Author Topic: new and better pics!!! feedback please  (Read 4867 times)

Offline ivanvaldez79

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i still hope and wanna convince my self that is fat that i carry and not gland!! if it is i am considering surgery but i was told that i just might need lipo only, and I thinking of financing my surgery...has anybody here financed there surgery if so how much do u guys pay monthly? well just let me know wat u guys think!

p.s: if u click on the picture u can see a bigger size

Offline Violating

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well what i can tell u , is that it is G.

but checkup with ur PS to make sure theres some gland there.

Offline ddh

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Basic question. Do you have female-like breasts? I'd say yes.

Are they caused by being overweight? I'd say no. You looks like you just tend to carry fat in your chest and may have larger than normal glands for a male. I've always been slim but always carried excess fat on my chest.

How can you change the contour and size of your chest? I'd say only via plastic surgery, since you don't look overweight. I don't think you'll have any success trying to change your chest via just exercise.

Don't worry about gland vs fat. That is something only your plastic surgeon can evaluate. Find a PS that does a lot of gyne surgeries. A lot of docs will give it a try without much experience under their belts. PS is an art and a skill, you want a PS that has both.

Best of luck!

Offline ivanvaldez79

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do u think i would need just an incision or will just lipo do it?

Offline ddh

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You might get difference answers to that question from different surgeons, just as you'll probably get different answers from guys on this forum.

Don't try to out-guess the expertise of plastic surgeons. Just pick a plastic surgeon who routinely does gyne surgeries. Be sure to review the pics he or she has of past surgeries. (Most docs include an opportunity to see results pics as part of first meeting with you.) Do you see before pics of guys who look similar to you? Do you like their results?

You don't want to have surgery and then be unhappy with the result because you limited yourself to a certain procedure.

Offline ivanvaldez79

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have u gotten surgery ur self DDH?

Offline Whiff

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I agree with ddh what does it matter whether its fat or gland. If it bothers you get it sorted and from the looks of it exercise wont do it. I had enormous amounts of fat removed and some breast tissue but it never really bothered me what was causing it I just wanted to be able to go swimming with my boy without feeling self conscious and buy a nice light colored shirt without doing a Barbara Windsor impression when I stretched. Its not an easy decision, its dear and you shouldn't take it lightly but you look young and the condition doesn't improve with age. I wasted some 20+ summers walking about with a hunch in inappropriate clothing  wish I'd done it years ago.

good luck mate whatever you decide!

Offline thetodd

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You'l definatley need excision dont go with a surgeon that says otherwise, and go to one with a decent rep from this board
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline xoxoxoxo

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can you still hide it under a plain t-shirt? that's quite big,

Offline ddh

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You asked whether I had the surgery myself.

Yes, I had my surgery in Feb 2010. My surgeon only cut one incision on each side of my chest. He did not cut incisions around the nipples. My surgery was mostly lipo. I've never really had puffy or large nipples. I just carried a lot of fat on my chest, no matter how slim I was. When I was younger, my chest looked a lot like yours. 

Offline ivanvaldez79

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and how much was the cost of ur surgery if u dont mind me asking DDH?

Offline Dr. Cruise

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  • Dr. Cruise
What you present appears like classic gynecomastia.  Liposuction alone is unlikely to provide you with the results you are looking for. If you are considering financing your procedure, you may want to look into Care Credit.  They work with over 100,000 different providers and are accepted nationwide.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 02:11:16 PM by Dr. Cruise »
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
Types of Gynecomastia

Offline ddh

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My surgery, in Feb 2010, cost about $4900 US.


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