Author Topic: i am finally ready to book with karadis. help please  (Read 6690 times)

Offline sparta

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i have just got back from my consultation and all in all in went very well.

karidis seemed a very confident person which i guess is good for this type of thing. he said i was a mild to moderate case, but said he could get me flat. i actually only spoke to karidis himself for 5-10 minutes which was a bit surprising

i then met nicola who was very good and reassuring, and i am booked in for the 2nd week in may, only a few days after my ideal date so i cant complain too much on that score. i was offered a date towards the end of april but that was no good to me

i decided to just get the blood tests done there and then. it cost me £137 which is alot for blood tests but is one less thing to worry about. hopefully they will be ok

the price overall is just over £4200 after the consultation fee, blood tests etc, which i was told had to be paid a couple of weeks before, so now all i have to do is save the bit extra up i need by then

on another note, i currently have a £500 overdraft at my bank. just incase things get a bit tight money wise, do you think the bank would give me an extra £500 overdraft?


Offline Bikkembergs

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Congratulations Sparta.

Depends what kind of account it is I'd say. They might, but I think it's likely they won't.

Start counting down the days  :)

Offline sparta

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Congratulations Sparta.

Depends what kind of account it is I'd say. They might, but I think it's likely they won't.

Start counting down the days  :)

thanks bikkembergs

i am glad to say my bank did agree to the extra £500 on my overdraft. so only a few more hundred pounds to save up, which i should be able to do in the next couple of months, so i will be looking to fully pay it all by the beginning of april

how did you and other people go about signing the requested forms to fill in? the karidis team emailed me all the usual stuff and told me i had to sign and send back the cancelation forms as soon as possible. this may sound stupid but how do you give your signature over an email? i have ended up printing them off and signing them and sending them back that way, which i was told was fine

also, on of the forms i was sent through email, again it states that it is imperative that there is someone to collect you and be with you for the first 24 hours(though this was not brought up and mentioned at my consultation). i am still worried that if i dont give a name and number(like you have to do on the NHS when having an anaesthetic)beforehand that they wont go through with the operation

Offline Bikkembergs

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Oh that's good then, nice one. I did my forms at my office. Printed them, signed them, scanned them and emailed them. 2 minute job.

You don't need anyone there. They say it's imperative not a legal obligation. It's probably only imperative because they don't want woozy people toppling down the stairs and having to deal with it. You can leave when you like though, so you'll have hours to recover and walking around is ok but I got a taxi when I left. What is your plan? Going to stay or leave same day etc? If you're going alone theres no way you should leave on the same day.

Honestly though, you should tell someone. I told my sister and my mum afterwards. I really regretted it the night before the op because I felt pretty lonely with this looming over me.

Offline Birmingham

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Oh that's good then, nice one. I did my forms at my office. Printed them, signed them, scanned them and emailed them. 2 minute job.

You don't need anyone there. They say it's imperative not a legal obligation. It's probably only imperative because they don't want woozy people toppling down the stairs and having to deal with it. You can leave when you like though, so you'll have hours to recover and walking around is ok but I got a taxi when I left. What is your plan? Going to stay or leave same day etc? If you're going alone theres no way you should leave on the same day.

Honestly though, you should tell someone. I told my sister and my mum afterwards. I really regretted it the night before the op because I felt pretty lonely with this looming over me.

Did you stay overnight at the hospital? I'm travelling alone and plan to leave on the same day, though I'll catch a taxi from the hospital to Euston and be home after 2 hours of op.

Offline Bikkembergs

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No, I stayed in a hotel in Camden about a 20-30 minute walk away. I walked to the hospital in the morning and got a taxi back, then walked to St.John's Wood station in the morning.

I don't think that's a great idea. Birmingham is a long enough journey and involves the tube too. Will people will be at home with you (to look after you)? As you're going alone it doesn't sound like it. You have no idea how you're going to feel. I had another general anaesthetic in 2009 before and felt tip top straight away, but this time I woke at 11 and felt so drowsy until about 3. Then spent 2 hours drinking water, eating and generally waking up. Then just after 5 she went to take my drain out of my arm, tiniest it of blood and...I fainted. Back on the bed, oxygen and all sorts. Didn't leave, still feeling fragile, until about 7:30 - 8. No way I could've major travelling, even with family.

I hate to sound like an old woman, it's your call, I just wouldn't have wanted to travel home alone on trains on the same day, even if I felt ok by midday.

Offline sparta

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Oh that's good then, nice one. I did my forms at my office. Printed them, signed them, scanned them and emailed them. 2 minute job.

You don't need anyone there. They say it's imperative not a legal obligation. It's probably only imperative because they don't want woozy people toppling down the stairs and having to deal with it. You can leave when you like though, so you'll have hours to recover and walking around is ok but I got a taxi when I left. What is your plan? Going to stay or leave same day etc? If you're going alone theres no way you should leave on the same day.

Honestly though, you should tell someone. I told my sister and my mum afterwards. I really regretted it the night before the op because I felt pretty lonely with this looming over me.

i dont have to get there until 9am in the morning, which i am happy with because i can get an early train and not have to stay in a hotel the night before. i was planning on coming home that same day. i was going to get a taxi to st pancras and then get the train home, which takes just over an hour

i got circumcised last summer and i think i could have done that journey a few hours after my anaesthetic on that occasion which is why that is what i planned. i am now thinking of getting a hotel for the night, i will have a think about it

how much was the campden hotel you stayed at for one night?

Offline Bikkembergs

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£55 per night and I stayed the night before and night after. It was some sort of offer though, in the lobby it said £90. That part of London is pretty dear.

Offline Birmingham

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No, I stayed in a hotel in Camden about a 20-30 minute walk away. I walked to the hospital in the morning and got a taxi back, then walked to St.John's Wood station in the morning.

I don't think that's a great idea. Birmingham is a long enough journey and involves the tube too. Will people will be at home with you (to look after you)? As you're going alone it doesn't sound like it. You have no idea how you're going to feel. I had another general anaesthetic in 2009 before and felt tip top straight away, but this time I woke at 11 and felt so drowsy until about 3. Then spent 2 hours drinking water, eating and generally waking up. Then just after 5 she went to take my drain out of my arm, tiniest it of blood and...I fainted. Back on the bed, oxygen and all sorts. Didn't leave, still feeling fragile, until about 7:30 - 8. No way I could've major travelling, even with family.

I hate to sound like an old woman, it's your call, I just wouldn't have wanted to travel home alone on trains on the same day, even if I felt ok by midday.

Well, if I don't feel well I could go to a friends house in London which is an hour from the hospital and stay there for even a week but I thought people had travelled longer straight after the op so presumed it'll be okay. Hopefully I feel okay to travel afterwards but if I don't I won't go straight back to Birmingham and go to my friend's instead.

Offline thetodd

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You should be ok getting a taxi to euston, try and get a first class ticket for going home. The hospital say you need someone to chaperone to cover their own arse most lads here go it alone (its obviously better to have someone with you though)

Doesnt your bank charge you for being in your overdraft? Can be pretty costly with some banks
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline sparta

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You should be ok getting a taxi to euston, try and get a first class ticket for going home. The hospital say you need someone to chaperone to cover their own arse most lads here go it alone (its obviously better to have someone with you though)

Doesnt your bank charge you for being in your overdraft? Can be pretty costly with some banks

i have not been charged for a while now because of my overdraft. i think if you have quite a bit of money in there(like i have whilst saving up) they dont charge. if the majority of money you have in there is the actual overdraft then my bank charges about £5 a month

for people who got their blood tests done in private with karidis, how long did they wait for the results? it has been 9 days now and i have heard nothing

Offline zm

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Spart, might be just worth giving his office a call to see if the results our back.  If my GPs can have results within 4 days, i don't see why they can't.

Offline Bikkembergs

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I'm not sure they're going to tell you anything...? Unless you specifically asked to be phoned, I think it's more a case of no news is good news. I did mine very last minute and only found out they were ok because I rung to confirm they'd received them from my doctor and once she confirmed it, I asked if it was all ok and it was a simple yes. These blood tests are very basic and cost the NHS a pittance to perform. I actually know this because the phlebotomist at my hospital laughed when I quoted £130 and quoted me the NHS price list.

I wouldn't worry. If there was a problem, you'd be the first to know.

Offline thetodd

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If there was a problem, you would know about it they'd be canceling your slot and getting someone else in place.

Its very rare there is a problem with blood tests, i wouldnt worry just send them an email if your really worried.


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