Author Topic: Finally booked the surgery!  (Read 38600 times)

Offline Showtime620

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Almost, but not quite!!!  I'd still like to see the right nip crease disappear fully and I need to lose some lbs, but I'm getting there!!!!  Hopefully in another month I will have achieved my destination.  :-)

Offline greatlakes

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12 weeks is a good marker in the road. Wondering how much improvement we will all see by then.

Offline Showtime620

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I have confidence in us!

Offline Showtime620

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Hello gents~!  How's everybody doing!??!?!?!

I gotta be honest, I miss chatting on here with everybody!

Offline greatlakes

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Feel like an old timer - even though I am 9 weeks now. I am still awaiting more healing. I feel like I have gotten about 50% of the results I wanted, but more improvements can happen over the next few months... or so I am told from the doctors and guys here.

Back to full scale workouts now. Did get a few nice compliments on my appearance from some people (including a rather "sultry" one from a female) who have not seen me since before surgery. Did not tell any of them about surgery, so I suppose some results are showing?

Miss some of the guys who left after a few weeks after surgery, wish they would check in. They must be happy with results I guess or felt they got all they were going to get and moved on.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 08:35:37 PM by greatlakes »

Offline element_01

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hey dudes! long overdue update finally saw my doctor today for the first time after my op! He noticed that my nipples were still puffing out abit but told me not to worry and that its probably just scar tissue. He also told me to massage and showed me a technique. All in all he said things were looking pretty decent. He said that with time everything should smoothen out and that if it doesnt i could come back at the 6 month to a year mark and he could take another look. So all in all my chest aint perfect right now but fck it! its much better then before and i aint letting it ruin my summer! Happy healing guys!

Offline greatlakes

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He said that with time everything should smoothen out and that if it doesnt i could come back at the 6 month to a year mark and he could take another look.

More or less what mine said at 8 weeks. I seem him again around 16 weeks. I am around 11/12 weeks now. I have yet to achieve the reasonable results I wanted. I do look better (or less worse) so I am feeling better about my appearance but I not content or happy with results.  I am beginning to expect I may be looking at a revision at 6 months (in fall) which is when my doc said he would make a final decision. But we will see, I know there are folks who have continued to heal and get flatter up to several months after surgery, but I wonder if I can really get that much (like 30-40% better) improvement over the next 3  more months. Just keep working out and keep up the hope. I don't regret trying the surgery, or my doctor choice, just feel things have not gone well for a number of reasons.

Offline element_01

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hey great lakes like you said just keep your head up and continue to workout and get it off your mind at least its better then before right?. Im now at 4 months post op and im pretty sure im gonna need revision on my left side. Theres definitely some remaining breast tissue in there wich is why its still puffy. My right side on the other hand is pretty much near perfect just a little bit of scar tissue but it looks almost perfect. Regardless i went to the beach this weekend and had my shirt off all day and felt pretty comfortable. It sucks that i didnt get the result i expected but i could of never went without my shirt last summer. Just gotta wait a couple more months and im gonna go back to my surgeon and discuss what can be done.

Offline greatlakes

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Element01, Ditto - could have written what you did exactly - except it is my right side.

Workouts were going great till I blew out my back doing squats last week. On light workouts for another two weeks. Diet is so so these days need to focus on this more.

I have a followup in about two weeks with my doctor. At 8 weeks he was not happy with results either on my right. I am wondering how he will feel in the middle of July. He said he will make no final judgement on revisions until 6 months in September.

I am a bit worried the doctor and I might differ on final judgements and what if any deal he will offer to cleanup and revise. I have heard docs will waive or significantly reduce their fees for revisions, but this does not extend to the anesthesiologist.  I don't have much spare cash these days - having spent so much for the first procedure.

Offline element_01

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I just quit my diet after 2 months i couldn't handle the low carb intake anymore it was way too hard. But i did get really good results! Ill probably try again next month or something.Im honestly puzzled with my left side i still feel some tissue but the weird thing is the bottom of my nipple has a minor crater when i flex.Its hard to describe but i think thats why my nip is still  puffy almost like it has nothing to attach itself too and its just loose skin. When i feel the lower half of my nipple it feels really thin its weird. Like you im low on funds and i only paid for lipo, excision is fully covered out here in canada, hopefully revision is free or a reduced fee. Hopefully everything works out for us in the future! Who knows maybe in 2 or 3 months things will get better!

Offline greatlakes

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Well as we both agree - it is nice to not look so bad anymore - just not looking good yet. Anything can happen over the next weeks and months of healing.

Offline Showtime620

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HEY BOYS!!!!    Sounds like everyone is doing alright!!!!!

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Hi Showtime!

How have you been doing? I'm in week 4 of recovery.  :D

Offline Showtime620

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Doing alright, man!   Pretty happy with my results so far. Still waiting for some swelling behind the left nip, but getting there, I'm about 3.5 months out.   How is your chest shaping up after a month? Happy with your results to far??!?!

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Yes, I'm really pleased with the results!  ;D

It's amazing that when I look down I don't see the twin peaks anymore, LOL. I'm still a little sore around the nipples and they're still somewhat numb.

Other than that, I'm doing fine. I finally started working out again last week but I'm going very gingerly and easing back into it.


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