Author Topic: Could i regret this?  (Read 1936 times)

Offline IHELP

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Ok so yea im 15 with gyno and ive heard many people on this forum tell me that my gyno could go away by the time im 17 or 18 i should just visit a doc. But could it go away without visiting a doc and getting prescribed medicine? If i just wait it out without telling anyone is there a chance it will go away? And if i do become 18 and then visit a doc cant i get those tablet treatment stuff then>>?

Offline ellington7

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NO..if I were 15 again and knew how difficult it would be to live with gynecomastia, I would have threatened my folks with suicide if they didn't help me.  This disease will destroy your relationships, take opportunities away from you to live freely as others, and will also screw your mind up.  You don't want to let this thing entrench itself in your life because when it does, you won't have a life....

I don't play around with this subject, so if your looking for sweets you'll get none here..get the surgery done, and have a good life, but if not, be miserable.

Offline Badgene

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im sure you see a doctor at least once a year. Dont do what I did.... I was embarrassed so I said nothing. you have to ask. see the doc and You might want to see an endocrinologist this will give you the clues you need.

There is always hope it could go away but..... I would be scared to hold my breath out for that.

Im sorry but I would have to personally agree with Ellington. He's not being mean to you but he is speaking from the heart I believe and I am going to continue on with his point.

gynecomastia manipulated my life and turned me into a loser and on certain levels I allowed it too as well.

This sorta goes along with one of your other posts: but Im going to post it here

You want to hear about what a loser I am? Here I go again..............

IHELP you have no idea how lucky you are that you even KNOW that you have this condition. I never knew what gynecomastia was untill I was like 19, I am 22 and just got surgery.

up untill that point I just assumed god hated me and liked watching me suffer, now I realize I am going through what many other people are going through. I didnt magically grow boobs because the powers in heaven felt like having a laugh.... I suffer from an affliction (one of a few), now mental ones too as a result of my past.

I didnt go to my highschool prom.... I havent gone to the beach... or even swimming in (i kid u not) about 7 years.... minus one summer when I went on a vacation.... cuz after a while not even a shirt could hide this. I had swim lessons when I was a kid and I was great at it, nothing was more refreshing then taking a dip in the swimpool.... i wonder if I still even remember how.

 From being tormented as a kid I developed social phobia and major depression since I was younger then you and it carries on in me to this day. Being looked up and down and judged had led me to miss out on many of the most major important events in my life....... you dont get those back, there are no time machines. My yearbook is empty blank pages, I got one of me somewhere standing in the back, no signatures or goodbye messages, no memories (good) to hold, no girls to speak of, I have to just wonder what its like to walk down the street on a beautiful day in average clothes holding a pretty girls hand like a normal human, ive never even danced before in my life. I have a lot of sh--t to catch up on in life and everyday I feel like its too late even tho others tell me im young and I still have it ahead of me (22 - 23 by winter). Now I have to start at the beginning by being one of those creeps who has to go to a bar and hit on loose women just to get a start at things, I think my only hope may be to try one of these online dating things and find another loser like myself and pretend to be happy with.

But maybe you are stronger.

And also becareful about telling people in RL that you could kill yourself or you will find yourself locked in an observation ward with pills being crammed in your mouth. Even if it comes to that, and you want the surgery try any way you can to make your parents understand that living with gynecomasia is not on option, or at least a horribly unfair one. My son this is a very expensive process, I suggest you may want to start rolling the ball ASAP. it could take years to convince them

 I've, admittedly wrong I think, have harbored hateful intentions towards my parents over their ignorance to realize their son had an abnormal condition and had to suffer alone. Neither of them wondered or cared once "why does my son have abnormally protruding female like breasts that stick out half a foot past his stomach?" Why does my son stay in his room every summmer? why hasnt he had any friends over in the last 5-6 years?" I was like 18 years old and my mom flat out asked me if I actually liked girls, seeing as how she's never seen me with one. I stopped going to visit my extended family years ago for a combination of demented reasons starting with not wanting to be mr booby walking around, and since ive been girless all this time Im worried that they might start wondering if im gay (its not true obviously), and for me there was no reason to allow my extended family to get accustomed to me when I knew I was probably just going to blow my brains into the wind eventually. I wouldnt want all them at my funeral anyway. I didnt feel those things besides the depression and social phobia when I was 15 but by 17 my depression was out of control, by about 19 when missed out on it all and I realized life was still sh-t I was full blown suicidal.

Last year or so I saw one of my cousins (12 yrs old) he had a girlfriend I knew as I overheard a conversation with my mom. I was visiting my relatives and was trying to act cool being the big older cousin with a cap on and trying to act older and tough and cool ( older by I'd say 6 years to all like 13 little cousings) and the little snot nose came up to me and said "hehe is it true you've never had a girlfriend?" rubbing it in my face with a sick grin" What the hell could I say? ( I guess he heard in on a phone conversation or my aunt has a big mouth)

I think my face turned white, my blood was about 36 degree's, I dropped expression and shrunk about 10 feet. I was ridiculously emasculated by my snotfaced 12 year old cousin, last time I saw his immature ass he was still running around with sh-- in his pants and now the kids rubbing his sex life in my face.

I see a lot of guys in these forums who do have girlfriends and sex lives so it didnt stop them, maybe it wont stop you but either case you better let it not. If u still feel this way I wouldnt get the surgery any later then 17. At least get some good highschool memories in because thats the sh-t that will eat at you the rest of your life.

I dont want you to have my life. But if you do decide to live with it, you must not let it hold you will regret it forever.

Offline IHELP

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Wow dude that was really touching.... I understand your point... Im not going to let gyno ruin my life but i know its expensive and even if everyone in my family agreed to let me do surgery they still will have doubts since im still only almost 16. I wont let my life be ruined even if i do surgery wen im 18 but i feel 15 is to early. Until then im gonna weight lift and bulk up so im not totally depressed. THx for your thoughts dude sry you had to live like that.


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