Author Topic: Finally had my surgery last Friday  (Read 5497 times)

Offline zarzomj

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Well I finally got my little problem fixed last Friday (today Thursday) at Dr Dr. Wilcox office in Dallas. Things definitely look flatter but I still have quit a bit of swelling and don't plan for this to go down for a month. I am also pretty black and blue under each side. I guess the blood is just collecting there. The compression garment is driving me nuts. My underarm pits have broken out and covered in bumps from the vest rubbing them. I really don't think I can wear this vest much longer and quit frankly, It isn't that tight. I am thinking of switching over to an underarmor tonight. I am just going to get one that is pretty tight. Is it ok to switch over to the underarmor at this point in the game (7 days)? I have read anything from 5 days to 30 days.

Offline headheldhigh01

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probably depends on how extensive the surgery was.  i would think if you were careful you could do it, but the best person to ask is the doc who knows your case and did the op. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline zarzomj

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Thanks for the reply. I picked up a really tight underarmor yesterday and wore it for the second half of the day. That was enough to give my pits some relief. This morning I got up and put the underarmor on and decided I better put the vest back on over it. Pits are doing better today. How long does it take for the swelling to go down? On both sides just below and outside of my nipple I feel some lumps that are very tender. When will these go away? A month?

Offline David22

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Offline zarzomj

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No, No drains... Things are progressing well, but I am still swollen up just below and outsid the nipple. It feels like somewhat big lumps in there. They are hard/firm lumps. I am now on day 12 and still wearing a sleeveless underarmor 24/7. This underarmor works better than my vest. My chest is definately looking much better than before surgery, but I am still hoping for a little more flatness once the swelling goes down in those lumps. Are the lumps normal?

Offline Twin Peaks

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Yeah. That is probably scar tissue and will stick around for a few months.  You should start massaging it when your doctor allows.

Offline zarzomj

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I am now a month out and the lumps are still there although one side has decrease in size. They seem to coincide with the amount of numbness I have. One side is completely numb still and that is the side that has the biggest lumps. I guess I will start massaging. Should I still be wearing a compression garment?  I am still wearing the underarmors I bought on and off.

Offline zarzomj

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Well here we are 8 weeks post op and I can't say that I am totally happy. I have a hard lump under my right nipple and in general I feel hard stuff behind both. I went in for a visist with Dr. Dr. Wilcox last week and he said everything looked ok, that it was swelling and it would go away within a couple more months. I guess I am kinda feeling defeated at this point, because summer is once again upon us and gynecomastia is still upon me!!! Not as bad, but the improvement isn't what I had hoped for but in fairness, I will give it 4 more months before I cast judgement.

Offline Ray2010

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I am thinking about going to Dr. Dr. Wilcox. Did the lumps ever go away? How did everything turn out?


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