Author Topic: Gyne denied, please help  (Read 1610 times)

Offline vipulff

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I have visited two endo's regarding gynecomastia and he denied it. I don't feel any lumps under nipple , but area around nipple is soft and my nipples get puffy some times and remain completely normal sometimes. I have done all my hormone levels tested and everything came back normal. I am so confused if it is gyne or just fat. I took a mammogram and everything was normal , no gland at all except some adipose tissue(dark on mammogram above the pec muscle). Should I get a different opinion?

Offline morpheus11

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that doesn't look like gyne. It just looks like you're carrying extra fat. I'm willing to bet your bf is in the high teens, and that can definitely make it look like pseudogyne. Try cutting the carbs, and the calories, and start lifting weights. I'm doing a 5x5 strength program, and from my experience, so far it works really well.

So cut BF, not weight, and lift heavy.  If you're not lifting heavy, you're not gaining muscle.

Good luck.


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