Author Topic: Klinefelter Syndrome  (Read 13453 times)

Offline bassplayer

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ok well i was reading for causes of gyne and came across this. I am really paraniod now cuz i have some of the stuff they described. Im 16 would my parrents or i have known by now?

Offline Blitz

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You came across what?  

Offline bassplayer

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Klinefelter Syndrome on the main site it causes gyne

Offline gynosucks1

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go to a doctor

if ur balls are shrunk

ur fat distribution is more chic, than guy.

and u have boobs, chances are u have it.

Offline bassplayer

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where do chics store fat

Offline Paa_Paw

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The typical female fat distribution is Hips, Buttocks, Thighs, lower abdomen and Breasts.

The typical male has fat deposits more in the upper abdomen, breast (surprise), and around the chest and shoulders.

If either gender becomes grossly obese the distinction becomes less aparent as fat becomes more generalized.

One old but true joke is that a few extra pounds can be very cruel to us.  The man loses the definition of his waist and has trouble keeping his pants up while the woman puts weight on her hips buttocks and thighs and has difficulty keeping her skirt down.

For the man a paunch above the belt is common whereas for a woman the equivalent fat deposit would be below the waist.  

These are generalizations, hopefully I have answered your question.

Any man who has Gynecoid Obesity or Female Fat Distribution should see a Doctor and get their hormone levels checked.

Grandpa Dan

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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yes, point well noted dan. however, don't freak out the kid. yes, if you have female-esque fat distribution, then yeah, you could have some hormonal abnormalities, however it may not be for sure.

moreover, one way of knowing for sure if you have Klinefelter Syndrome is by simply examining your testicals.. if they are tiny, then chances are you have it. but if they are normal, then there is no chance that you got kline.. because one distinguishing character, common for all variants of klinefelter syndrome is tiny testicals. normal testicals would mean that they have a longitudunal length of 4.5-5.1 cm.

you might want to check this out:


It's not just about his looks. Being pot-bellied or plain skinny can affect your man's health.

WHEN it comes to his bum, you're far more likely to catch your man scratching it than worrying whether it looks fat in his Levi's.

While more and more women are becoming obsessed with the shape of their bodies, men could generally be accused of the opposite. Which may help to explain why male obesity is on the rise.

Over the past 15 years the number of overweight men has increased by 15 per cent in the UK. Forty-one per cent of men are now overweight and 25 per cent are clinically obese, while 60 per cent of adult men take no exercise at all - unless you count lifting pints.

But while Homer Simpson may be his role model, your other half's shape could be storing up all kinds of health problems for the future.

Whether he's an apple, a pear, a string bean or a carrot, the shape of his body can have consequences for his future health and is also a big factor in what he should eat and what exercise he should do.

Read our guide to the four most common man shapes and find out what each one needs to do to protect his health - and his waistline...

THE APPLE Celebrity apples

Robbie Williams, left, and actor Jack Nicholson

Shape APPLES are normal-sized guys, with slim limbs and bums, but big, round stomachs - the beer gut is a perfect example. They have a waist that's bigger than their hips, are usually of average height and probably had a slim, healthy body in their teens and early 20s. Apples tend to be endomorphs - stocky with a tendency to gain weight.

Health risks A 38ins-plus waist is risky for a bloke - men who carry too much fat on their stomachs may be at risk of developing heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gallstones and diabetes.What should he eat?

"When men put weight on they have a tendency to carry it on their bellies," says Alyson Greenhalgh-Ball, head of nutrition for Kellogg's.

"Apples should make small changes which can lead to big benefits, such as swapping crisps for fruit and remembering to 'supersize' portions of veg. Also, he needs to watch his beer intake."

How should he exercise? "Apples need a complete body work-out - core, upper body and legs - because they can put weight on all over," says Alan Pearson, MD of SAQ International, a company that devises training programmes for top athletes. "He needs to do cardiovascular work. Swimming is ideal - a great fat-burning exercise."


Celebrity pears: Former Westlife singer Bryan McFadden, left, and Boy George.

Shape Pear-shaped men have relatively normal torsos but when they gain weight, it tends to cling to their thighs and hips - think of a well-rounded builder's bum packed into a tight pair of jeans. Pears are usually of average height or less. Like apple, pears are also endomorphs.

Health risks They don't have as high a risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and hypertension as apples, but the excess weight carried below the waistline may contribute to varicose veins and orthopaedic problems.

What should he eat?

"The key to a healthy diet for pears is to eat regular, balanced meals, including breakfast," says Alyson. "He needs to watch his snacking - fruit, a yoghurt or even an evening bowl of cereal is much better than crisps or biscuits. He also needs to remember to drink lots of water, which will help control his appetite."

How should he exercise? "A pear is actually quite a healthy shape," says Alan. "The best exercise is walking, changing the pace from slow to fast every so often. This increases the heart rate without working flat-out. Pear shapes also need upper body work - he could try desk-dips, which work the back, arms and shoulders. Stand facing away from a table, place both hands on the edge, and dip up and down, repeating three lots of 10 dips. Golf is the ideal sport, providing lots of walking, core body flexibility and a good upper body work-out."


Celebrity carrots: Swimmer Ian Thorpe and Pop Idol Will Young, left

Shape Carrots have the typical triangular body builder shape - wide shoulders and backs, tapering to relatively narrow waists and hips. But without the right diet and exercise habits, these athletic carrots can quickly turn into rounded turnips.

Health risks If he's carrying excess weight on his upper body, this can lead to a fatty build-up around organs such as his heart and liver.

Also, the carrot's natural athleticism can mean he's tempted to over-train to build his muscles. If he doesn't rest properly he can over-strain his muscles and joints, leading to injuries.

What should he eat?

"Carrots should watch their fat intake," says Alyson, "and eat small meals five or six times a day to keep the metabolism going. But they should avoid fatty snacks and stick to dried fruit, wholegrain toast or vegetable sticks."

How should he exercise? "Carrots need to do a lot of lower body work to balance their shapes," says Alan. "They're also suited to resistance exercises such as squats and wall press-ups. Sports that suit the carrot include ones that give the whole body a really good work, like boxing and martial arts."


Celebrity string beans: TV presenter Vernon Kay, left, and actor Rupert Everett

Shape String beans are usually tall - over 6ft - and tend to be very thin. Folded up in the bath, string beans can resemble a collapsible scooter. They have fast metabolisms often matched by huge appetites.

Health risks If his Body Mass Index (BMI) is 19 or lower, he's considered to have an unhealthy low weight with a higher risk of anaemia, potential nutrient deficiencies, heart irregularities and an increased risk of osteoporosis in later life.

Tall men are also more vulnerable to prostate cancer in their 50s. To calculate his BMI, go to

What should he eat?

To build up muscle he needs complex carbohydrates - pasta, potatoes, cereals - and some extra protein such as semi-skimmed milk, yoghurts, meat and fish. However, as he gets older, he can easily gain weight on his stomach and turn into an apple.

How should he exercise? "A lot of thin people have a good cardiovascular system," says Alan Pearson. "But core work is important as many tall, thin guys don't have good core stability.

"Sports such as basketball, netball, football - any that involve short, sharp bursts of activity and co-ordination - are perfect."


hence, just because a guy has fat accumulated on his hips/flanks (aka love handles) and lower abdomen does not necesarilly mean that he is going through some hormonal instability. the type of fat deposit is merely ONE of the characteristics that is indicative of hormonal abnormalities; however you cannot base the validity of the assumption that a man is hormonally instable simply by looking at his fat deposits. that my friend, is merely predestined by your bodytype.. something that you cannot change.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2005, 06:03:55 AM by c3ntralp3rk »


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ok well i was reading for causes of gyne and came across this. I am really paraniod now cuz i have some of the stuff they described. Im 16 would my parrents or i have known by now?

Klinefelter Syndrome has many possible symptoms, many occur without having Klinefelter Syndrome.

I have just added a major resource about Klinefelter's Syndrome Defined on my site.  There you can see pictures of patients with XXY and XXXY body fat patterns.  

All men with Klinefelter's do not necessarily have gynecomastia.  Here is one such Klinefelter male without enlarged male breasts

Some men with Klinefelter's Syndrome and gynecomastia are happy with their breasts.

Testicle size is important in the diagnosis, but not the only factor.  Such issues are best brought to the attention of your doctor.  However, not all doctors do a good job in diagnosing Klinefelter's Syndrome and sometimes you need to get to someone who is aware of the problem.  I just presented at a national meeting about Klinefelter's Syndrome and there I recorded quite a few patients who were missed by years of doctors' examinations.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline nicktheory

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Is there such a thing as a Klienfelter Syndrome mosaic?


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Is there such a thing as a Klienfelter Syndrome mosaic?

Yes, all of the cells of the body do not have to contain the same genetic code.  For someone with mosaic genes, there can be a combination. There are many different kinds of mosiac patters.  47-XXY and 46-XY is one possibility, 47-XXY - 48-XXYY is another.  Mosiac genes can express themselves in different ways.

Here is one post from here:;action=display;num=1126837297;start=6#6

I have just added pictures before and after surgery for another Klinefelter's Syndrome teenager here.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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