Author Topic: Re: Weird Occurance!!!  (Read 24632 times)

Offline GynoVict1m

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hahaha. sorry, nothing personal. it's a funny thread.

idk about that man.. check with Dr. Bermant

Offline jc71

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growing up, i remember the hairy palms jokes if you do it, but never any gyne will go away if you don't jokes. ;D

Offline fleetwd

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ok, i do respect everyone on here as most of us suffer or have suffered from the same thing - but that's absurd  ::)

Offline stinger

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If its not a coincidence, it may be something to do with ur hormones...? Maybe ur testoserone levels are thru the chick u are with well.....*Thinks of sex scene in scary movie*?!  Interesting never the less....

Offline rcbrown23

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I don't think that's "obsurd" at all. I think it is a totally legitimate question...In fact it's not the first time someone has asked about turkey jerky and gyne ;)

I say who is known that gyne can be caused by hormone imbalance, and your hormones have to change at least a miniscule amount if your jerking off patterns change.

Many would say the two have nothing to do with eachother...but if it's getting smaller after 8 years and the only change is masturbation patterns, then I'd say it's definitley a factor.

P.S.  I do not recommend that everyone stops jerking off! That could cause complete chaos and lead to the end of the world as we know it. :P


Offline glinja

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Offline jonQ

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haha,it just sounds funny,saying it like that,but i guess there really could be something to it...anyways later
had the surgery done,now i'm gynecomastia-less

Offline Optimistic

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Ok I'll give this a shot since I noticed the same thing. Since you keep producing more and more testosterone you then have to aromatize it into estrogen isn't this correct?

I think my amateur theory here is the "THE ANTERIOR LOBE"  is being overworked to keep up, in the end the aromatization of the daily created testosterone may add to this situation but hey I'm no doctor I'm just reading the facts =).

So if you are overly active masturbation wouldn't this compile alot of estrogen over time? Adding to the situation of ongoing constant draining the body of sperm just might boost the estrogen levels in some people.  The pituitary gland stimulates the tissues of the testes to elaborate testosterone.

"Glands under the influence of anterior pituitary hormones are also affected by anterior pituitary deficiency"

This site has good reading

Ok who here is going to test this "MONK Theory" out for a month or 2? =) I think the wife would murder me unless I start faking it jk.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2004, 01:44:18 PM by Optimistic »

Offline GynoVict1m

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Damn. Good Facts

Offline Optimistic

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Thanks, I wanted to see if there was some sort of connection which it looks like there is.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2004, 02:10:24 PM by Optimistic »

Offline boobsy

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Hi.   I have also noticed what you mentioned above - my breast tissue shrinks when I don't clean the pipes for a while.  
Hell, I got this gynecomastia when I was in first year university - I was drinking a lot and also having sex/masturbating a lot (twice a day at least).  I think a lengthy combination of drinking and sex did it.  and those are two of my favorite things.
I'm in, though.  No more heavy drinking or masturbation for a while.
This will be kinda like that episode of Seinfeld when they see who can go the longest without masturbation.
Good luck!

Offline hypo

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Hormones ARE affected by this activity.

When a man has an orgasm his prolactin level increases for a period of time.

It is prolactin that makes a man feel that he wants nothing to do with sex after he has just had an orgasm.

Prolactin reduces the bioavailable fraction of testosterone in the male endocrine system.  

In all seriousness though, this is not an issue.  It is a small temporal change.

Hormones are doing their job in your body 24hrs a day, a slight blip, a few times a day will have no significant impact.  

Offline Optimistic

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"When a man has an orgasm his prolactin level increases for a period of time"

Over doing this in some people who may have borderline or low testosterone may become more of a problem than just a "blip". Not to mention the older we get the lower our testosterone becomes.

The conventional view of prolactin is that its major target organ is the mammary gland, and stimulating mammary gland development... But who's to say that in some people the estrogen isn't going directly to the gland of the male?
« Last Edit: November 14, 2004, 02:14:45 PM by Optimistic »

Offline AbNormal

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I haven't noticed this factor in the past, but it's probably because I hadn't heard it mentioned before.

My gyne came about during a 6-9 month period of my drinking quite heavily, and also masturbating quite frequently as well.

But something that I noticed before the gyne came about was that my testes had shrunk a bit.  Then came the gyne.

I'm 99% sure that hypogonadism from alcohol is the cause of my problems, though I only now have a doctor's appt. in regards to it.  I have no health insurance, and have been between jobs for the last 2 months (got a new job last week though), so I don't have the resources to get this taken care of right now.

But the masturbation probably was part of it as well.  It makes sense that the reproductive system could get "worn down" from constantly having to produce and convert materials for ejaculation.

I think I also had zinc deficiency as well when I finally quit drinking, because my eyes would hurt around bright lights, then I started taking zinc every day, and that immediately went away.  Also, the 1st time that I took the zinc tablets, I felt strangely energized and "odd" for a couple hours.. I don't know why else that would have occured, other than because I didn't have enough zinc in my system.

Anyway, just another example of someone whose situation could be caused by too much fappage.  Now parents really do have something to warn their kids about masturbating.

Offline AbNormal

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But yeah, since I read this 2 days ago the first time, I've been abstaining from fappage.. we'll see what happens.

Probably just once a week is a good frequency to stick with.


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