Author Topic: Marijuana after surgery! Help!  (Read 3961 times)

Offline samkilty

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Hi, thanks for reading. I had surgery 3 months ago, and the results aren't perfect but they work fine for me and are still changing. I have never smoked marijuana in my life, so it definitely wasn't a cause of my gynocomastia. I was wondering if i smoked once in a while (twice a month at the very most) in social situations, would it cause my gynocomastia to grow back? Thanks for helping!

Offline pokeweed

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Just wondering, if you've never smoked pot in your life, why start now? I'll let the docs answer the medical questions.

Offline discontented

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Afaik, marijuana use is not a major cause of gyne, it's unlikely to cause it, and lots of people don't even believe it even meaningfully contributes to gyne, either. I wouldn't worry too much.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Short of taking female hormones for an extended amount of time, I doubt that anything could be truly proven to cause Gynecomastia.

This does not let things like Marijuana off the hook entirely.

You can easily find lists of things that are commonly thought to contribute to Gynecomastia. Marijuana is on almost any list you find. This does not mean that the use of Marijuana has been proven to cause Gynecomastia, but it does mean that people who use Marijuana are more likely to have the condition than non-users.

Since we are at this site because we are susceptible to breast growth, we might look upon these lists as a list of things that we should avoid. In the case of an insusceptible individual, they do not have the same concerns.

Grandpa Dan

Offline jojo82

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Short of taking female hormones for an extended amount of time, I doubt that anything could be truly proven to cause Gynecomastia.

This does not let things like Marijuana off the hook entirely.

You can easily find lists of things that are commonly thought to contribute to Gynecomastia. Marijuana is on almost any list you find. This does not mean that the use of Marijuana has been proven to cause Gynecomastia, but it does mean that people who use Marijuana are more likely to have the condition than non-users.

Since we are at this site because we are susceptible to breast growth, we might look upon these lists as a list of things that we should avoid. In the case of an insusceptible individual, they do not have the same concerns.


There are many drugs which lower testosterone levels. THC is one of those drugs. It's entirely probable that extended/chronic use of marijuana could could cause gyne, especially in those who are predisposed to it. Chronic alcohol use can do the same thing (lower testosterone levels). Other drugs that are known to lower testosterone levels include finasteride (propecia/proscar). If you already have gyne or have had surgery, you want to stay away from those drugs since recurrence is always possibility.

Although, my research has found that the depressive effects that THC and alcohol have on testosterone levels is temporary, and testosterone levels are back to normal after the drugs are metabolized (24hrs max for alcohol). As for finasteride, the official line is that the effects on testosterone levels is temporary and recover after discontinuing use for a few weeks; but there has been some anecdotal evidence on the net and elsewhere that some people experience permanent changes to their testosterone levels, up to and including impotence.

Offline jojo82

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Afaik, marijuana use is not a major cause of gyne, it's unlikely to cause it, and lots of people don't even believe it even meaningfully contributes to gyne, either. I wouldn't worry too much.

Anything that alters tesosterone levels can have an effect on gyne, whether it's anabolic steroids or THC. If you're predisposed to low testosterone levels or gyne, then you need to stay away from it.

Offline nutella

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Marijuana has been associated with the development of gynecomastia in an early case series,1 but a case control study showed no association.34 Given the effects of marijuana on the HPG axis in males and the possibility that noncannabinoid components of marijuana smoke have affinity to the estrogen receptor, an association with gynecomastia is plausible but has not been convincingly demonstrated.


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