point of needing a transplant. blood sugar, kidneys, and hormone levels are all being effected. my estrogen levels are super high because my liver is unable to filter them out (maybe caused my breast tissue growth from D to DDD). they will change my diet plan with hopes they can keep cirrhosis from progressing further.

All viral causes have been ruled out, and I'm not a drinker. Diagnosed as complications due to a fatty liver/overweight.

I'll get my new diet plan today.
I've been thinking about this post lately and feel the need to respond now.

I was going to ask you earlier than this post darling, what the cause of your cirrhosis was, if not from drinking. I'm glad that you are apparently not a hopeless alcoholic, but I am surprised that cirrhosis could be caused by something else! My ignorance, I guess. The reason I'm writing this is that I do often enjoy a drink, and the last time I got a set of bloods done, it did show that I am slightly above the normal range for whatever the liver function blood test measures. No hint of cirrhosis though. That reading has come down significantly from two years ago, so I am on the right track, but anyways, and sorry for beating around the bush - one thing I've done for years is to pop a Livatone (milk thistle) pill the morning after any alcohol consumption the day before, regardless whether it was just one light beer at dinner or whether I've let myself go. Apparently, milk thistle helps detox the liver, which is why I take it, but one thing I only discovered recently is that it also speeds up estrogen breakdown!

Just speculating, over many years, maybe alcohol consumption has added to my moobs, but taking that darn pill has also negated them? 😳

Offline Justagirl💃

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I have also recently has blood drawn and a large battery of tests.

lab tests are coming in. my liver is at advanced cirrhosis and nearing point of needing a transplant. blood sugar, kidneys, and hormone levels are all being effected. my estrogen levels are super high because my liver is unable to filter them out (maybe caused my breast tissue growth from D to DDD). they will change my diet plan with hopes they can keep cirrhosis from progressing further.

All viral causes have been ruled out, and I'm not a drinker. Diagnosed as complications due to a fatty liver/overweight.

I'll get my new diet plan today.
I've been thinking about this post lately and feel the need to respond now.

I was going to ask you earlier than this post darling, what the cause of your cirrhosis was, if not from drinking. I'm glad that you are apparently not a hopeless alcoholic, but I am surprised that cirrhosis could be caused by something else! My ignorance, I guess. The reason I'm writing this is that I do often enjoy a drink, and the last time I got a set of bloods done, it did show that I am slightly above the normal range for whatever the liver function blood test measures. No hint of cirrhosis though. That reading has come down significantly from two years ago, so I am on the right track, but anyways, and sorry for beating around the bush - one thing I've done for years is to pop a Livatone (milk thistle) pill the morning after any alcohol consumption the day before, regardless whether it was just one light beer at dinner or whether I've let myself go. Apparently, milk thistle helps detox the liver, which is why I take it, but one thing I only discovered recently is that it also speeds up estrogen breakdown!

Just speculating, over many years, maybe alcohol consumption has added to my moobs, but taking that darn pill has also negated them? 😳
Fatty liver can cause cirrhosis of the liver apparently.
Not to say that I never drank in my teens would be wrong as they were party filled memories.
Adult life was social drinking of one or two at dinner parties upon occasion.
I also acquired Hep A during a trip to Mexico decades ago.

Just to add that slightly "elevated liver enzymes" were the only things noticed on my blood tests for years now, and "no cause for concern". It wasn't until I had a CAT scan and colonoscopy  that the extent of the damage became apparent. My regular medical team was quite shocked from the diagnosis. 

It has all added up to liver disease. 🙄
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 06:07:51 AM by Justagirl💃 »

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So I went in for the blood test yesterday (6-26) and they already started posting the results.

And boy what a surprise!

AND,,  concern:

So to reitterate, the doctor I went to see took down notes on they gyne.... Then when i told her I didn't have an Adam's Apple, she gave me the side eye. 

Well the hormone che3ck showed something VERY surprising! Given they are correct:

Testosterone:  899 ng/dL

Prolactin:        20.5 ng/mL     


its usually an inverse correlation.

High on one, low on the other.
I have the same problem! I’m in my early 60’s and was finally diagnosed with this condition. T levels are between 950 and 1150ish on the two T tests I had.
I was even misdiagnosed as having polycythemia for nearly 20 years before a new doctor ran some tests. From what I understand is high T can convert to high levels of E and thus explain why we have gynecomastia. 

Offline WPW717

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And it can come on quickly and without much warning. I went from a normal chest to 44D-DD ina mere 18 months!
Regards, Bob

Offline taxmapper

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Talked with the doctor online. 
in person next Monday.   

Down two separate hypertension meds. Both caused me reactions to what it was like when I had allergic reactions to opioids.  

Also tested positive for opioids in a drug test last week.  Poss. connection, not sure. 
Lab tests should show it.  
So because of the testosterone levels being so high, she wants me to try a new one that is a calcium blocker.   

This one has had anecdotal effects of gyne., with two confirmed cases through study.   I told her I don't have a problem with the boobs if I can get rid of the damn headaches! 

Offline WPW717

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If your BP is in the headache category range and is recalcitrant to common modalities have your Doc look at rawolfia alkaloids. It’s old timey but effective. Most younger docs ( like mine) during a history in preparation for more genetic testing was told I used them wasn’t aware of them.  I had a pheochromocytoma ( BP ranges 100-130 over 200-230 sustainted) It worked and has no gyne problems associated with it (I looked it up) but it does slow your metabolism and is not good for depressive disorders. I have not seen where it causes false positives .

Offline taxmapper

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So next up is the MRI. 

Because what is happening to me the Doc. is a bit perplexed and is taking a safe exploratory route. 

The MRI is to explore the cranium and see if anything is in there. 
(They wont find poop!) 

But to see if the Pituitary Gland is behaving. if not, and I have a Prolactinoma.  So it means my head is going to explode and I am GOING TO DIE!!!!!!! 

Actually just a sublime tumor or growth that could explain the high Prolactin levels.  Regardless i still think something else is going on here and to what extent it turns to is still unknown. 
A Xenomorph may also explain things. 

Offline WPW717

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Gotta love the humor there.

I had a Prolactinoma diagnosed in January. Went on a dopamine agonist chemotherapy for it. Planned on 6 months of this then a re examination. I only lasted 3 months and had horrible side effects. It was discontinued and a repeat MRI was done. No evidence of it remains. PRL level slowly climbed to slightly higher level. I found P5P ( an activated B6 compound) that supposedly lowers prolactin. Repeat blood work shows it has come down to nearly normal. We are repeating this in September to be sure it is a trend. And an additional MRI. After a detailed History and Physical more intricate genetic testing is ordered( results pending) Looking for a new gene discovered recently. MEN syndrome is on the menu. (Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia) MEN type 4 is a new diagnosis. I did and didn’t fit each MEN 1, and 2a and 2b criteria and the RET gene wasn’t active. They were puzzled. My old BP diagnosis turned out to be a pheochromocytoma causing the hypertension. An adrenal gland tumor.
Your Doc’s investigation should go down this path for no other reason than to eliminate the diagnosis.
It’s not known how common this is but the constellation of the symptoms is a long term hard diagnosis to make. OBTW, gynecomastia is one of the associated conditions. 

Good luck on your exploration and best wishes for your health. Best wishes…

Offline Evolver

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The MRI is to explore the cranium and see if anything is in there.
(They wont find poop!)
Years ago I had a similar scan due to some persistent headaches I was getting at the time (turned out to be nothing). The official report on my cranium came back as "Nothing remarkable found." I understood what it meant, but hearing the doctor say it made me feel a bit miffed at the time! 😆

Good luck, taxmapper.

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Its not a tumohhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Justagirl💃

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Its not a tumohhhh!!!!!!!!!!

That's great news!
Perhaps an ultrasound of the lower abdominal area might be in line?

Offline WPW717

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Good news for you. Prolactin elevations  ( (minor) can be caused by some small event such as a massage or a hit in the breast in sports. They don’t last long either. Trends are more important than snapshots.

Offline taxmapper

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here is what was found on the MRI: 

Offline Justagirl💃

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here is what was found on the MRI:

I guess it's okay, it says "surveillance follow-up imaging" instead of referral to a specialist?


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