Good stuff, man. I admire your balls for telling her. I'm 11 days post-op and I've only told one person - that I had a cyst removed. I'm in a fairly serious relationship, too - about 2.5 years. Luckily, we don't live together, so it's easier to hide - BUT I do see her every day, which makes it challenging. When I had the surgery (on a Thursday), I told her and all of my friends and family that I was going to NYC for a conference. And just shut myself in my house until Sunday night, had the drains removed Monday morning. I'm wearing underarmor now instead of the vest, as per the Doc, which is completely unnoticeable and essentially nonevent, compared to the way a vest is. I still have been dropping little "my back hurts" lines just in case I do get called on it. We haven't had sex since March 22nd, the operation day, which has been weird, but I've just been finding ways to stay busy with her, ie. going to dinner, going on walks, etc. Sitting on the couch, bored, watching tv, almost ALWAYS leads to sex, in my experience, at least.
For being 11 days out, I feel good. I'm happy with the shape and the contour, so far - there are still A LOT of changes that will take place in the coming months and weeks so I'm doing my best not to be too critical, but so far - I am happy. When incisions are made along the nipple lines, you get sterile strips, almost like bandaid things taped across the cuts. I haven't seen the cuts/incisions yet as the steristrips have been on since the operation. I'm REALLY hoping that scars turn out to be unnoticeable. When standing staight at a mirror, things look good. The only issue I currently have right now is minor - when I flex, the right pec is a BIT concaved around the nipple area, but not bad at all. It's almost nit-picky. Being that I'm only 11 days out, I'm hoping that my body fills that in a bit, but even if it doesn't and my results today are final - I will be very happy - also assuming the nipples/nipples scars turn out ok. I've got my second follow up with my doc (Doctor
Dr. Lo in Philly) today at noon. Hoping that he thinks eveything looks good.
My case wasn't THAT bad, but it made ME feel uncomfortable. I never wore white t-shirts, never felt comfortable laying by a pool for fear that my nipples would 'soften' or turn 'puffy' and pointy. I've volleyed the idea of surgery back and forth for years, man. Since high school, at least. If my situation is similar to yours, I say go for it. Put the money together, find a surgeon who you trust and go for it. Jump in head first and get it done. I feel that I dabbled around the pool, just to put my toe in, just to put my feet in, just to get nervous and run away from the cold water. But not wanting to miss out on the true enjoyment of yet ANOTHER summer, I made the decision to 'jump in head first' literally about 6 weeks ago - and here I am WITHOUT TITTIES! I WISH I WOULD'VE DONE IT WHEN I WAS 23! If you need an extra kick in the ass, please feel free to message me or call me. Will letcha know what the doc says in a few hours. Good luck!