Author Topic: Surgery booked with Karidis 8th Nov  (Read 14234 times)

Offline Swarley

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Cheers thetodd!

Good question. As you say, lots of healing still to do.
Would I recommend having the flanks lipo'd to others? I'm not sure - I guess it depends what people are looking for.

Trousers & jeans do fit a bit better, however there is still a grab-able love handle on each side.
At first I was quite dissappointed that Karidis hadn't taken more off. I took a while for me to realise that what Karidis has done is very subtle - he's ever so slightly re-shaped my flanks, rather than significantly reducing the size of them.

Probably the biggest downside so far of having the flanks done is the dent in my left hand side, which has a dark line in the middle of it.
It makes me nervous about taking my shirt off right now. If anyone sees it, they might know I've had surgery (no-one has asked about it, but if they do, I'm planning to say I was mountain biking and had a crash & scratched up my side)
The dent is healing well and I know will take ages to fully smooth out.

Overall, I'm not unhappy with what Karidis has done, but I think that loosing weight has done far more to change the way my hips look.
Surgery with Alex Karidis 8/11/11. Currently recovering.

Offline zm

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Hey Swarley,
very sorry to that you're not happy with the flanks but i'm sure this will settle in time.

How do you feel the op for the gyne has gone for you? only asking coz my surgery is less then 3 weeks away...

Offline Swarley

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Very happy with the results on my chest. Best of luck with your surgery!

As I said, I'm not unhappy with the results on my flanks - I'm just not sure it had much effect.

Offline Birmingham

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Very happy with the results on my chest. Best of luck with your surgery!

As I said, I'm not unhappy with the results on my flanks - I'm just not sure it had much effect.

To be honest you hardly had any fat on your flanks after your weight loss anyway, plus you're probably still in the swelling mode so it will improve over the months. I'm getting the exact same op as you and I have more fat back there so I think we might be able to tell better how much it helps with my pictures. Either way, overall your results are great.

Offline Swarley

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Hey guys,

Thought I'd give you a quick update. I'm just over 5 months post op now.

In the last 2 weeks, I've been getting a bit of swelling behind the nipples leading to a sore, tight feeling in my chest. Massage sorts it out, so I'm back to massaging twice a day now. Not sure what triggered the swelling - I'm guessing it's just another phase of healing. I have to keep reminding myself that it wasn't that long ago that I had surgery!

Flanks have been fine - still have a dark line where the dent was in my side, so I'm putting scar serum on that every night before bed, and it does seem to be slowly fading.

Other than that, things have been great. I got bored of waiting for summer, and felt the need to strut around with my shirt off a bit sooner. So last month I took some time off work and went to Thailand for a little holiday. Had a wicked time!

A few years ago, I would never have taken my shirt off in public - no matter how hot it was.
But this time, I couldn't wait to take my shirt off, and for the
first time in my life, girls were staring at me (in a good way) when I had my shirt off. A few even chatted me up!

Here's a pic of me in Thailand with my shirt off (with a bit of sunburn on my shoulder):

Offline thetodd

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Amazing transformation.

Thinking about it, its the best overweight -> ripped transformation ive seen, let alone in such a short amount of time. Id mark you as one of the best success stories ive seen on here.

That scar should fade with time, the serum will help but if its costing a bomb id just let it occur naturally.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline BullsEye

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Fantastic results, i agree with thetodd the best results i`ve seen so far.

Offline zm

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'kin 'ell the same person? that is some bloody amazing change....

Offline Swarley

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Cheers Guys.
Yeah it takes a bit of getting used to!
I pulled a swedish girl in thailand and she couldn't get enough of my body. I've never had a girl be that attracted to me before! ;D

@thetodd, the scar serum I use is the palmers cocoa butter scar serum. It cost about £5 on amazon, and I've only used half of it - so pretty cheap really.
Each night I just put a little dab on each of the incisions, and now a dollop about half the size of a pea which I rub into the line on my flank (then sleep with an old t-shirt on to avoid getting oily stains on my bed sheets).   

Offline chopper

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Damn Swarley, thats a result!! The extra weight loss has smashed it, i bet you were loving Thailand!!!


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