Author Topic: Blood work and surgery questions  (Read 2463 times)

Offline EyesWideOpen

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I have been overweight most of my life. A few times I have lost most of the weight but always ended up putting it back on due to fact that I still felt so bad about myself due to lose skin and major gynecomastia. All the prior times I always thought that I was just doing something wrong, but now after doing research and due to wonderful sites like this one I know that I am not fully to blame. When I was around 12 years old I had to go to the doctor for hormone replacement therapy. This required several shots over a number of months and a night spent at a hospital. This was due to a "borderline low testosterone level" as I recall. I am not sure if the doctor said I was all better after the treatments, if my levels were then normal or what due to the fact that I am now 30 and at the time that I was seeing the doctor my parents were handling everything. I had always thought that they were just giving me a jump start because I was a "late bloomer" and never realized that it could have been a ongoing condition that has been causing me problems most of my life. Now I see that a number of the problems I have may very well be related to this (hand tremors, dyslexia, lower activity levels, concentrating problems, ADHD, trouble sleeping, extra soft skin, little muscle strength). With the great hope that some of these problems could be fixed I am planning to have blood work done. I currently do not have insurence, can this kind of lab work be done by any doctor as long as I know what I am looking for or do I need to see a specialist. For that matter can a plastic surgen send the blood off? Since I have lost a large amount of the weight and am getting close to my goal again I would really like to have surgery done for the gynecomastia and possibly the upper arms where I have loose skin hanging down. I am afraid that lipo alone will not be enough due to how everything is hanging. I have been watching the platstic surgery show on DHC every weekend and saw once that a doctor corrected both of those problems at once by cutting skin out around the armpit and pulling the skin from the arm down and from the chest back. Does anyone know if this is commonly done, or something possibly only that one doctor does? I will still need to go back and have a lower body lift but that will be a few months down the line after I lose more weight. I really feel that I need my chest and upper arms done soon though. I have worked really hard to go from 360 to 240 just to still hate the way I look in the mirror. Thank you to everyone in advance for your responces and help.

Offline nukem2k5

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Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline Paa_Paw

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Find a post from a guy called Hypo.  Click on his name,  Then click on send a personal message.

No one here knows as much as He regarding hypogonadism.

He will likely recommend that you see an Endocrinologist.  It might be expensive, but it would be the best use of your time and money at this point.

Any thought of surgery should wait until your physical condition has stabilized.

It is not unheard of for the producers of those programs to underwrite the cost of surgery.  Just a thought.

Good Luck.  
Grandpa Dan


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