Author Topic: Killing steroid related gyno for good  (Read 4265 times)

Offline will2

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First post ;)

Is it possible? can the surgeon do anything to stop the return of the hard lumps? Even months after steroid use the lumps appear with minimal pain and do not respond to SERM drugs suh as nolva or AIs either (letro/arimidex)
All correct protocols have been used on and after steroid cycle

Can the root cause be dealt with in surgery or is it a case of the glandular tissue being removed and the chance of it returning still high?

Thi will be op number 4


Offline moobius

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you're SOL man. no amount of SERMS or AI's are going to correct your situation. theres a lot more to the equation in steroid related gyne than just controlling estrogen. prolactin, IGF-1, even low test or a skewed Test/Estrodiol ratio can all be big players in the development of gyne.

at this point surgery is really your only option to acheive the results your looking for

Offline Paa_Paw

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Grandpa Dan

Offline will2

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you're SOL man. no amount of SERMS or AI's are going to correct your situation. theres a lot more to the equation in steroid related gyne than just controlling estrogen. prolactin, IGF-1, even low test or a skewed Test/Estrodiol ratio can all be big players in the development of gyne.

at this point surgery is really your only option to acheive the results your looking for

I have had 3 operations lready and Im asking if there is anything that the surgeon can do t stop the gyno returning or is it a case of m having the lumps removed, them returing and me going for another op to remove them? as this is costing a bomb and I dont want to keep going through it (even after cessation of steroids 9 months ago)


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I doubt theirs anything that can be done but to stop the use of steds my friend ...

Offline JasonR

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Offline Paa_Paw

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If I'm reading you right, You have stopped the steroids entirely and not taken any for nine months. You are asking if the surgeon can do anything to  prevent regrowth after surgery. And, you will soon have your fourth operation.

I don't know if there is anything that the surgeon can do to prevent further regrowth, but there are things that you can do.

First, Would be to get a set of hormone tests to establish a base line of your hormone levels. Presuming that you are entirely honest about being off the steroids for nine or more months, these should be fairly accurate. You would want to be sure your past use of steroids is not still impacting your normal hormone levels. An Endocrinologist may be needed to evaluate the test results because of your rather complicated history. You must be absolutely honest about your past drug use, The Endocrinologist must know everything.

Second, Print out a list of things that may cause Gynecomastia. (Dr. Bermants site has such a list.) and studiously avoid anything on the list. If a medication is prescribed for you that is on the list, Request that your Dr. prescribe an alternative. You already know that you are prone to breast growth, No need to prove it yet again.

Third, Avoid any Medications (including OTC supplements) Which have not been prescribed for you by a Dr. who is aware of your Medical / Surgical history.

Fourth, Follow all your pre and post operative instructions to the letter.

The cost of the operations is only one issue that you need to be concerned about. With repeated surgeries in the same area, the circulation in that area becomes compromised and your ability to heal well is diminished. Cosmetic surgery junkies have one procedure after another until they are finally left with wounds that will not heal well because of inadequate circulation. Then they try to blame the surgeons. Don't be a surgery junkie.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 09:58:30 PM by Paa_Paw »

Offline will2

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If I'm reading you right, You have stopped the steroids entirely and not taken any for nine months. You are asking if the surgeon can do anything to  prevent regrowth after surgery. And, you will soon have your fourth operation.

100% correct

and all the other things have adhered to, hence the comments about ditching steroids previously isnt helping

thanks for the insight  :)

Offline moobius

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sounds like they're leaving some gland behind each time to ensure business stays good. find a doc who'll take out the entire gland next go 'round

Offline dcvet

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OP, what was the cycle?  What type of streroids, amount, frequency of administration, duration of cycle, previous cycles, ancilliaries taken during cycle, and full PCT protocol?  Also, did you have gyn before the cycle?  Its pretty difficult to give you even an educated guess without the above info.

Offline matthew1

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obviously  your Estrodiol  is way out of control, 3 operation and returning gyne is un heard of/


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