Author Topic: Klinefelter's Syndrome and Gynecomastia  (Read 5883 times)

Offline HoorayHoorayHooray

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Hi, just a question to any doctor that is knowledgeable in the least bit of Klinefelter's Syndrome and Gynecomastia.

I was wondering whether ridding myself of Gynecomastia through surgery would be a good idea because I get paranoid that KS could make the breast tissue grow back or something. How do I know whether or not the Gyne could be recurring even after I get rid of it?

I guess what I want to hear is that KS wouldn't make the breast tissue come back, but more important I want to know the truth. Whether it is recurring or not, would I have to take medications to prevent it from growing again or what?


  • Guest
Hi, just a question to any doctor that is knowledgeable in the least bit of Klinefelter's Syndrome and Gynecomastia.

I was wondering whether ridding myself of Gynecomastia through surgery would be a good idea because I get paranoid that KS could make the breast tissue grow back or something. How do I know whether or not the Gyne could be recurring even after I get rid of it?

I guess what I want to hear is that KS wouldn't make the breast tissue come back, but more important I want to know the truth. Whether it is recurring or not, would I have to take medications to prevent it from growing again or what?

Gynecomastia is one of many symptoms of Klinefelter's Syndrome

Not all Klinefelter's Syndrome patients have gynecomastia.

I have worked with many Klinefelter's Syndrome Patients with Gynecomastia.  Here is another Klinefelter patient with gynecomastia.

For a Klinefelter's Syndrome patient with breasts that are still growing, surgery will not stop further breast growth.  Having a testosterone imbalance stabilized first is usually a better option. 

It is very rare for my patients to have breast regrowth.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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