Author Topic: 5 days post op with Dr. Benito  (Read 4452 times)

Offline another_case

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Having now had the surgery and back in the UK thought I would do a quick post to try and help others. Don't feel too bad considering the trauma my chest has been through! Dr. Benito said he took 500cc out of each side which was more than I thought he'd get, I had grade 2 gyne which is somewhere in the middle of severity I think. I am in a fair bit of pain obviously but nothing too excessive, I do have LOTS of fluid in my chest and it feels like a sponge still so difficult to see the results. The bruising is impressive too, I will attempt to post photos soon! The compression vest is irritating me like it does everyone but to wear it for 4 weeks is a small price to pay. I was very impressed with the professionalism of the hospital staff and Dr. Benito is an obvious expert in this field of surgery. I am confident that there will be a significant difference in my chest over the next 2 weeks. I'm booked in to see him again in London in 2 weeks aswell for a check-up. Anyone thinking of having surgery I highly recommend him.

« Last Edit: February 19, 2008, 03:07:16 AM by another_case »

Offline michaelmorey

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thanks for posting your experience with dr benito. i'm type 2 gyne as well & am planning on going with ANYTHING u have to say about your experience and progress will b very very much appreciated! please don't underestimte how helpful it is to have some insight from those who've already gone thru the i eagerly await your pics and your next posts!!!
cheers dude..keep em coming!

Offline another_case

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Outertrial posted a very good diary of surgery with Dr. Benito a while ago which you should take a look at if you haven't already. I can tell you that the hospital is very new and advanced and the aftercare is very good. The nurses came in every 1-2 hours to take my blood pressure/heart rate etc during both the nights I was there after my surgery. Try and learn some basic Spanish if you can as the only words I could understand them say was 'pee pee' (basically asking me if I needed the toilet as I couldn't get out of bed the 1st night)! Before the surgery they do a thorough blood test/ECG to make sure your body is in a suitable condition so you get a free medical too. Dr. Benito comes to visit you in your room afterwards and you can ask him any questions but you should be fine. I've asked Aida his assistant to send me my 'before' photos as Dr. Benito took some (I don't have any). When I get them I'll post a before and after and I'll try to update it regularly. Don't be put off with the current state of my body in my after photos, it is very soon after surgery still! The chest is still full of fluid and the fluid has actually dropped down to my stomach area now and has made my stomach/love handles look worse than they are. Once all the fluid and swelling has gone from everywhere it should look far better.

Offline michaelmorey

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Thanks dude,

I know Dr Benito seems to have an excellent reputation on this board. In fact it's the reason I chose him. So I hope your eventual outcome is as successful as Outerial's as his results are fantastic! I'm not too apprehensive about bruising as Dr Benito explained that once he cuts out all the fat and gland, the chest looks completely flat...but after a few days, it starts to fill back up with fluid and gunk and all the stuff it needs to heal. He said that really you should even begin to think of final results until about six months as it takes quite a while for the scar tissue to heal and dissipate...but a great thing that he said to me (in terms of understanding the process and how I should approach recovery) was that, if you can prepare your mindset for a year's worth of healing..then you should be really quite happy in the end! I just can't wait to be able to wear some nice thin jumpers and t-shirts..Well done for going through with it, and thanks so much for the updates! do keep them coming!

Offline outertrial

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Yes I'm about a year in now. Very satisfied with the results.

Now if i can just shift the belly...

Offline mwalker74

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outer, your results are great.......has it allowed u to do more things in summer or wear what u like that u couldnt do before?

Offline another_case

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I have 3 photos to post, I'm going to have to post them one by one as it keeps saying I am exceeding the file capacity for attachments even though I have scaled them down enough! You can see in the first one how the bruising has gone down to my belly (gravity does that apparently). I have to wait to see Dr. Benito in just under 2 weeks to get my 'before' photos which is frustrating so sorry about that. At least you can see what I look like after 5 days. I'll do more photos at the 2 week stage.

Offline another_case

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Offline another_case

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Offline darrend

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hey mark hope you are feeling ok! i was so sore after but i have to admit benito is first class.

Offline mwalker74

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Have you got any recent pics? Looks prettu sore another......good for u for going for it, hopfully i wont be far behind

Offline outertrial

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outer, your results are great.......has it allowed u to do more things in summer or wear what u like that u couldnt do before?

Yeah I dont worry about clothes anymore, its nice. Most gyners find it takes a longer time to stop feeling self conscious about their bodies, when its an automatic reaction for so long it takes a while to condition it out. Funnily enough I started noticing a lot of guys with gyne after I had the operation, when I hadnt done previously.

I will post updated pics after a while but theres no real change since my last healed shots.


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