Author Topic: Has gynecomastia ruined your self confidence totally?  (Read 8732 times)

Offline Finnish_dude

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Hi every one!

As the title descripes, has gynecomastia ruined your self confidence totally?

Gynecomasty has made me also to hate my face for example.

Has surgery helped your self confidence in anyway?
I reckon that gynecomastia relates quite wide on your mind about your image of your body.
When there is a big problem (gynecomastia) in your body, all the other minor things start look as worse.

I hate myself so much that I don't know what I should do about it. I think it's all about gynecomastia which relates in so many things. I don't even dare to talk girls in serious way, but as a friend I don't have any problem. About 75% of my work colleagues are women, so talking with girls is every daily to me. But why I have so much fear to talk about them as on serious business? God how frustrated I am.  ??? 

What do you think?

Offline turningacorner

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I quite like my face lol. When I started noticing my gyne I stopped caring about my podgy waist, because tbh, a bit of tummy fat's pretty normal for a bloke, man boobs are'nt IMO. They became my sole focus everyday, now I have had surgery I feel better, and I still can't see my final results clearly yet! I went out last night for a pint and felt comfortable wearing a shirt, it was pretty good. I hope if you ever get surgery you will learn to love the rest of your body like you used to before gyne, I really don't understand why man boobs have made you think like this, they are the enemy, not your face!

Offline reymysterio

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Hey Fdude I can understand what you mean, but you should look at your situation in a different way: gynaecomastia is a problem exclusively regarding your chest and it remains there if you don't fight against it properly.Yes is a problem, but only a local problem; moreover you can defeat it by surgery.
So don't feel frustrate, I'm sure you have a lot of good qualities; hence look at them, be proud of yourself and begin to think about surgery. By this way you can live your life with more serenity than now.
Good luck.
You can find the success before sweating only on your dictionary.

Offline Finnish_dude

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Thanks guys.

I know many of us with gynecomastia have been bullied in the past years.
I didn't know anything about gynecomastia before August. I've had always thought that gynecomastia is self-caused and it's only pure fat. Since my family life hasn't always been easy (father with narcissistic personality disorder). I tried to lost weight with mad attitude and I succeeded. But breasts never changed smaller. That depressed me and have made me to lost my self-confidence. "I'm never going to get rid of this, and I will be always ugly". I suspect also that living in a little town hasn't helped me anything. Everyone knows everyone and everyone talks shit about you behind your back.

I'm not best to tell am I ugly or not, because of my lost self-esteem. I've had some relationships with girls but I've always thought that they were doing it just for pity to me.

I've been shaming my breasts for about 9 years and because of bullying, I think gynecomastia has secretly destroyed 'good' picture of me in my mind. I've been very critical of my body for 9 years. Thank god I'm having the surgery, but not until in four months, because I'm going through free public health care to the surgery. I'm just scared what the surgery results will do to me. Will it boost my self-esteem and forget all about these 9 years? Or are the mental scars already done their job on me permanently?

Offline reymysterio

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Don't worry, mental scars will vanish quickly or , at least, I hope so.

Offline rolo3175

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get the surgery because i had it since 12 and now im 24 years old 5'7 145lbs and waited this long to get it. It had ruined my self confidence but i was still able to talk to women without them worrying about it. Although being intimate with them i did kinda try to keep my shirt on. but I know how you feel. heres pics of my surgery pre and post op 5 days after surgery and you can see some results already.

Offline GrandMstrBud

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It has ruined my self confidence for 32 years and I wish it was as simple as get the surgery but when money is an issue it's not that simple at all. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about it and get depressed over it. Oh well, some day I may win the lottery or something.

Offline tricat13

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It tarnished my self confidence as well.  Actually, I just had the surgery today and I also worried about how results will be.  I know I am in for a rough couple of weeks with the healing process and all, but already I feel better about doing it.  I forked over half of my summer's pay check to do it but I felt like it was totally worth it.  Next summer hopefully if all goes as planned, I will be out swimming butt naked with all the fine ladies.  lol  No, but in all seriousness, I did suffer from depression, and it was partially because of it.  I also suffered from anorexia.  I felt that whenever I ate food, my nipples would grow.  It was a big problem.  To this day, I have worn 2, maybe even three shirts that are obviously too large for my body just to cover my chest and when living in the desert, it becomes mighty hot!  I rarely take my shirt off in public.  However, today is the day i erase that part of my past and look forward to a more confident future, and I hope everyone on here does.  I wish all of you the best of luck in dealing with this crappy condition. 

Offline Paa_Paw

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The answer is both yes and no.

Like most, My Gynecomastia showed up in early puberty and did not go away as the Dr. said it should.

Jr. High and High School brought the same problems familiar to everyone here and I had the distinction of failing P.E. because of failure to participate.

After graduation from High School, I went into the US Air Force. It was 1955 and those who did not enlist were usually drafted. I dreaded Basic training, But there was another guy there in my group that also had Gynecomastia and he made a much better victim than I allowed myself to be.

Some rather amusing turns of events led to me dating a young lady who had breasts smaller than mine. She wished she could have larger breasts and I wished that I could give her mine. We laughed together at our respective plights.

I became a police officer in 1963, and upon Graduation from the Police Academy the Captain in charge of the academy pinned the badge on my uniform and said "Now here's a lad that displays his badge proudly" Everyone, myself included, laughed out loud.

The present methods of male breast reduction have only been around for about 20 years and by that time I was 50 years old.  Also by that time I had different priorities.

If the surgery had been available when I was in my 20's, I would probably have wanted it. Surgery was not an option available at that point in my life so there was no choice but play the cards I had been dealt or live the life that I had.

Anyone who thinks that Gynecomastia is the end of the world should instead give thanks that they live in a time where there is safe effective surgery so they have the option of getting rid of it.
Grandpa Dan


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