Author Topic: Teen years being ruined by possible gynecomastia  (Read 2920 times)

Offline someguat

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Hello everyone,

I am seventeen years old and have noticed symptoms of gynecomastia since I was about fourteen or fifteen. I am not sure if it is the disease or if fat just happens to develop more in my chest than in the rest of my body. It gets really annoying because I cannot wear the clothes that I want to wear. I am not overweight, or even fat, but I am surely fatter than the average body type for my age and size (I am 150 lbs. and 5'7"). I really want to do something about the breasts since every time I go to the beach or a pool party I am embarrassed to take my shirt off. I'll do anything to lose weight, but first I want to make sure that the cause of my male breasts isn't gynecomastia. Surgery would be really hard to get, since my dad is very stubborn about it and says that all I need to do is exercise more and that they'll go away.  I've told him about everything I've read about gynecomastia, but he just doesn't want to believe it. So what steps do you think I should take to start dealing with this issue? Thanks.

Offline LMC1307

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Well, you could see a doctor about it and get his opinion. Also, you should look into losing weight and getting in shape in the mean time. If your breasts decrease then you are good to go. If not, then you should be able to have a better idea where you stand with the gyno (how it looks) and you could then go from there with your dad, and a possible surgery route.
Went under the knife on 7/27/07 - Revision 5/22/08 - Great results this far.
Surgery performed by Dr. Placik M.D. F.A.C.S. in Chicago, IL

Offline someguat

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Offline milk_caps

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I'd say that's gyne for sure.. Kinda looked like mine when I was younger.. I always thought it was fat, so I busted my ass to get in shape, but the weights made it a bit worse, as in more prominent when the muscle was getting bigger..

Since you're 17-- why not just get a job, save up, and when you turn 18 get the surgery ?

Offline someguat

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Offline normexcept

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Your gyne looks a lot like my own.  I feel for you but advize you to not let it ruin your teen years.  Some of the guys who post on here use compression vests or underarmour under their clothing to minimize how it looks.  That might get you by for a while.  Have you talked with your family about how this makes you feel?  I've found that my family has been my best support.  Perhaps they can help you find a solution.  If you have a hard time breaking the ice on the subject, maybe you could ask them to look at this site and see the pain it causes people so they will be more willing to take you seriously.


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