Author Topic: Well this is a surprise...................  (Read 37820 times)

Offline taxmapper

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ewww... Well hope that all goes well. 

its strange how our bodies work.  We think one thing is happening and it turns out to be something completely out of thought. 

Online Justagirl💃

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Dietitian today went over the 'heart healthy diet'. It's basically the diet I need to follow to keep the liver damage from spreading. 

They talked with home health workers and all confirmed that alcohol is NOT a factor in my condition. 

It's not a good thing, but at least it was noticed before major symptoms presented themselves. Being very strict on my diet is more important than ever now. 

Plenty of lean meats, fiber, and veggies. My one diet soda per day shouldn't be an issue. But drink tea and water for the most part. 

My hormones are off kilter but adding medications to the long list I already take would not be wise so they decided to leave things alone. The nurse will talk to me further about that. 

We just need to protect what bit of liver I still have. 

When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline tryingtoaccept

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Wow Birdie, that is tough news.  I hope your new diet works and stops the progression of liver damage.
Redfox 🦊

Online Justagirl💃

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its strange how our bodies work.  We think one thing is happening and it turns out to be something completely out of thought.
Yeah, just full of surprises. 

Offline DC79

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So I went in for the blood test yesterday (6-26) and they already started posting the results.

And boy what a surprise!

AND,,  concern:

So to reitterate, the doctor I went to see took down notes on they gyne.... Then when i told her I didn't have an Adam's Apple, she gave me the side eye. 

Well the hormone che3ck showed something VERY surprising! Given they are correct:

Testosterone:  899 ng/dL

Prolactin:        20.5 ng/mL     


its usually an inverse correlation.

High on one, low on the other.
Are you on any meds, for their intended purpose or off-label? ADs, APs, BP meds? My levels looked that when I first started TRT and was on addyi. 

Offline Parity

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  I hope things work out for you.  Life has its ups and downs.  Good news and news we're not expecting. 
Do know this,  I, and all those here are concerned for you and your health.  Be well.  Listen to those advising you.  Life is a gift, love it and the giver of it.  

Offline WPW717

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Hang tough, Birdie 
Best wishes on the plan helping out the liver difficulties.
Regards, Bob

Online Justagirl💃

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Thanks, I know I have a serious issue but in reality I don't feel sick in the least. I'm so thankful the hospital found it during my last visit there. 

Offline Evolver

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Birdie, you poor bugger. ☹️ You seem to constantly battle with health and other hurdles, all totally undeserved.

Thinking of you. ❤️

Offline taxmapper

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On the meds, not until the doctor prescribed to me that day Lorestan (to whit I stopped).   

There are still many questions. 

Online Justagirl💃

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On the meds, not until the doctor prescribed to me that day Lorestan (to whit I stopped). 

There are still many questions.
Hopefully you get more tests done soon to answer your questions. 

What is Lorestan? Is that a generic statin?

Offline WPW717

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I wonder…
Did the prescribing practitioner give you any  insight into  the  treatment do’ s and don’ts ?

If not, I read the prescribing info looking for the Cytochrome P450 enzyme interaction that can occur with BP meds. The warning is there. Toxic level of the drug can occur with the consumption of grapefruit and grapefruit juice. That fruit inhibits the enzyme that starts the metabolic processes to excrete the drug .

Just saying …

Offline Midagemoobs2

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Thanks, I know I have a serious issue but in reality I don't feel sick in the least. I'm so thankful the hospital found it during my last visit there.
Glad to read you are not feeling sick.  Prayers and thoughts for the best outcome possible.

Online Justagirl💃

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Thanks, I know I have a serious issue but in reality I don't feel sick in the least. I'm so thankful the hospital found it during my last visit there.
Glad to read you are not feeling sick.  Prayers and thoughts for the best outcome possible.
I actually was admitted to the hospital for four days whilst passing large amounts of blood. That is when they found my condition. The bleeding did resolve on it's own, and I assumed I was in the clear now. 

I'm starting to realise that the bleeding can resume at any moment, and I can bleed out (varicose veins in the esophagus). 

Last night I watched "untold stories of the ER" and a lady was in the ER on a cruise ship with the same condition. They were scrambling to find blood enough to save her life as she was bleeding out. 

Dietary modifications will not correct any past damage, and that was already explained to me. The changes will simply keep me from migrating over onto the liver transplant list. 

I have a serious condition that has no cure. 

I know what to watch for, and what to do if I notice it (call an ambulance)

I'll just live my life happily because I still feel fine, but keep a watchful eye. 

Birdie 💝


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