Author Topic: Well this is a surprise...................  (Read 37825 times)

Offline taxmapper

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So I went in for the blood test yesterday (6-26) and they already started posting the results. 

And boy what a surprise! 

AND,,  concern: 

So to reitterate, the doctor I went to see took down notes on they gyne.... Then when i told her I didn't have an Adam's Apple, she gave me the side eye.  

Well the hormone che3ck showed something VERY surprising! Given they are correct: 

Testosterone:   899 ng/dL 

Prolactin:         20.5 ng/mL      


its usually an inverse correlation. 

High on one, low on the other. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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So I went in for the blood test yesterday (6-26) and they already started posting the results.

And boy what a surprise!

AND,,  concern:

So to reitterate, the doctor I went to see took down notes on they gyne.... Then when i told her I didn't have an Adam's Apple, she gave me the side eye. 

Well the hormone che3ck showed something VERY surprising! Given they are correct:

Testosterone:  899 ng/dL

Prolactin:        20.5 ng/mL     


its usually an inverse correlation.

High on one, low on the other.
You have the prolactin levels of a nonpregnant woman. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline taxmapper

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My libido couldn't be stronger! 

Offline WPW717

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The conundrum makes me suspect that there are 2 different issues in play.

A CBC to see if there is a red cell polycythemia present could add a lot to focusing the investigation.
Regards, Bob

Offline taxmapper

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The conundrum makes me suspect that there are 2 different issues in play.

A CBC to see if there is a red cell polycythemia present could add a lot to focusing the investigation.
Everything is in the normal range. 

And as an ancillary... 
no STDs. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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The conundrum makes me suspect that there are 2 different issues in play.

A CBC to see if there is a red cell polycythemia present could add a lot to focusing the investigation.
Everything is in the normal range.

And as an ancillary...
no STDs.
I wish mine looked that good. 

I have low iron/anemia, and cirrhosis. 

Offline WPW717

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In any event your situation needs more investigation. One scenario comes to mind: early onset Prolactinoma that hasn’t had time to push the T level down. A contrasted MRI might not show any thing yet. (Unlikely) 
I am assuming you are not doping for weight lifting competition or buffing up in the gym for fun.
Some serial labs are in order for 2 reasons; one value may be a lab error, and the other one is the fact that single hormone tests are a snapshot.

Trends are more revealing.

There are a few reasons for prolactin to elevate slightly that are dietary, medicinal, and physical. A chest massage/ trauma to the breasts can cause elevation.

Offline taxmapper

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Doing some research, there is one very possible explanation along with several others that the blood tests dont reflect. 

The big "C"  is out because the blood tests are not showing that. 
Vitamin D is very low: 

The doctor referred me to an endocrinologist in regards to this.  

If i am reading this correctly, that opens up the possibility I may have other parts inside. 

Offline WPW717

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Currently using P5P, an activated B 6 compound, that is supposed to lower prolactin levels. Will know more after a few more months of labs. I’ll report on that later this year.
Something for you to consider, Tax.
I have noticed it affects the amount of time I spend sleeping ( reducing it) but  there is no change in the quality. No other effects noted…

Offline taxmapper

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Got my appointment with an endo.... 

Feb.7th of 2025! 

Offline WPW717

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That’s worse than here in inland PNW

Where are you ?

That’s an awful lag.

Offline taxmapper

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Nuevo Mexico

Say hello to Obama Care

Offline nomad30

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You need to see an endocrinologist. Other than obvious gyno, I had symptoms of "low T" such as low libido and energy in general, brain fog etc. Instead of going to one of those low T center type places like my friends, I went to a real endo and I had the same test results as you. I don't remember the exact numbers but my T was around 850-900 and prolactin was high as well. I also got a full work up done, with about 10 vials of blood, and like you my other levels were great.

He asked me what medications I was on. I was taking an antidepressant and finasteride for hair loss. He told me to stop the finasteride. His theory was that since I already had high test for a 36 year old, my body was aromatizing the test that the finasteride was stopping from being turned into DHT. He claimed gyno and such was way more common with these hair loss medications than the manufacturer will admit. In any case within a month of stopping this med, my estrogen went way down and my symptoms went away. We continued follow ups with blood work after 3, 6 and 12 months before we parted ways and all good. Of course the gyno did not go away and I later had surgery. I now use topical generic Rogaine on my hair. It works ok but not as good as finasteride. 

My fear would be that the gyno could come back even after surgery if the hormone problem isn't corrected, but I am no doctor. I have thought about trying the oral hair loss meds again but closely monitoring my blood work however it just seems like a lot of trouble for a cosmetic issue. For what its worth, my gyno was also caused by steroid use and genetics I would guess. Good luck.

Offline taxmapper

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Like previous blood works, except for elevated LDLs (typ. for my age) everything else was normal except the vitamin D.  Additionally I was so diluted urin wise I peed nearly pure water. Low uric acid levels and Micro-albumin levels. 

I am not on any other medication and the Losartan (to whit I am stopping immediately because of deadly headaches), the Prolactin levels are still highly unusual. 

I had asked for the spero, but she downplayed that. I may ask for it again when I call her Monday. 

On Jami Lee Curtis.. I honestly have NEVER seen her as anything but female. period. 

Infertility is also a subject that is a bit sore with me. 

I have always wanted kids, and nothing has happened. 

So despite all of the other aspects, if it turns out I have extra parts,...

then I have extra parts and will deal with that as it comes. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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I have also recently has blood drawn and a large battery of tests. 

lab tests are coming in. my liver is at advanced cirrhosis and nearing point of needing a transplant. blood sugar, kidneys, and hormone levels are all being effected. my estrogen levels are super high because my liver is unable to filter them out (maybe caused my breast tissue growth from D to DDD). they will change my diet plan with hopes they can keep cirrhosis from progressing further.

All viral causes have been ruled out, and I'm not a drinker. Diagnosed as complications due to a fatty liver/overweight. 

I'll get my new diet plan today. 


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