Author Topic: Inherited Gynecomastia among Mediterraneans?  (Read 1943 times)

Offline Plarkin

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I'm curious. My father is full-central Southern Italian and has it or has pseudo -- we've never been able to talk about these things, an issue not for this board. I seem to recall an Italian uncle with it, as well. (I have it, as well, but I always suspected a flaw in my androgen-response or receptors was the cause, as my labs are normal.)

Anyway, is gyne more common among Italians? I think I read somewhere were it was more common among Arabs or Egyptians, in particular. This true? I didn't even know it could be passed down from father to son.

Offline King_V

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Definitely was around in ancient Egypt, among others, King Tut had it and by the looks of some sculptures his father, King Arkhenaton, too. I think it has something to do with foods. For example yam is said to have some estrogenic qualities to it and yam is a major produce of Nigeria - I see a lot of Nigerian people with gyno or psuedo gyno...Just generally 'different' looking nipples.

Do you consume a lot of olive oil?

Offline alten33

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Offline Paa_Paw

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My ancestors came from the British Isles, and the condition is very common in my family.

I don't know that any ethnic group has it more than any other. It seems to be an equal opportunity pain in the ----
Grandpa Dan

Offline johnnybot

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LOL maybe your on to something my father was sicilian and had the same thing but his wasent noticeble because hes chest was huge well now it is but his in his 50 and does excersice much


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