Author Topic: IF MEN IN BRAS BOTHER YOU DON"T READ!!!!  (Read 74913 times)

Offline walt

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hi bob its not for support she has a thing about "cross dressers" she feels that a womans cup bra is too feminen for a man to wear , i tell her its not the style its for comfort.


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Your not cross dressing as a wearing a bra does not qualify as cross dressing! You would need to go much further to cross that line

But that's my opinion

Offline TigerPaws

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Your not cross dressing as a wearing a bra does not qualify as cross dressing! You would need to go much further to cross that line

But that's my opinion


Walt, perhaps you need to have a serious and frank discussion with your wife. It might help if you are topless and explain that regardless of your sex men can grow fully developed breasts just as she did. Maybe by calmly confronting her with the facts and the realities of how you physically feel, the discomfort of bouncing, rubbing and at times you are tired of the compression a sports bra exerts. Tell her that you need her emotional support and her understanding, then perhaps she will come to understand and accept that you need a bra just as she does.

I normally wear a compression sports bra while I am out and about but while at home I wear a bra which is comfortable(I am a 38C).

If you can get her to understand your discomfort and if you ask for her help maybe she will "see the light" and help you rather than berate you.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 07:29:47 AM by TigerPaws »

Offline walt

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hi guys its the fact she does not think men should wesr anything with frills on it. we do love each other a whole lot , and she doesn`t wear a bra often my boobs are as big as hers .she is ok with the fact i do wear girl jeans as they fit better, and very short shorts due to neuro problems in the legs
so in time i will get her thinking along different lines as my endo doc wants me to get measured to check boob growth.anyhow . be well

Offline TigerPaws

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hi guys its the fact she does not think men should wesr anything with frills on it. we do love each other a whole lot , and she doesn`t wear a bra often my boobs are as big as hers .she is ok with the fact i do wear girl jeans as they fit better, and very short shorts due to neuro problems in the legs
so in time i will get her thinking along different lines as my endo doc wants me to get measured to check boob growth.anyhow . be well

Good luck walt. You may want to let your lady know that she has an unreasonable attitude and that her priorities need to be realigned. In my humble opinion if a lady truly cares about you then she would support you in you quest for relief from the discomfort and pain of having unsupported breasts. Her needs are different from your needs and if she is comfortable going bra-less then that is her decision, not yours.Conversely if you need to wear a bra she should support and accept you decision.
All three of the ladies I am currently dating fully support my need to wear a bra, sports or otherwise, hells-bells they buy them for me as a gift because they know and understand that just like them I need the support.

If these ladies did not act this way I would not be with them. There are far too many intelligent, giving, sensitive and beautiful women in the world to settle for anything less than exactly what you want and need from a companion.

Offline walt

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hello again yes i do wear a sports bra , that she has no problem with .its the frilly lacey type she doesn`t care for on a man.its hard to find a 48A/B cup bra thats plain enough.thanz for the input though.


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Walt, I get it! I wouldn't want pink or lace myself!

With the high humidity and dew point I haven't even been wearing them! I do on some days put them on, but even just sitting on my butt here in the house with the air on I can't stand them on! I have no problem during cool weather but with hot weather I feel better without!

I guess with all the years of having the big ones that I have going without a bra I can go either way!


Offline Paa_Paw

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Nothing with lace or frills on it. I guess she would find my Guayabera shirts offensive then.

The lady needs a picture book showing clothing styles through the ages. Traditionally men were more ornate in their dress than women in ages past. The concept of men wearing primarily subdued colors and garments without adornment is actually very recent. A man of three centuries past would have worn a lot of lace.

Next time the lady puts on a pair of jeans, refuse to go out with her because she is openly cross dressing. You'd be within your rights.
Grandpa Dan

Offline TigerPaws

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A simple Google search will bring up a number of simple bras in size 46a.

Offline walt

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thanx guys .im working on it . be well

Offline Bman41

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This summer being so hot I just couldn't do a sports bra.  So I finally gave into a reg bra.  Much cooler than a sports bra, but yes, it shows a little more,  When I measure me in a sports bra, bare or in a reg bra, measurements come out nearly identical.  It is all where the bra tends to push the breast into.  A compression bra will push it down and out under the arms some, the underwire bras tend to push it out front and get it off the sides.  I find that I really hate it on the sides, but out front it is noticeable to me, my wife says it isn't really noticeable, but to me it is.  No one has ever indicated that they see anything.

I do find a reg bra on average, is just plain much more comfortable than a sports/compression bra.  But a sports bra tends to show less projection, but you are just plain squashed all day and often gives you the mono-boob look.  A reg bra when you take off at the end of the day is fine, a sports bra, you tend to can't wait to get it off....

So a reg bra looks more "normal", but the breasts can be more projected depending on the bra type.  I have a couple that are very comfortable, my biggest complaint is the strap adjusters are easily seen.  I sometimes flip the strap so it isn't seen easily.  Depending on what sort of top, the band is usually not too easy to see with t-shirt bras.  I have lost some weight, but so far the breasts aren't any smaller....  I fit a 38C well to a 40C, but my 40's are always on the inner clasp and my 38's are on the outer. 

Offline TigerPaws

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I agree with the comments on the Sports Bras, my biggest complaint is with getting them off when they are wet from sweat. What a Pain.

With so many bra manufactures the choices are difficult as even within a manufactures product line there are variations, there are no easy answers.

The best suggestion I can offer is to keep trying various bras from different manufactures until you find 1 or 2 styles which are comfortable depending on your activity.

As for the adjustable straps, try the newer clear style, they are soft and do not show, plus they tend to stay in place better and not slip down your shoulder. You might try a cross back style as these are generally more comfortable and that style keeps the straps from slipping as well as hiding them in the center of your back.


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Bman, in the end of the day, it is all about comfort! As you said about the heat I found that I need to go bra free more than with a bra! I guess because I have had these big things so long I can handle a few days of them just hanging on these extremely hot days that worked better for be. I hate the high dew points and humidity! I do put one on as soon as I get in the comfort of air conditioning and have no activity. I am one of those people that sweat by just thinking, HA, HA!

I have to agree as far as the regular bra goes. It may make you project more but for me they actually are less noticeable then without because of how mine hang so low, swing and bunce so much. This is something that was noticed by family as I walked not just by me, not to even consider the comfort from stopping the swinging and bouncing.

Offline Bman41

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I have a favorite for now, a barely there bt77.  It has cups that cover better and other than the adjusters on the back is very hard to see unless I pull my shirt tight in the back.  In the front not able to see.  It supports well and isn't hot like a sports bra.  I got it at target on clearance. 

Offline littleone

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I'm new here, this is actually my first post. 

1) yes
2) yes

I know a lot of you on here don't understand why a man would wear a bra, but honestly it just feals better with one on than not.  As my user name suggests I'm not very big, I was actually an elite athelete in my younger years.  But after having our third child, and 6 years without sleep, my testosterone levels plumetted and my breasts began to grow.  I originally thought it was just me getting out of shape, but as time went on, I realized my breasts were indeed growing.

I don't have a serious case of gyne (I wear a 34a bra), and honestly no one can really tell when I'm dressed, it just looks like I'm a little soft.  I can esaily get away without a bra or any type of compression, but there is enough jiggle and bounce that the extra support and control of wearing one makes me feel much better.

I have tried sports bras and don't like them much but for rigorous activity, they are so binding and uncomfortable.  So I moved on to regular bras and find they hold everything were it needs to be without the discomfort of compression.


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