Author Topic: how to tell friends about surgery  (Read 7994 times)

Offline postiey

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thnk ur right there thetodd im keepin mine quiet.

although ive tried to book a week off work but they wont let me have it off so i was thinking of just phonin in sick from the day of the op and then getting a drs note.

will the dr put on the sick note exactly what was wrong or can u ask to keep it private, i dont know how im going to go about this with work. any suggestions would be great.

i was thinking of phonin in and sayin ive cracked a rib but what happens if it says different on the drs note?

Offline thetodd

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Just keep it safe and say youre having a wisdom tooth removed. Standard time off from work if 3-6 weeks and no-one asks any questions

Doc will just put recovery after surgery, so it will look fine. Karidis will write you one up but if anyone googles his name or Lloretto clinic it will be obvious so try your own doc and explain the situation any decent doctor will do it for you
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline postiey

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good thinking i think i will do that then! sounds like a plan as im off to see my dr soon, so i can ask him then. cheers again thetodd

just dont want anymore worries than getting the surgery done. i dont have a to big case so im hopin ill recover quick.

Offline TXdude

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Despite having a great family and supportive friends, to prevent any more attention to myself and my G...I did not tell a single family or friend about my surgery. I did tell a 'white' lie about injuring myself on a bike accident and needed to have a compression vest to manage swelling, so to explain my binder and lifting restrictions! I haven't had any questions thus far.
I hired a nurse aid to drive me to a hotel after surgery where I stayed for the following weekend. The nurse aid just stayed a few hours to get me tucked in post surgery.
I never intend on telling anyone...ever! I've been mortified all my life about it, and I never want any attention, questions, or comments referring to my G or a surgery. I consider this a very personal and private surgery for my life, and other than this forum, I've never told anyone. I did it completely alone! I wouldn't have it any other way!
BTW: I love my results! I am very satisfied. When I get some pics together I will post them! I feel a new sense of freedom! Surgery was the best thing I ever did...worth every penny!!

Offline Anon12345

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wow. Im totally different. Ive told alot of friends and family. Girlfriend is by my bedside. Shes just gone to get some food lol. Yes i have literally just had the surgery and am pposting from my tel


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