Author Topic: 6 Weeks Post-Op Pics - Feedback Appreciated  (Read 4972 times)

Offline hi_desert_brat

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Hi all,

I have finally gotten around to posting my 6 week post op pics.  I would appreciate some objective and honest feedback about the results.  I am not sure what I think quite yet.  On the one hand, I think there is improvement, but yet I am not sure if it is enough.  Maybe I am not giving it enough time.  Also, to be fair, I am about 30 lbs over my ideal weight. Maybe my appearance matches perfectly normal with my current weight, and if I could drop those pounds, I'd be set.  Any how, please let me know what you think.  Thanks!

Offline doddy

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I can genuinely say that your results look great. Your chest isn't 100% flat, but it shouldn't be. They are now correctly in proportion for a guy of your size, what were previously curves are now a much more manly shape, and you look totally normal now, IMO. Congrats.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 07:02:55 AM by doddy »

Offline Spleen

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I think if you hit the gym and change your diet you'll be where you want to be.  A doc can't put a skinny guys chest on a chuby guy, no offense.  Do your part and you've got it made.

Offline Pferdestärken

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That looks fine to me, I'll be pleased if mine settles down to that. You have some excess baggage to lose as you say, and provided the doc made a good job of removing the gland there's every chance you can finish the job you've started!

I'm going to be starting gym work just as soon as I can, and I'm already trying to eat better - I have about 30lbs to lose as well. I'm inspired by the changes I've seen already since my op, and I'm determined to get in my best shape ever over the next few months. Nothing to stop me now - and there's nothing to stop you either, except yourself!
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline wolfman

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u are only 6 weeks post op and i think u look fine now but in a couple of months u will look even better. congrat to a good result

           Bye Henrik ;)
i finally feel like im a man

Offline hi_desert_brat

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Thanks for all the opinions expressed so far.  The vast majority feels that the doctor did a good job with me, so that's very reassuring.  I realize that I can't have the "perfect chest" with my current weight as it is.  

Here's a brief history of my weight...  About 2 years ago, I topped the scales at 240 lbs, and I am only 5'7".  I've historically had weight problems. Even with the weight, I knew that my chest still didn't fit with my body.   I finally made up my mind to lose some weight and get fit before going to see a doctor.  So I went on a low carb diet (the only one in which I didn't feel hungry and that seemed to work) and lost 50 lbs, bringing my weight down to 190 lbs, where it remains today.  Also during that time, I was going to the gym 4-5 days week, doing both cardio and lifting weights.  Though I am much more active and stronger now, I cannnot seem to drop those remaining pounds  :'(  For as much as I do at the gym and how careful I am about eating, you'd think I'd have a better body.  It really seems like my body wants to be fat.  Someone suggested that I go to my doctor and get my thyroid checked because perhaps my metabolism is out of whack.  I will check that out.  I am definitely open to suggestions.  Thanks!

Offline STILLgotIT

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Your results look great. The doc did a perfect job, IMO.


Offline pecho_grande

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Just saw your pics and I have to say that I DO see considerable improvement.  Keep in mind that the second set of pics were taken 6 weeks post-op, so you have a bit more healing to do.  It appears that your surgeon took the right amount of gland and/or fat out based on your current weight.  If he/she had taken any more, I don't think the results would look natural.  If you can lose those remaining pounds and work out your chest, I think you will achieve great results.  In my opinion, I think your surgeon did a very good job.  Who was he and what city is he based in?  Best of luck to you.


Offline jc71

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it does look better but I think he could have taken more out.  then again, he was probably matching it to your current weight. sure it's not just swollen?  give it more time and loose some more weight.  hopefully you can avoid revision surgery.

Offline doddy

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Revision?! I don't know if I'm just seeing things, but I really can't imagine why he'd even be considering the R-word. No he's not perfectly flat - but he shouldn't be.

Offline jc71

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Doesn't have to be perfectly flat, only a little flatter than he is now and based on what he's said, I think he suspects that.  

After consistent diet and exercise, we'll see what happens.  Chances are, since you don't loose much gyne fat and/or gland with diet and exercise, it probably won't work.  I hope i'm wrong.

His chest looks fine for this weight.  If he looses weight (he said he's 30 pounds above his ideal weight) in every area other than his chest, he'll once again be in an old familiar position.  

If he wants his chest to be proportionate (not perfect)with the rest of his body (assuming he looses more weight) yes, revision surgery may be something to consider.  

He hit it right on when he said, "maybe my appearance matches perfectly normal with my current weight.''

Now there's health reasons why it's ideal to be in shape prior to surgery. This is an example of a cosmetic reason why it pays to be around your ideal weight before surgery.


                    Oh yeah.........praise the lord. :-X
« Last Edit: June 20, 2005, 01:04:25 PM by jc71 »

Offline hi_desert_brat

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I wanted to thank you all for your honest opinions about my before/after pics.  It is extremely difficult to be objective about oneself.  A good friend of mine put it like this to me..."If you saw someone that looked exactly like you (post surgery) at the beach shirtless, would you think they had gyne?"  My answer to that would be probably not.  I would just think he/I had some pounds to lose.  It certainly would have been easier to judge my results if I had been at my ideal weight at the time of surgery.  Hopefully when, not if, I lose some weight, my chest will still be in proportion to the rest of me.  For those that asked, my doctor performed a lipo/excision procedure on me.    


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